[shared_counts] In Part Two of our Great Lakes focus, we are joined again by Kelly Trowhill, former Harbor Master of Port Sanilac Michigan. We continue our discussion her experiences in law enforcement and her work with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environment Equality, and dive in to the good, the bad, and the ugly related to the continued march of our state's bureaucracies' march to great regulation. What does a policy of Rewilding mean for the state, and we have greater access to our natural resources, or will we be sharply curtailed in our use? And what how these policies shift population centers in the state. A fascinating episode for Michiganders and those who care about the future of the Great Lakes State.
[shared_counts] On this episode of OZ Fest O and Zee are joined by Lady Kelly (bluewarrior27) for a discussion of The Great Lakes, Department of Natural Resources and natural resource management in our state Michigan. Kelly Trowhill has had long career in law enforcement and served as Harbor Master at Port Sanilac Michigan, overseeing operations of the harbor on Lake Huron. Kelly, O and Zee cover many topics of interest to Michiganders, as well as concept of interest those concerned balancing preserving our natural resources while not destroying our local economies. Can we allow state agencies the ability to operate unfettered from public oversight? Please join us and our fascinating guest.
[shared_counts]In the second part of Rationed State documentary series, O and Z turn their attention to Daniel Callahan, the architect of “sustainable” health care. Callahan, philosopher and father of bioethics, has made the claim that securing the future of healthcare is only achieved by creating a “sustainable” system built on rationing of care. He further argues that individualism is at odds with achieving these goals.But looking to Canada, an early adopter of Callahan’s principles, there are alarming events and conclusions that one must draw. Looking For More Reading? Our Complete Recommendations …
Is Big Tech really just the Big Sect, a group of cult-ish technocrats who are willing to stifle dissent and grassroots activities not only with social media platforms, but also on financial platforms? O and Zee were thrilled to be have Heather Shouse of ShouseInTheHouse.com join us for a discussion of the hive mind collective, the dwindling alternatives, and liberty. Show Notes: Heather on Twitter: Literally Heather shouse34@twitter.com Heather's Essay on Liberty Minded Patriots Targeted as Extremists by the Federal Government: I am a Domestic Extremist
[shared_counts]In Part One of our documentary series “Rationed State” we examine how our instincts as patriots and Americans galvanized us as a people during World War II as we sacrificed to support war time efforts. Part of these efforts were the rationing programs instituted to divert supplies to our military and to our allies. As with all distortion in markets, this quickly created shortages. To compensate, Americans were encouraged to maintain Victory Gardens and their own self reliance and ingenuity as part of a patriotic effort to get each other through a national crisis.Fast forward to the COVID crisis and Americans were asked once again to sacrifice for the common good and it was our patriotic duty to trust the Science and our leaders. In the response to this crisis,…
[shared_counts]At the beginning of this summer of 2020 we had no clue what we were doing when Orange and I started our political activism and this podcast series. At the end of summer, we have a nice result we want to share. Yes, running the ball has made a difference. [shared_counts]
On this episode, the podcast is hijacked and the tables are turned on The Mighty Humanzee. Are you curious as to the origins of The Mighty Humanzee, how the podcast came about, and what makes this wacko-bean tick? Oranges delves into the mystery behind this half man, half ape enigma known as The Mighty Humanzee.
[shared_counts]In this edition of OZFest, Orange and the Mighty Humanzee focus on the national progressive political machine that is shaping Michigan politics, and how Secretary of State Benson is yet again manipulating the voting rules to allow for more absentee ballots. Aided by AG Dana Darth Nessel, Gov Whitmer has been able to fund raise WITHOUT the standard limits on person contributions.But not all is dire, we announce another contest!!! The person who can answer the question "Which of the three politicians is a cross between Michael Jackson, Ozzy Osborne and Gene Simmons? Is Gov Whitmer, Dana Nessel, or Jocelyn Benson?" Listen to episode and tweet the answer to hzardoz@twitter.com and Dr Fauci will deliver a personalized reading.Show Notes:https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/sheriff-dar-leaf-michigan-trying-thwart-my-probe-2020-electionhttps://upnorthlive.com/newsletter-daily/abortion-rights-michigan-law-ballot-signatures-roe-v-wade-overturned-reproductive-freedom-for-all-november-election-supreme-court-american-civil-liberties-unionhttps://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2020/03/04/detroit-official-in-scandal-moving-innovation-center-project/4951771002https://mainstsentinel.com/stories/2022-06-14_whitmer_500_rebate/https://wdet.org/2021/07/29/nessel-removes-herself-from-probe-into-election-lies-because-potential-target-might-run-against-her/https://amgreatness.com/2022/07/11/as-whitmer-plays-the-victim-the-justice-department-moves-to-conceal-more-evidence/https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/03/fbi-placed-peter-navarro-john-hinckleys-cell-arrest-contempt-congress/https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2021/04/21/duggan-aides-cleared-wrongdoing-deleted-email-controversy/7320799002/https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2020/03/04/detroit-official-in-scandal-moving-innovation-center-project/4951771002/ [shared_counts]
[shared_counts]The Mighty Humanzee and Orange focus on Governor Gretchen "Gretch" Whitmer and how she has destroyed Michigan economy and is now using abortion rights as an election issue to distract voters. Play the Gretch Jeopardy Game to learn more!!Plus, a special guest appears to participate in a contest.Antics, mayhem, fun.Prior Podcasts Referenced:https://rumble.com/v18lg4f-waltz-into-mordor.htmlhttps://rumble.com/v18c8f9-oz-fest-darth-nessel-michigan-attorney-general.htmlhttps://rumble.com/v17v9j0-georgia-michigan-apology-tour.htmlhttps://rumble.com/v1789p5-oz-fest-these-arent-the-signatures-your-looking-for.htmlShow Notes:https://eu.freep.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/01/12/tudor-dixon-michigan-governor-republican-candidate/6002813001/https://www.mackinac.org/michigans-right-to-work-law-led-to-huge-drop-in-union-membershiphttps://www.michigancapitolconfidential.com/news/michigan-residents-whitmer-did-not-fix-the-dmn-roads–https://www.mcgi.state.mi.us/mitrp/tamcDashboards/reports/pavement/forecasthttps://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2021/10/whitmer-vetoes-election-bills-she-says-perpetuated-big-lie.htmlhttps://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/01/gretchen-whitmer-vetoes-gop-elections-bills-targeting-voter-rolls/7097562001/https://freebeacon.com/democrats/watchdog-group-files-irs-complaint-over-whitmers-private-flight/https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/records-shadow-nonprofit-paid-whitmers-florida-flight-amid-controversyhttps://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/whitmers-latest-flap-breaking-her-own-michigan-rules-about-indoor-dininghttps://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/local/documentary-holland-restaurant-owner-jailed-defying-covid-orders/69-c8dc23bf-d09c-42c0-a9d9-d37bdc85e749https://detroit.cbslocal.com/2020/05/26/20-year-old-charged-in-beating-of-75-year-old-roommate-at-detroit-nursing-home/https://eu.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/2022/01/20/opinion-whitmer-administration-hid-covid-19-nursing-home-deaths/6576368001/https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gretchen-whitmer-california-fundraisers-michigan-us-covid-19-spikehttps://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/05/judge-sides-with-whitmer-in-lawsuit-over-relaxation-of-foia-requirements-during-coronavirus-outbreak.htmlhttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/26/gretchen-whitmer-husband-marc-mallory-boat-lockdownhttps://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/michigan-judge-suspends-1931-abortion-ban-citing-irreparable-harm-womenhttps://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/roe-v-wade-overturned-blockbuster-ruling-abortion-still-legal-michiganhttps://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-health-watch/roe-overturned-michigan-becomes-abortion-haven-nowhttps://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/michigan-announce-5-million-lottery-covid-vaccine-rates-lag [shared_counts]