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Show Notes: Summer Nights Radio – The Big Chair

Summer Nights Radio
Summer Nights Radio

Show Notes: The Big Chair

We are going back to 1983 and to the start of a revolution and to the genesis of what could have stopped Severed Conscience.

If You Missed the LIVE Stream, It's Right Below

The 1980s had very iconic culture that supported the views of achievement, hard work, success and had a good understanding subtle irony.  Quintin Tarantino claims it’s the most boring era in film, but not if you understand that sometimes less is more.

The Thing To Get To The Thing

Chaos Theory and Fractals Not Common Knowledge Yet

But Personal Computers Were About DISRUPTION

The goal was to build something much different than IBM, Big Corp and even Apple.  This disruption was to THINK for YOURSELF, build to make a difference.  The idea was to NOT accept what you were told was the standard, the norm, but to go and investigate for yourself.

Like Richard Feynman, who single-handedly discovered the cause of the 1987 Challenger Space Shuttle Explosion.

More on why I became this whack job on Rumble is in O’s interview of me.

After 30 years I stopped what doing what formed the basis of my identity.  In other words, the thing to get the thing was being used to make something else.  I stopped programming, something I came to love and something that helped me Run The Ball as I proved people wrong and RESISTED collective wisdom.

In a way I sensed Severed Conscience during COVID.  Last night at party I described this to a friend of a friend who has a child who is now as focused.

“Should they give up their obsession they may not be able to go back”, is what I said.  We then had a discussion about Severed Conscience, in her field she has sensed the same as Kelly, O and I have.

I did not believe the informationJust had to trust imaginationMy heart going “Boom-boom-boom”“Son, ” he said“Grab your things, I’ve come to take you home”

This episode was inspired by my daughter barging into my office and demanding that I change my music to something from the 80s, and specifically Head Over Heals from Songs From The Big Chair by Tears For Fears.  She came to know of them on her own, and little did I know how much she loved that album.  That’s tonight’s journey started, and that’s how we will end it.

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