AI is becoming the champion for all our “overwhelming” problems, but are the results really what the authorities guarantee?
"My point is, don’t worry about AI, don’t worry about Siri taking control of your car and driving you off a cliff. Don’t worry about any of that. Worry about the artificial intelligence, the artificial education, and the mind-numbed robots that American education is creating… pic.twitter.com/jYhi7Su1Pc
— Official Rush Limbaugh (@OfficialRushUSA) May 23, 2023
In 2019 700,000 Deaths Due to Ineffective Antibiotics Was The Next Panic
Our technocratic experts have a way of creating the crisis that they predict will overwhelm, we just refuse to see the signs. Remember the “super bugs” that will resist antibiotics?
Every 15 minutes, one person in the US dies because of an infection that antibiotics can no longer treat effectively.
That’s 35,000 deaths a year.
This striking estimate comes from a major new report, released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on the urgent problem of antibiotic resistance.
Although the report focuses on the US, this is a global crisis: 700,000 people around the world die of drug-resistant diseases each year. And if we don’t make a radical change now, that could rise to 10 million by 2050.
We are in the “Post Antibiotic Age”. That is, antibiotics are no longer effective. While there is over prescription, in some cases you just need simple antibiotic treatment at the right time. Lyme Disease is easily treatable within 30 days of infection with doxycyline. But if we do not take an effective therapeutic treatment course of action, it’s too late. We took the same approach with Covid, allowing conditions to reach a point where invasive measures are needed. But these cases are counted as failure of antibiotics.
Operation Warp Speed With AI
Using AI, scientists bring Neanderthal antibiotics back from extinction
Antibiotics are not as financially rewarding, and this article states as much. That’s why we need to accelerate exotic peptide resurrection with AI. Peptides are messenger RNA. But guess what, Big Pharma doesn’t have financial incentive to update antibiotic treatment:
Big Pharma and biotech companies haven’t been creating the new antibiotics needed to address the crisis because it takes many years and lots of funding to do the research and development. Most new compounds fail. Even when they succeed, the payoff is small: An antibiotic doesn’t sell as well as a drug that needs to be taken daily. So for many pharma companies, the financial incentive just isn’t there.
So the answer is to “resurrect” molecules in our ancestors. These peptides will be used as a treatment for antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria and disease. But peptides are, wait for it … mRNA
So given that the 5 years is too long, why not just model things with Artificial Intelligence?
The proteins in our cells are like long strings. But they often get cut up by enzymes into short fragments at specific junctures. These short fragments — small molecules known as peptides — can have antimicrobial properties.
So, de la Fuente’s team trained an AI model called panCleave, which can look at all the proteins encoded in a genome and predict where their junctures will be. That way, the researchers could identify the peptides in the Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes. They then ran other models on the peptides to predict which ones would have antimicrobial properties.
They weren’t all slam-dunks. When tested on infected mice, some of the peptides predicted to be strong candidates didn’t manage to kill the bacteria.
How Do We Know AI Is So Smart?
ChatGPT And Other AI Chatbots Won’t Stop Making Things Up
ChatGPT is one example of an elaborate application that produces amazing results, but many times it’s merely authoritative language that convinces us that it has presented “truth”.
A new report from the Associated Press highlights that the problem with Large Language Model (LLM) confabulation might not be as easily fixed as many tech founders and AI proponents claim, at least according to University of Washington (UW) professor Emily Bender, a linguistics professor at UW’s Computational Linguistics Laboratory.
“This isn’t fixable,” Bender said. “It’s inherent in the mismatch between the technology and the proposed use cases.”
The issue is news rooms are using AI already, because it “comes us with angles to stories we would not have thought of …”. Attorney’s have used AI to generate “Case Law”.
If ChatGPT Is Inerrant How Could We Coax It To Provide a Cure for Severed Conscience?
Have No Worries, The Military Will Come the Rescue With AI Information Warfare
Experts Will Be Needed to ferret out the truth. AI programs to catch AI deep fakes
While the US military is excited about the potential of Data Robot, some technical challenges need to be addressed. One such challenge involves safely storing massive amounts of data, a crucial aspect for successfully implementing the AI tool. However, Col. Riddle remains optimistic, stating that the team has made promising progress in overcoming these hurdles.
The AI tool’s effectiveness in accurately identifying tweets originating from automated bots once it undergoes a 90-day training period underscores its potential in countering malicious actors in the information domain.
But there is weakness here: what are the sources that train the AI? Will those be “ivermectin saved my life” tweets? This is all driven by what is fed the system.
But we are being trained to believe that we have to turn our thinking over to centralized experts who will make judgements for us.