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Show Notes: Unburdened by the Rainbow

Like some weird Haiku maven, Kamala has a formula for manifesting everything you need.  What can be, unburdened by … wait, damn, you just had to ask.

Grady Is Back On The Ballot In Michigan

Independent presidential candidate Cornel West is heading back on the Michigan ballot after a state judge on Saturday overturned his removal. 

The Michigan Bureau of Elections had disqualified West after determining his candidate affidavit of identity was not properly notarized. 

But those affidavits aren’t required for presidential candidates, so an error cannot be used to exclude West and his running mate Melina Abdullah, Court of Claims Judge James Robert Redford ruled Saturday. 

Vindman Has A Man-Gina

We Represent The Lollipop Guild

Forget Keynes, We Need Kamalanomics


Movin’ On Up:  Illegals get $150,000K for Houses in California

What will happen when a 14 year old illegal immigrant graduates high school, will their registration on campus becomes yet another mechanism to register them for voting, further diluting the voter rolls with illegals?  Remember, it has to be identified in order to be removed.

Parole In Place Blocked By Judge

A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration’s Parole in Place program, which aimed to provide temporary legal status to certain undocumented immigrants. This program was designed to allow individuals to remain in the U.S. without fear of deportation while their immigration cases were processed.

The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed by several states, arguing that the program was unconstitutional and exceeded the administration’s authority. The judge’s decision has significant implications for thousands of immigrants who were seeking relief under this initiative.

The Biden administration has expressed disappointment with the ruling, stating that the program was essential for addressing humanitarian needs and ensuring family unity among undocumented immigrants.

Kamala Trump Debate Update

Michigan, The Trifecta State Guards Elections

Both the Attorney General Dana “Darth” Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have both issued threats regarding election canvassers refusing to validate elections.


Michigan Election Fraud 

On OZFest we have covered the voting machines, faux registrations, the Secretary of State creating a Misinformation Hotline and new laws designed to prevent legal action and facilitate stealing the election.

Show Notes: Planned Shortages, Planned Ballots
Show Notes: No Fraud, We;re Smarta’
Show Notes: Election Fraud & Barefoot Climate Corp
Show Notes: Fancy New Laws, Fancy New Voters


RFK Jr To Remain On Michigan and Wisconsin Ballots

“Minor party candidates cannot withdraw, so his name will remain on the ballot in the November election,” Cheri Hardmon, press secretary for Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, told Axios on Tuesday.

Here is the law.  

168.686a Nomination by caucus or convention where no candidate polls 5% of vote cast for candidates for secretary of state.

      (2) County caucuses may nominate candidates for the office of representative in congress, state senator, and state representative if the offices represent districts contained wholly within the county, and for all county and township offices. Not more than 1 business day after the conclusion of the caucus, the names and mailing addresses of all candidates so nominated and the offices for which they were nominated shall be certified by the chairperson and secretary of the caucus to the county clerk. The certification shall be accompanied by an affidavit of identity for each candidate named in the certificate as provided in section 558 and a separate written certificate of acceptance of nomination signed by each candidate named on the certificate. The form of the certificate of acceptance shall be prescribed by the secretary of state. If a candidate is so certified with the accompanying affidavit of identity and certificate of acceptance, the name of the candidate shall be printed on the ballot for that election. Candidates nominated and certified shall not be permitted to withdraw.

Jack Smith:  Trump is Back On The Menu


Donald Trump has appointed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard to his transition team, which will help shape policies and staffing if he wins the upcoming presidential election. Both individuals, former Democrats, have recently endorsed Trump, with Kennedy halting his independent campaign to support the former president.

Gabbard, a former congresswoman from Hawaii, has redefined her political stance to align more closely with Trump, actively campaigning for him in key states. The specific roles they will play on the transition team remain unclear, but their involvement reflects Trump’s expanding coalition of supporters across party lines.

Kennedy, known for his controversial views on vaccines, has expressed interest in focusing on healthcare and drug policies within a potential Trump administration, while Gabbard aims to address various global conflicts and national security issues.


Paxton Investigation Finds 65 Cell Phones 41 Computers at Manuel Medina Home

Attorney General Ken Paxton’s Election Integrity Unit has recently executed multiple search warrants across Frio, Atascosa, and Bexar Counties in Texas. This action is part of an ongoing investigation into allegations of election fraud and vote harvesting, stemming from activities during the 2022 elections. The investigation was initiated following a referral from the 81st Judicial District Attorney Audrey Louis in 2022, which provided enough evidence after a two-year probe to justify these search warrants.

The unit aims to ensure that Texas elections are secure and that every legal vote is counted. It will work closely with county election officials, the Secretary of State, and law enforcement agencies to identify and address any concerns that arise during the electoral process.

The investigation has drawn both praise and criticism, with supporters arguing that it is necessary to maintain public trust in the electoral system, while critics contend that it is a politically motivated effort to suppress voter turnout and disenfranchise certain groups.

A copy of the search warrant executed on Medina shows the state is looking into whether Medina violated laws pertaining to mail ballot fraud and obtaining or possessing identifying information about other people without their consent.

Tragic Accident From Immigrant Driver

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