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Show Notes: Morning Mission – Mother WEFers

Morning Mission
the mighty humanzee
By The Mighty Humanzee

World Economic Forum is using Michigan as ground zero for reducing auto manufacturing by 75%.  Clever propaganda we reviewed in Rationed State and Severed Conscience is deployed once again.

Michigan Is a Focal Point of Green Manufaturing

Look For Patterns

If you have seen our documentaries Rationed State and Severed Conscience, you know that we believe in using patterns as a first step in our analysis.  With respects to the Fourth Industrial Revolution that the World Economic Forum is leading in Michigan, there are patterns and analogies from both that are applicable to the Great Reset and the role it plays in loss of our liberty.

Here are articles from O and myself that highlight some of these patterns.  We’ll be exploring a Grand Unified Theory of Rationed State and Severed Conscience today.

Great Reset Wolves In Community Of Care Clothing

Danny Boy – You’ll Have No Healthcare and Love It

The Bait And Switch Of The China Miracle

Rationed State: Great Reset or Great Eraser?

False Dialectic Premise:  Climate Change Is Man Made, Things Are Getting Worse

Gretchen Whitmer World Economic Forum (WEF) Promises a New Future

We are thrilled to welcome the World Economic Forum’s United States Centre for Advanced Manufacturing to Michigan, where our century-long auto manufacturing heritage, innovative businesses, and hardworking people continue to drive the future of the mobility and electrification in the U.S. and around the world,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

The U.S. Centre for Advanced Manufacturing will engage the American manufacturing ecosystem to rapidly increase Industry 4.0 adoption through a series of local, state, national, and international advanced manufacturing research-based and pilot-acceleration projects.

So We All Get EVs?  No – We Get 75% Reduction In All Vehicles



Space allocation (e.g., space for cycling and micro-mobility, walkability, public and shared transport)

The roundtables facilitated public-private collaboration in support of local approaches to advancing different issues within sustainable mobility. Discussions centred on issues such as advancing shared mobility as a means to tackle car dependency (e.g., shared vehicles, public transport); improving connections between active mobility and public transport (e.g., footpaths and cycle lanes that connect to buses, metros, etc.); and accelerating the electrification of urban transport and charging infrastructure


The Fourth Industrial Revolution Features Michigan

Through the creation of a new Advanced Manufacturing Platform (AMP), hosted by Automation Alley – Michigan’s Industry 4.0 knowledge centre – and connected globally through the World Economic Forum, Michigan has the opportunity to position itself as the global leader for advanced manufacturing and ensure the state is prepared for the rapid innovations transforming its industries.

While numerous manufacturers in Michigan are already taking steps to adapt to the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s Innovations

Manufacturers need to evaluate their legacy systems and assess what needs to be done to integrate these systems and transition to the factories of the future. Only then can data analytics transform their production floors into smart factories. Deploying IIoT infrastructure can help modernize and connect legacy equipment

Another bait and switch, there are less jobs dues to super new robots.  Somehow these must be different than what industry uses today.

Cobots can offload the “dull, dirty, dangerous” tasks, improving productivity on the factory floor and attracting a younger generation to the manufacturing industry

But Renewable Energy Will Not Be Enough

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