
If You Ain’t Up on Current Events

If You Ain’t Up on Current Events

Fireside Chats
[shared_counts]A follow up to the Washington Post article regarding the Dominion voting machine vulnerabilities. The Mighty Humanzee has pointed out previously the entire operating environment for Antrim county was compromised, and this stems from the Michigan audit report itself.The establishment is trying to stay out in front of this revelation as they further gaslight you with occlusion and lies.Note: This edition of the Fireside Chat includes technical discussions from the Construction of a Narrative podcast.Podcast References:
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They’re Coming To Get You Barbara

They’re Coming To Get You Barbara

Fireside Chats
[shared_counts]The leftist obsession with Q-Anon has reached levels of superstitious panic, as they see Q-Anon in pins, hand signals, yet fail to see how much they act like the fearful colonists of Salem Mass. In this episode The Mighty Humanzee dissects their mindset and demonstrates how the left are more conspiracy theory oriented than the Q-Anon whackos themselves.Podcast Notes:The Tyranny of Metrics by Jerry Z. Muller135 arrests of teachers in 2202: Rendon:
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Michigan Depopulation Bomb

Michigan Depopulation Bomb

Fireside Chats
[shared_counts]Abortion proponents claim great economy misery awaits for Michigan with the pending SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Liberals claim that without population, Michigan's population will decline, somehow ignoring that abortion itself reduces population. Malthusian theory with misinformed economic ideals is the actual disaster.Liberals from all quarters, including Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve warn of this impending economic disaster, but the Mighty Humanzee dispels these meager arguments in this fireside chat.Links to articles discussed:
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Construction of a Narrative

Construction of a Narrative

Fireside Chats
[shared_counts]Michigan has a Russiagate problem. Apparently state representative Daire Rendon, who wore a pin on her lapel on stage, is the latest "Q-Anon" election fraud proponent who is out to steal democracy. But should this be incorrect, how do we discern absence of malice on the part of the activists in the media?But if you have any brain cells left, you can easily see through this ruse of loose association and innuendo. Who are true conspiracy theorists, those who think they see a letter on a broach or those who actually read the results of audits and see plenty of evidence that our elections are not secured.If you are interested, the movie discussed in the opener is Absence of Malice directed by Sydney Pollack, starring Paul Newman and Sally Fields.…
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Michigan Spanish Inquisition

Michigan Spanish Inquisition

Fireside Chats
[shared_counts]Michigan Attorney General is investigation health professionals who speak at board of education meetings regarding mask mandates. Over 500 cases have been reported by fearful face diaper Stockholm Syndrome weirdos.
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Fireside Chats
[shared_counts]In this episode The Mighty Humanzee discusses how the Omincron variant reveals the playbook used by Fauci to promote the use of mRNA vaccines. This pattern is what he used to promote the use of the dangerous AZT for treating AIDS, and in the process, harming 100os. These parallels are detailed in the excellent book The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F Kennedy.Strap in, it's a bumpy ride.
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I’m Expectin’ Ivermectin

I’m Expectin’ Ivermectin

Fireside Chats
The Mighty Humanzee has put together a video of how he's been dealing with COVID. Hear what went right, what went wrong, how to prepare ahead of time so that you are not caught flat footed should you contract COVID. During his illness, The Mighty Humanzee followed the Frontline Doctor's protocol for COVID using Ivermectin, Vitamin D and Quercitin.Sources for further research:
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