Michigan has the largest fresh water resource in the world, why would be think that the global elite wouldn’t have plans for it? Do those plans benefit you?
For Rhonda, Contest Winner
Revenge Of the Mussels
Water resources and water management will be the next targets and weapons of the socialists who have claimed the mantle of leadership in Michigan. Each misstep is somehow converted into an opportunity.
Dana “Darth” Nessel sued Boyce Hydro, operator the Edenville Dam to raise the water levels to protect lakes mussels. Her lawsuit claimed that 1000’s if not millions of mussels would be at risk if the water levels were not raise. Boyce Hydro warned that there would be a breach, the lawsuit was filed, and 10,000 people had to evacuate their homes 19 days later after the Edenville Dam was flooded.
Sadly the mussels in question were NOT and indigenous species, they were an invasive species that had been transported to this region via Chinese shipping vessels traversing the Great Lakes.
With great irony, a new report establishes that the these lake mussels now have overrun the Great Lakes ecosystem.
A new study by researchers at the University of Minnesota Duluth’s Large Lakes Observatory suggests that, at least in the near term, there’s little humans can do about it.
Invasive bivalves known as quagga mussels have so completely infiltrated the lake, the researchers found, they control the amount of phosphorus in the lake’s water by storing it in their bodies and altering how it’s exchanged between the lake water and sediments. That leaves less phosphorus available to sustain other organisms. The clear water is a sign of a lake with little ability to sustain life.
But in the other Great Lakes where quagga mussels reside, said Ted Ozersky, an associate biology professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth who co-led the study, the bivalves have “wrestled control from our hands.”
Coating the lakebottom at densities of as much as six per inch, they are now “the dominant life form,” according to a statement from Sergei Katsev, a professor at the Large Lakes Observatory who worked on the research.
WHO One Health Climate Change Toolkit Is Now Available!!
World Health Organization has a holistic concept in health care that goes beyond Daniel Callahan’s vision of planned rationing with Community of Care. We reported on how Danny Boy got the ball started in Danny Boy and The Substitute
The WHO wants to integrate all aspects of the environment into a continuum of health, and guide all efforts centrally. It’s called One Health. If we sign the treaty that places the WHO as the supreme arbiter of pandemics, One Health will be the principles by which we are governed. This progressive thinking pervades most modern health care.
Climate Change Solutions Tool Kit
10 Don’t debate the science
Don’t get caught up in conversations that question climate science. It’s not up for debate. If conversation veers into this territory, redirect it back to your professional expertise and the links between climate change and health.
And Point #9 says never let a disaster go to waste:
9 Talk about climate change during extreme weather events
When appropriate, you can talk about climate change during extreme weather events. These events have been described as “teachable moments” about climate change. At these moments, climate change is likely to feel more tangible to your audience, and become more personally salient and meaningful.
MEDC Chairwoman Gets $20 Million from State Without Filing Papers
If you have been following the podcast, you’ll recognize the Michigan Economic Development Corporation MEDC and it’s role in transforming the state of Michigan into an opportunity for the global elite to implement lithium battery processing plants. To do so they suspend our rights at every opportunity:
They do this in plain sight. They are applauded for it, they pat themselves on the back for being smart enough to hire the right consultants. Case in point, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Haven’t heard of it? I hadn’t either, but rumor has it they are the only ones who can propel Michigan into the future, attract industry and create jobs.
That’s their charter, and we the taxpayers are paying $100 million dollars a year to deliver, well, we can’t say just yet, the issue is too complex to examine the results. Nope, an improved economy that replaced 82,000 jobs lost to COVID is the wrong report card. Trust that they are the smart consultants, not ones who waste money, that’s all you need.
Show Notes: Michigan Mission – Gotion in Motion
Show Notes: Gretch’s Population Telethon Or Michigan Ain’t So Horrific
Now Michigan is handing out money to MEDC board members without requiring a charter nor a purpose for granting funds, other than we need to bring international smart business people to the state to help us build new businesses.
Whitmer appointee Fay Beydoun gets questionable $20M business grant with vague use
Beydoun, an Oakland County resident, sits on the executive committee of the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC), which administers Beydoun’s grant and annually doles out tens of millions of dollars in economic development incentives to existing and prospective businesses. In 2019, Whitmer appointed Beydoun to the MEDC board as well as the state’s Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs.
Details on how the grant will be used are still lacking in the paperwork recently filed with the State Budget Office. The $20 million was among nearly $1 billion in so-called “enhancement grants” or pet projects sought by lawmakers that were tucked into the state’s $76 billion state budget hours before passage during the early morning hours of July 1.