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Show Notes: Do Your Part Michigan, Report Misinformation

By The Mighty Humanzee

See something, say something.  Remember that from the Obama Administration.  Michigan SoS Benson now asks citizens to report and document election information to the state.

In Michigan We Report On Our Neighbors

In the introduction to our documentary we played a segment that illustrated the alure of totalitarian societies.  Orlando Gutierrez-Boronat, author of the book CUBA: The Doctrine of The Lie describes that many are willing to give up their freedom in exchange for the power to ruin someone else’s life.

Democracy Ambassador Program Launched By The State

These are official programs that are training people to surveil conversations, social media and neighborhoods.

“Democracy is a team sport,” Secretary Benson said. “No matter where you live or who you vote for, our system relies on everyone knowing the facts about our elections. By serving as Democracy Ambassadors, Michigan citizens can get accurate, nonpartisan information, squash misinformation before it spreads, and serve as trusted messengers within their communities. Together we can strengthen everyone’s trust and faith in our secure elections this year and into the future.” 


Darth Nessel Re-enforces Concept of the Illegality Of Speech

Nessel highlighted various strategies and measures implemented to protect public safety and combat misinformation. Her Department aims to ensure the proper processing and delivery of mail-in ballots, safeguard the physical safety of voters and election workers, prosecute election fraud, address threats to public officials, and eliminate misinformation from social media platforms.

Nessel referenced the 2020 criminal charges against two political operatives who orchestrated a series of robocalls aimed at suppressing votes. The Michigan Supreme Court recently upheld a state statute that prohibits false speech made in an attempt to deter or influence a vote. The Attorney General has also prosecuted a number of threats against public servants, including the Governorstate representatives, and members of the judicial system. Additionally, she filed a lawsuit against the federal government over unlawful changes to the U.S. Postal Service’s operations that could have impacted the 2020 presidential election.    

The case that Nessel cites is where two individuals used a Robocall method to achieve:

  1. voting by mail would place voters’ personal information in a public database that will be used by police departments to track down individuals with outstanding warrants; 
  2. voting by mail would place voters’ personal information in a public database that will be used by credit card companies to collect outstanding debts; and 
  3. the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were attempting to utilize vote by mail records to track individuals for mandatory vaccines. 

However the term false speech is immensely broad and is now loosely being applied to any speech regarding the election process in Michigan.

Prebunking Is A Team Effort, Media Needs To Be Involved

“It’s much more difficult for us to figure out how to fight that narrative battle, which essentially was about calling things out for what they were … but also really to protect the minds of voters just as we are trying to protect the operations and processes from being misled by this misinformation.”


Benson said administrators “need help in making sure we are calling out not just challenges to the processes themselves, but what it means for the narrative that others are trying to promote around the safety and security of our elections.”


“We also need your help in prebunking what we anticipate to seek to be an onslaught of misinformation. We’re seeing this play out and focus in particular on noncitizen voting as a scare tactic,” she added, expecting “challengers” to show up with alleged names of voters who aren’t residents.

Detroit Free Press Now Has Database to Collect Misinformation Incidences

The Detroit Free Press is partnering with the Center for Media Engagement at The University of Texas at Austin to launch a new community reporting tool for misinformation and disinformation.

As the November general election approaches — especially during a race as unpredictable as this one has been — it’s increasingly important to identify inaccurate information. By introducing this tool, we’re asking for your help to report possible misinformation and disinformation as you see it on the internet

Nessel Claim They Are Targets If Democrats Loose The Election – Couldn’t That Qualify as Misinformation?

“We are all targets potentially of an autocratic regime that could really fundamentally change things in America, which is what we’ve seen elsewhere,” Nessel said.

“Did you guys see the list that was published of some ally of the Trump organization? It had a whole list of individuals, some of them were elected officials, but it also had a list of the media that were to be targeted in the event that Trump is re-elected,” Nessel said, referring to a document with roughly 350 names from someone who self-promotes as the former president’s “secretary of retribution” that includes Benson and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Democratic Progressives Trying To Tame Muslim Democrat Faction With Election Fraud Investigation?

Bigger question – was the fraud just limited to Muslim Community and why has this taken 4 years?


GBI Involed in Fraudulent Michigan Registrations Paid by Biden Campaign?

Antrim County Clerk Whose Servers Were Not Updated For 2 Years with Security Patches Is Worried About Misinformation

A dramatic power struggle is now unfolding in Antrim County, Michigan — a small county of about 25,000 people on the shores of the Grand Traverse Bay — reported CBS News, and it’s been triggered by former President Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories about election-rigging.


Sheryl Guy, the local county clerk, has been working for more than 40 years and was planning to retire, but she’s horrified by developments in the race to succeed her, with five Republican candidates running, one of the most prominent being Victoria Bishop, the wife of a local right-wing talk radio host and an avid conspiracy theorist who has specifically accused Guy of cooking election results.

In 2022 I laid out the results of Antrim County forensics response of Alex J Halderman, member of CISA.

Federal Agency CISA Issues Warning About Denial of Service Attacks Against Voting Infrastructure

If the machines aren’t connected to the Internet will the DoS attack still be blamed?  Could it be that preventing information from being know is also a violation of the Michigan law to influence votes?

With Election Day less than 100 days away, it is important to help put into context some of the incidents the American public may see during the election cycle that, while potentially causing some minor disruptions, will not fundamentally impact the security or integrity of the democratic process,” said CISA Senior Advisor Cait Conley. “DDoS attacks are one example of a tactic that we have seen used against election infrastructure in the past and will likely see again in the future, but they will NOT affect the security or integrity of the actual election. They may cause some minor disruptions or prevent the public from receiving timely information.

Why Is Age Not Verified For Voting?

Student IDs Accepted In Michigan For Voting

So does that mean foreign students will be prevented from voting?

How Did Michigan increase voter registration by 500,000 since 2020 given we have lost population?

Sleeping Bear Dunes Gets Autopilot EVs

Visitors to northern Michigan’s Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore will soon have the chance to tour the iconic Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive without actually having to drive — or operate any vehicle for that matter. 

They’ll be able to take an automated electric bus instead – but only for a limited time, at least for now.

It’s a 45-day pilot program that should begin later this month, park Superintendent Scott Tucker told Bridge Michigan.


The 7.4-mile Pierce Stocking loop includes dramatic views of Lake Michigan, the Glen Lakes and, of course, the dunes.

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