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Show Notes: Morning Mission – Transagenda

Morning Mission
the mighty humanzee
The Mighty Humanzee

The transgender movement specifically targets children when events are held with the costumes that resemble twisted Disney characters.  Why?


The Symbolism Is Clear

There are many examples where the transgender agenda is presented to us using religious analogies.  As Johnny rightfully points out, the flag configuration at the White House mirrors the Crucifixion.

America is in the position of the two thieves, one mocks and one who asks for forgiveness.

Religious analogies aside, note how the Rainbow flag separates and divides America.

The suicide rates among the transgender population is exceedingly high.


Biblical passages Johnny cited

First John 4:1

Ephesians 6:12

Genesis 1:27

Genesis 2:19

Genesis 1:21

Genesis 3:7


Genesis 3:11

Genesis 9:12

Luke 24:37

Matt 27:32

Romans 1:18

Disney characters?

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