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Show Notes: Of Course, We Are One Big Happy Fleet

Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines

the mighty humanzee
By The Mighty Humanze

When life is stranger than Star Trek …

Help Us Support K9s For Warriors

We have a line of Christmas ornaments, a portion of proceeds will be donated to K9s For Warriors.


Give Your ID Card To The Border Guard, Tell ‘Em Your Name Is Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Mike Johnson Announces Impeachment – A Slow Walk?

Despite bank records indicating deposits in accounts, Humper claims that Brandon was not involved in his business.  And that is his excuse for skipping testimony today before Congress in closed door proceeding.

Hunter Biden arrived on Capitol Hill Wednesday, not to comply with his subpoena and be deposed at the House Oversight Committee, but to hold a press conference and again offer to testify publicly. He maintained that his father, President Biden “was not financially involved” in his business, and saying there is “no evidence because it did not happen.” 

Hunter Biden offer to testify publicly is a de facto rejection of the GOP demand that he appear Wednesday for the closed-door deposition he was subpoenaed for. That deposition was scheduled to take place Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.

Puppet Dictators On Drugs Only Happens in Science Fiction

Zelensky of The Shire Will Send 40 Year Olds To War

Ukraine is now conscripting 40 year males to fight the Russians.  Despite Brandon giving Zelensky $200 million on camera, Dark Brandon says it’s not enough.

President Joe Biden said Tuesday afternoon “it’s stunning” that Congress has not passed the administration’s supplemental package that was first requested in October, which contains billions in emergency funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Aunt Bea had to add his wisdom:

“I told President Zelensky, ‘Here’s the problem: It’s got nothing to do with you,'” said Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, one of the vocal opponents of additional Ukraine aid. “You’ve done everything anybody could ask of you. This is not your problem here.” Graham placed blame on the Biden Administration for policy choices leading to what he described as a “nightmare on the border.”

From The New Yorker in 2019, can an actor who played a president on TV lead the country.

Zelensky’s candidacy grew out of his role on “Servant of the People,” a popular Ukrainian television series, now in its third season, in which he plays an everyman hero who becomes President. In electing Zelensky, Ukraine has made a postmodern gamble: Can the man who pretends to rule the country on television do a decent job of it in real life?

Congress has their priorities straight though according to Michigan’s Gary Peters


Hamas, Get OUT! – Has Qatar Done What Jordan and Egypt Did?

Several Hamas leaders left Qatar for an unknown destination, turning off their phones and not accepting calls, KAN’s Arabic language channel reported citing sources in Doha on Tuesday evening.

Additionally, on Tuesday, KAN news reported that Saleh al-Arouri, a senior member of Hamas, left his usual residence in Beirut for Turkey.

Death To …

FISA Renewal, Because It’s So Well Governed

Satan Display At Capitol Of Iowa, Where Are The Rs?

Remember when Iowa removed the 10 Commandments from courtrooms?

The controversy began bubbling last week after a group that calls itself the Satanic Temple of Iowa placed with state permission a small altar on the first floor of the Iowa State Capitol. It displays what are described online as the “seven fundamental tenets” of Satanism, including the statement that “the freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend.”

Completing the display are the temple’s seal, electric candles and a caped figure representing the pagan idol Baphomet, holding a ribbon-bedecked pentangle and topped with a gilded ram’s head.


Harvard Is Very Gay – Harvard Love Their Gay.  Screw It

When did Barry start running Harvard, wasn’t he busy producing end of the world movies?

In reality, President Gay of Harvard testified before Congress that calling for the death of Jews is or is not a threat depending on the context of the situation.  This was an outright refusal to disavow calls for violence against Jews on Harvard campus during protests.  Wonder of wonders, Harvard doubles down on Marxist Double Speak and says Gay can stay.

“We today reaffirm our support for President Gay’s continued leadership of Harvard University,” the Harvard board said in a statement posted early Tuesday. “Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that President Gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing.”

Gay’s responses to whether discussion of the genocide of Jews would violate Harvard policies led a group of bipartisan lawmakers to call for her ouster, as did prominent and wealthy alumni.  

Smith will use Trump cell phone data in trial?

In a court filing on Monday, Mr. Smith outlined the government’s intention to call up to three expert witnesses to testify in the case, in which President Trump is charged with four counts related to his post-election efforts to challenge the process and results of the 2020 election.

The filing provides a glimpse into how prosecutors plan to use the mountains of data obtained under warrant from X, then Twitter, about President Trump’s account, including location data.

Phone data did nothing to prove Dinesh D’souza’s premise for 2000 Mules, but now we have better experts to make the case that Trump coordinated attacks on democracy.

The third witness, an expert in the analysis of cell phone data, including the use of Twitter and other phone apps, is expected to testify to extracting and processing data from the White House phones of President Trump and another individual (referred to as Individual 1).

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