The Inerrant press just admitted they don’t work well with voting results data.
Gretchen The Grotch Whitmer rode a wave of extreme popularity despite having the 3rd worst COVID performing state, losing 89,000 jobs yet to be replaced. When thinking caps become hairnets.

It was a miracle they told us, more Michigan voters than ever turned out in an off election year to return the governor who issued 192 medical COVID fatwahs which locked us in our homes, restricted our churches, shut down business while imprisoning business owners and whose administration allowed 8.5 billion in unemployment funds to given away to fraudulent scammers.
Our Michiganders voted in record numbers, more than the Trump / Biden 2020 election to return Dana “Darth” Nessel to office, the same AG who has imprisoned and fined business owners during COVID, whose inane, insipid environmental views fueled her arrogant lawsuit against Midland Reservoir management to save an invasive species of lake mussels. Her actions causes a flood that forced the evacuation of 10,000 residents. When you drive along the stretch of M10 of what used to beautiful man made lakes you now see marsh and flotsam.

Yes, Michigan, you may have individually felt resentment against these tyrants but the establishment told us of the marvelous uprising in our yutes, I mean our youths, on campuses, and their activism, is what made the difference in the vote. They needed to keep the polls open past the legal restriction of 8 pm because the elite university diversity brigade lined up for pizza, and stayed to wee hours of the morning to make a difference.
Think again. According to BridgeMI the yutes didn’t make a difference. Or perhaps that’s better expressed as their votes didn’t make up the large numbers that the establishment first touted. They did make it look good for the TV cameras, but to be honest a poll that is open past 8 PM to 2 AM in the morning is suspect in my book. Who knows what was collected there and turned in later?
My point is we allow the media to call the elections, and those projections are mildly accurate at best. If you look at the numbers of 18-30 year olds in 22, they voted in higher number, males in particular. Are males in tune with the abortion issue like women and the Karens sipping lattes? Don’t think so. My son is dead set against abortion after he used Google to inform himself. Yeah, the Deep State machinery didn’t sway him one bit I’m proud to say.
So are we to conclude that a drop in adult voters 60 and above and a drop in college students is some how responsible for the huge victory of 800,000 votes that Gretch the Grotch Whitmer garnered after her abysmal Covid record? I really can’t believe that so many are that brain dead to hold abortion as a sacrament, but I could be wrong there.
NPRs reasoning that “ …nearly 6 in 10 voters say their family’s financial situation is holding steady. Those voters were more likely to vote for Whitmer.” This is patently false since Michigan lost 89,000 jobs to COVID. Whitmer issued edicts that we couldn’t buy paint, we couldn’t plant seeds, and restaurants were decimated with 25% attendance restrictions. We were told we couldn’t have gatherings in our homes.
Are we to believe the 900,000 small business owners who were the most affected by Whitmer would vote her back in? 96% of these businesses lie outside of Oakland and Wayne county, the liberal strongholds for the state. But here are some of the stats.
This tells me Oakland and Wayne counties either loved the lockdowns or they are hypnotized. The math says Whitmer had 469,870 more votes than her opponent, and that number of people were HAPPY with what Whitmer did.
But those door knocks you got from yutes saying “preserve abortion for you grandkids, didn’t make a difference, in fact the college students voted IN FEWER numbers. Why do we let the media call these election contest when they admit they don’t have a handle on the actual counts, are we “this gullible? We certainly have a short attention span. We can’t even remember Whitmer ignoring the rules and flying while unvaccinated to bring her father, also unvaccinated, from Florida back to Michigan.
Michigan, please tell me you’re not this insipid. These numbers don’t add up, you don’t need advanced degrees to see what they have done.