Virginia Voters Receive Incorrect Voting Poll Addresses
Directions to precinct polls mailed to residents of Virginia had incorrect addresses. How many voters will be impacted?

Correction with appropriate is shown above.
On 10/21/2022, residents of Herndon, Clifton and Vienna Virginia received notice from the Fairfax County Board of Elections advising that prior directions to the voting poll locations that residents had received by were in fact incorrect.
It has come to our attention that voters in the Town of Herndon, Clifton, and Vienna recently received a notice from the Virginia Department of Elections in Richmond advising them of an incorrect location and address for their polling place. Please disregard that notice.
The correct address for your voting location is the one shown on the green sample ballot and voter information flyer that you received from the Fairfax County Office of Elections in September and is printed below.
A prior notice had been sent to residents advising them of a change in voting location. This location was 15 miles away, the address was not a voting poll. In other words the state agency, Virginia Department of Elections, an official entity, had mistakenly send out invalid instructions. It is interesting to note that the county is the party who is making the correction. This is clearly very confusing, as people used to voting in a certain location are now directed to false location. As Blue relayed to us on Episode #15 of Behind Enemy Lines, many will have received the notice from the state, and being convinced of it’s official nature because it has been issued by the state, will go the improper address on Election Day. We all know how that can happen, you receive a notice, take heed, then miss the follow notice. Unknowingly to travel 15 miles out of the way to vote only to be turned away. Will those people have enough time to make it back to the actual polls, will the be able to get that information. After all it is busy at the polls and the volunteers many not have the correct addresses for locations not in their districts 15 miles away.
And it doesn’t require a great stretch of imagination to envision people not opening the correction letter from the county. “Yeah yeah yeah I got the info from the state, I’m good” is quite a natural response given the amount of mail that we receive. Then we ignore the letter and off you go to the wrong location.
What’s even more confusing is that the false address voters had been incorrectly given was to a valid poll outside their district. It is easy to see how people would arrive, see the signs for voting and not find out until they are about to register to turn in their vote. This will greatly impact the amount of votes that will be received given the number of people who will be potentially turned away and not have to to return to the correct locations.
Below are photos of the original incorrect letter. This is the INCORRECT form.