A More Sinister Brand of Collectivism
While we clearly see the Marxist roots of the Climate Change and New Green Deal rescue plans being presented, there is something much more sinister behind this movement. At least Mao and Stalin talked about rebuilding society, the climate change groups truly want to destroy. This is article is the first in a series comprised of supporting materials for our upcoming documentary “Rationed State”.

There are clear parallels to the New Green Deal and Great Reset ethos: rebuild, abandon, follow the Science, and destroy all the dissent by proclaiming climate deniers as dangerous to the very existence of the planet. Embracing solar panel farms in north climates where the sun becomes occluded for the winter seasons is proclaimed an advance in energy production and management, but we do not have a large enough ice scraper to clear all the miles of solar panels that will populate our countryside. There is never mention of the cost of adding variable rate energy to the existing electric grid, there is never mention of the vast number of acres that must be made available to install solar panels to make up for the closure of a coal, natural gas or nuclear power plant. There is never mention made of the amount of foliage and loss of arable land required to support the sheer square acreage needed for the alternative energy sources. That has a cost to the environment as well, but the Cult of Climate Change will not allow that discussion to be had. Interesting that when they refuse to hold a conversation they are never considered “deniers”.
Well, The Government has spoken. 900 acres of nice farmland in my area going under solar panels. The whole milk from our area is still illegal to serve in schools.
— NYFarmer (@NYFarmer) June 4, 2022
Dennis Meadows: Hopefully depopulating the planet from 8 billion to 1 billion can occur peacefully and equally
— Grant Taylor (@grantltaylor) May 10, 2022
(Club of Rome member and World Economic Forum contributor)
Dennis Meadows hopes this can be peacefully. Hopes. Doesn’t sound much like a plan. So while the Climate Change Cult chants about a bright and shiny future better than the Starship Enterprise, yet shout you down when you ask about how they have measured whether we will have the same output levels of electricity with less emissions and nascent technologies, remember that the architects of the Great Erasure have a darker view of population control and they don’t even mask their intent.