Show Notes: Michigan October Surprise

the mighty humanzee
By The Mighty Humanzee

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Michigan is the Microcosm, and we’ll screw the nation as the election fraud runs rampant in our state.  Our Secretary of State Benson – she’s the one with the hat – has been sued 11 times over illegal procedures.

Detroit Deleting Drop Box Video Footage Covered By FOIA

JUST IN: RNC Files Lawsuit Against Detroit For Deleting Ballot Box Surveillance Footage

RNC is suing the City of Detroit Department of Elections, alleging that the city violated the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by deleting ballot drop box surveillance footage.  The lawsuit stems from a FOIA request submitted by Jonathan Koch on behalf of the RNC on August 20, 2023.  The request sought footage from a drop box located at the Northwest Campus of Wayne County Community College, related to the August primary election. 

The city acknowledged the request on August 21 and requested an extension to respond by September 7.  However, on September 16, the city informed Koch that the requested footage was no longer available, stating that “the video is no longer available after 30 days and is recorded over.” The RNC argues that deleting the footage while a FOIA request was pending constitutes a violation of FOIA law.  They assert that Detroit had a legal obligation to preserve and provide the footage. 

RNC Lawsuit on UOCAVA Rejected

Judges Reject RNC Lawsuits in Michigan and North Carolina on UOCAVA Ballots Allowing Overseas Voters to Cast Ballots in Michigan Despite Never Living There

265,000 applicants have registered overseas via the UOCAVA process, and online federal voter registration site.  These lawsuits specifically targeted policies that allowed citizens to vote in these states if their parents (or spouse in Michigan) resided there before moving abroad, even if the voters themselves never lived in those states.

In Michigan, Judge Sima Patel ruled that the RNC’s lawsuit was filed too late and was an “11th hour attempt to disenfranchise” voters.

Previously on OZFest we reported that the lawsuit allowed people whose parents resided in Michigan to register as Michigan voters even though they themselves were never citizens.

Show Notes: Darth Nessel vs Climate Change

Democrats that there are 1.7 new overseas registrations.  Benson has issued the directive “A United States citizen who has never resided in the United States but who has a parent, legal guardian, or spouse who was last domiciled in Michigan is eligible to vote in Michigan as long as the citizen has not registered or voted in another state.” 

MIGOP and the RNC filed a lawsuit in the MI Court of Claims against Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson and MI Bureau of Elections Director Jonathan Brater to challenge the constitutionality of Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson’s guidance, which allows overseas or UOCAVA voters who have never resided in Michigan to register to vote in Michigan.

The Michigan Constitution allows Michigan residents—and only Michigan residents—to vote. See Const. 1963, art. 2, § 1 (“Every citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 21 years, who has resided in this state six months, and who meets the requirements of local residence provided by law, shall be an elector and qualified to vote in any election except as otherwise provided in this constitution. The legislature shall define residence for voting purposes.”)

Georgia May Count UOCAVA Votes 3 Days After The Election?

Did Brad Raffensperger Just Telegraph the 2024 Steal in Georgia? He’s Going to Accept UOCAVA Votes for 3 EXTRA DAYS! Are Republicans Paying Attention

In 2020 the claims that the UOCAVA votes were primarily military turned out to be false.

The DNC’s stated goal of winning the votes of approximately 9 million Americans through its Democrats Abroad website seems impossible, given that according to a recent report by the federal government FVAP website, only 4.4 million US citizens reside overseas, and only 2.8 million of those are of voting age.

Reuters recently wrote about the DNC’s plan to spend $300,000 to register “9 million” UOCAVA voters leading up to the 2024 election. According to the government website FVAP, there are only 2.8 million eligible UOCAVA voters. Let’s assume that half of those eligible voters would vote Democrat (a generous assumption given the state of the US economy); that’s only 1.4 million eligible voters in the 2024 election. The 1.4 million number doesn’t account for how they would vote or even if they would vote, given that a meager number of eligible overseas voters actually vote.

Curiously, the DNC memo claims that “over 1.6 million Americans from the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin” live overseas, adding that they plan to “fight for every vote.”

Michigan Absentee Ballot Scam

Shadow Leftist Organization Is Accused of Committing Large Scale Democrat Voter Fraud in Michigan

My son received an application in the mail with his details already completed.  This is the same circumstance as reported by the Gateway Pundit article.  This is illegal in Michigan.

Michigan law explicitly states that county, city, and township clerks are required to provide absentee ballot applications to any voter who requests one.  The law also mandates that these applications cannot indicate any political party affiliation or preference, and the process of providing them must be neutral and free from partisan influence.

1/3 Of all Ballots are already turned in?

About one-third of requested absentee ballots in Michigan have already been submitted

No questions asked, Detroit already has 40% of 100,000 absentee ballots returned.

Despite Huge Amount of Early Returns, Michigan Will Not Have Votes Tabulated Until Nov 6th

Other states with the same population size manage to count the votes on Election Day.  Absentee ballots that are received are sorted, registered and ready to be imported to the election systems.  This is done via thumb, as was demonstrated with the Dominion Voting Machine Lawsuits.  OZFest detailed those elements earlier

Show Notes: TikTok, Like Clockwork

I have evidence in my file of Serbian foreign nationals entering our election system while the votes were being counted, and prior to certification. The election vendor, Dominion, hired these Serbian employees and disclosed in emails that they are not able to provide backgrounds on these individuals due to law in Serbia. It has only been a mere 25 years since conflict involving
Serbia. Therefore, the United States has allowed a scenario where potentially Serbian military criminals are running our elections and remotely entering our election equipment.

Michigan secretary of state barely blinks while delivering another election night bombshell…


Michigan Has 500,000 Excess Voters On Voter Rolls

Automatic voter registration bloats the voter rolls, and even though the voter is out of state, if a vote is cast they will not remove from being counter.  Michigan law now states that voting day allegations of fraud will be dismissed, and that they only audit of votes can be conducted if administrative error has occurred.  Canvassers cannot adjudicate the validity of the votes, they are limited to just recounting them.

Michigan will delete 600,000 voters from it’s rolls in 2027

By 2027, an estimated 606,800 inactive voters are expected to be removed from rolls, Benander said, pushing the total to just over 7.8 million.
That’s slightly less than the voting-age population and would move Michigan to the third-highest imbalance among states to the fifth.
Three weeks from an election in which the state will likely play a prominent and potentially deciding role, Michigan has one of the most bloated voter rolls in the nation.
The state currently has 8.4 million registered voters, according to the latest records obtained by Bridge Michigan, nearly 500,000 more than the number of people in the state who are old enough to vote.
While critics say the inflated rolls are not ideal, no one is suggesting they have contributed to fraud. One major cause of the imbalance: A voter-approved 2018 proposal that automatically registers those 18 and older to vote when applying for a driver license, unless they opt out.
By federal law, the state or local clerks can remove voters from the rolls after the state notified they moved to another state, or if election mail sent to their home is returned as undeliverable and after they do not vote in two consecutive federal elections.
In 2018, the year Benson was elected, the state had roughly 7.8 million people of voting age, just under 7.5 million registered voters, of whom just under 6.5 million were considered active voters.
By 2022, the voting-age population had grown slightly, to 7.9 million. But registered voters jumped by over 700,000 to 8.2 million, of whom nearly 7.3 million were considered active voters.

But It’s Not What You Think It Is – Fraud FAQ or Fraud FU with Media Gaslighting

Reporters Lauren Gibbons, Mike Simon Schuster and Mike Wilkinson answered readers’ questions about recent visits from presidential candidates, election rules and campaign messages about abortion.

    • More than 1 million Michigan voters have already submitted their ballots. What does it mean? A vote is the same whether it’s cast early, absentee or in-person on Election Day, Wilkinson said: “I don’t think we can look at that million and say ‘Oh my gosh, the Democrats have such a lead.’ It just means a lot of people are really interested in this election, as we would have suspected.” 
    • Can people who come to the country illegally vote in the election? No, only citizens can vote in U.S. elections. U.S. citizens who apply for a Michigan driver license are automatically registered to vote, unless they choose to opt out. Bridge explains that process in detail here
    • How can the media ensure reporting does not enable conspiracy theories? Gibbons said reporters explore where theories come from, follow the facts, and inform readers. Sometimes, that means a reporter looks into a claim but doesn’t write a story.



Jail Time For Missing Paperwork Puts Small Farmers At Risk

Jan. 1, 2025, is the deadline to file Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) with the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). New analysis in a Market Intel report by American Farm Bureau Federation economists shows more than 230,000 farms are required to file, but government data indicates less than 11% of all eligible businesses nationwide have done so.

The Corporate Transparency Act of 2021 required businesses to register any “beneficial owner” of a company in an effort to combat money laundering.

“The greater farm economy will also be impacted by CTA requirements,” AFBF economists wrote. “Many feed and supply stores, crop marketers like grain elevators and the greater rural business community are also likely required to file their BOI and subject to penalties if they do not comply. The regulatory burdens and potential enforcement crackdowns could have ripple effects throughout the entire food, fiber and fuel supply chains.”

  • Many farmers are unknowingly at risk: An estimated 230,000 farms need to file, but less than 11% have done so nationwide.
  • Lack of awareness and guidance: Many farmers are unaware of the new requirement, and unclear guidance has contributed to the low compliance rate. 
  • Targeted business structures: Farms structured as C corporations, S corporations, or LLCs with fewer than 20 employees or under $5 million in cash receipts must file. This covers a large portion of U.S. farms.
  • Penalties for non-compliance:Criminal fines up to $10,000 
  • Civil penalties up to $591 per day 

Nightmare Come True – Data Centers OK’ed in Michigan, Given Access to Water

Michigan taxpayers will subsidize data centers that use millions of gallons of water each day if the state enacts a bill that narrowly passed the House Wednesday.

The Michigan House approved Senate Bill 237 on a vote of 56-41. The bill exempts data center equipment and enterprise data center uses from the use tax. The exemption could be a windfall for data centers that use large water supplies in their operations.

The tax break would continue until 2050, and in some cases, 2065. The Senate Fiscal Agency said large data centers can consume anywhere from one million to five million gallons of water per day.

“At a time when the state is grappling with the question of how we keep the lights on despite an aging fleet of power plants and how we make sure that the water in homes and schools across the state is clean and safe, it’s obscene for our government to be throwing millions of dollars at corporations that are perfectly capable of paying their own way,” Mozena wrote.

Under the guise of climate change, we need data for systems to manage all facets of agriculture and human activity that produced CO2.  We therefore need AI and massive data processing centers.  OZFest has reported on this extensively.

Show Notes: RBG On The Farm


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