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Show Notes: Michigan Simulation

Morning Mission
Morning Mission
By The Mighty Humanzee

Gov Whitmer and the leftist Michigan democrats have promised us Equity, Inclusivity and Diversity, but their Utopia is merely a simulation as Dana Nessel prosecutes political enemies and destroys citizens lives.

Simulated Democracy – They’re Not Democrats

Last week we heard, yet again, that there is new evidence of indicating that reality is actually a simulation similar to the Matrix.  While Severed Conscience has focused on AI and the confused mental state due to heavy social media usage, we have kept our theories well grounded, seeking evidence to support our views. 

However, our state of Michigan is a leftist simulation, it’s a dystopia constructed by Gov Whitmer and Dana Darth Nessel, and is built on premise of Equity, Inclusivity and Diversity with a good dash of New Deal lies.  The simulation, you see, is that citizen’s right will be protected while a new society of socialist principles are enacted. 

MIGOP Are Targeted As Criminals

Dana Darth Nessel selects targets, destroys them in the court of public opinion regardless of ability to win a case, and ignores the costs to the justice system.  She attacks, and boasts about it.  16 Alternate Electors from the 2020 Election are now under indictment and face up to 60 years in jail.  Many of these people are elderly.  We reported on the details in in August.

Lansing — Attorney General Dana Nessel is leveling felony charges against 16 Republicans who signed a certificate falsely stating that Donald Trump won Michigan’s 2020 presidential election, launching criminal cases against top political figures inside the state GOP.

Each of the 16 electors, including former Michigan Republican Party Co-Chairwoman Meshawn Maddock and Shelby Township Clerk Stan Grot, have been charged with eight felony counts, including forgery and conspiracy to commit election law forgery, according to Nessel’s office.

The revelation capped six months of investigation and produced the most serious allegations yet in Michigan over the campaign to overturn Trump’s loss to Democrat Joe Biden in 2020. Biden won the state by 154,000 votes or 3 percentage points, but Trump and his supporters maintained false and unproven claims that fraud swung the result.

Nessel Has Publicly Stated That The Electors Did Not Believe They Were Committing Crimes

Michigan officials no longer are concerned with the semblance of due process.  Nessel very flippantly admits that the MIGOP members will be tried in far left districts where the juries will out to get them.  Additionally she stated that the accused were brainwashed by Trump and they to this day do not believe the have committed a crime.  Any prosecutor with a fiber of ethics would be troubled by the fact that they did not have criminal intent in order to argue their case.  But with leftist judges in Michigan court system, it doesn’t matter.

At the same event last week, Nessel also touted the fact that she filed the charges in Ingham County, which she called a “very, very Democratic-leaning county.” Frost’s lawyer wrote that Nessel’s comment about the potential jury pool was “very problematic.”

Nessel was aware of an investigation into the 2020 results, and that there were indeed questions regarding the validity of vote counts.  The Michigan State Police had reported the case to the FBI, and this fact alone would be a reasonable rationale

Stimulated Thugocracy:  Nessel Issues Search Warrant To Christian Charity

Legal requirements do not stop Nessel.  To further chill voices of dissent and prove that she wields ultimate authority in Michigan root out election deniers, Nessel has served a search warrant to Give Send Go, requesting bank routing numbers for those who have contributed to the legal funds of 16 Alternate Electors she has indicted.  Note that this fund has been set up after the indictment was issued, well after any crime has been supposedly committed.  So what is the issue, how are the people who are helping fund the defense of MIGOP members aiding and abetting a crime?  No details from Nessel’s office, yet she convinced a Michigan Judge to sign the warrant.

In yet another unprecedented move by a state Attorney General, who has apparently become emboldened by her ability to use lawfare against her political enemies, it’s now being reported that the Christian crowdfunding source Give Send Go has been issued a search warrant by Nessel’s office.

IS MICHIGAN OFFICIALLY A POLICE STATE? Dem AG Nessel Issues Search Warrant to ‘GiveSendGo’ Demanding Bank Routing Numbers Tied to Contributions For Legal Defense Fund Of Alternate GOP Electors 

According to the Detroit News, the search warrant was signed by Ingham County District Court Judge Cynthia Ward on August 29.

The three-page search warrant doesn’t indicate how the fundraising might violate Michigan law, and it comes after Nessel’s office sought to prevent the public release of search warrant documents in another high-profile investigation in Ingham County. The search warrant in the elector cases says the details “will assist with the ongoing investigation” into election law forgery, forgery of a public record, conspiracy, and uttering and publishing.

According to a report from Howard Shock, special agent for the Attorney General’s Criminal Investigation Division, he began investigating the fundraising efforts of the false electors on July 20 to “determine if it was lawful.”

Elder Law

Nessel claims to support Elder’s Rights, and has gone as far as to form a special task force that looks into nursing home abuse.  Here’s the issue:  the biggest abuser of the elderly in nursing homes has been Governor Whitmer who ordered nursing homes to accept COVID patients.  3000 died in Michigan nursing homes, yet when asked to investigate Nessel REFUSED.  Perhaps her advocacy is merely a cover.

Dana Has No Penis Envy

Vote for the candidate “who doesn’t have a penis,” Dana Nessel, a Democrat running to be Michigan’s attorney general, suggests in a new campaign ad.

“If the last few weeks have taught us anything, it’s that we need more women in positions of power, not less,” she says. “So when you’re choosing Michigan’s next attorney general, ask yourself this: Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Is it the candidate who doesn’t have a penis? I’d say so.”

Michigan Attorney General Launches Conviction Integrity Unit

In closing, these words should frighten us all.

Nessel says in the release the state has “a duty” to make sure people are guilty of crimes for which they have been convicted.



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