Show Notes:  Pine, Birch, Red River Gorge

Show Notes: Pine, Birch, Red River Gorge

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Transhumanism has many philosophical fathers in it's lineage.  From Ubermensch to Do What Thou Wilt, the progression towards fusing with machines is anything but humanizing. Anishinabbe - Tribes of The Great Lakes.The Anishinaabe (alternatively spelled Anishinabe, Anicinape, Nishnaabe, Neshnabé, Anishinaabeg, Anishinabek, Aanishnaabe [1]) are a group of culturally related Indigenous peoples present in the Great Lakes region of Canada and the United States. They include the Ojibwe (including Saulteaux and Oji-Cree), Odawa, Potawatomi, Mississaugas, Nipissing and Algonquin peoples. The Anishinaabe speak Anishinaabemowin, or Anishinaabe languages that belong to the Algonquian language family. Migizi - Eagle: what is highest, bravest, strongest and holiest The Eagle (Migizi) is one of our most revered and respected beings in creation. These beautiful birds represent our link…
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Show Notes:  Election Fraud & Barefoot Climate Corp

Show Notes: Election Fraud & Barefoot Climate Corp

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream More election fraud or just incompetence in Muskegon, MI?  But don't worry, the same incompetent group has a Climate Corp that will help your community prepare for Climate Emergencies, just like the CCP Barefoot Doctors. Has An EGLE Muskegon Michigan Has A ProblemThere is no such thing as a pattern, no such thing as correlation., Michigan, the same Michigan city where GBI Strategies tried to register 8,000 fake voters in a day, an investigation into which the corrupt FBI has been sitting on for years even though it involved explicit criminality, admitted Thursday that they sent out two absentee ballots to every voter in three precincts.Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch wrote to residents, ” Please destroy or return the original ballot.”Previously we reported on the 10s of…
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Show Notes:  Be Destructive and Fractionalize

Show Notes: Be Destructive and Fractionalize

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Michigan is the microcosm for what's happening next, to you.  The US Dept of Energy just granted MI agencies the right to dole funds for $100 million dollar green projects.'s Happening on Cultural Courage? Cultural Courage Article: M-22 Adventures She Came In Through The Bathroom WindowWe have reported on the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and its role in destroying the state with green projects that drain tax dollars.  There are are series of NDA's that mask it's activity, and they are responsible for ushering the the CCP Gotion and CATL foreign nationals.Hiding in Plain SightFOIA For Thee, Not For MeShow Notes: Process, Progress and DestructionShow Notes: Michigan Mission – Gotion in MotionMEDC has just been upgraded. of Energy Jennifer Granholm,…
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Show Notes:  Absence of Limits

Show Notes: Absence of Limits

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream When you seek to remove all barriers, all limitations, you destroy creativity because there is no cost to achieving skill. Adults and the Consequence of Severed Conscience and What Our Generation AllowedA very sad passage from a young write for Jonathon Haidt who focuses on the damage social media does to teens. Allowing them to languish online has eliminated the joy of music, creativity and art as CONTENT has been streamed at them non-stop. Absence of Limits“The enemy of art is the absence of limitations”—Orson Welles“Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We’re…
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Show Notes:  President Gretch-bot

Show Notes: President Gretch-bot

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Rumors fly about our beloved Gov Gretchen Whitmer, and not about her shiny plasticy forehead.  Does she have avarice enough to undermine Slack-jawed Joe?  Meanwhile Big Mike is seen on Democratic Primary documents like Sasquatch on the side of a milk carton. Sasquatch On a Milk Carton Voter Participation Center is a left-of-center voter registration nonprofit that was founded in 2003 as Women’s Voices Women Vote, changing its name in 2011 and expanding its mission to become the Voter Participation Center. The group initially focused on registering the strongly Democratic-leaning voting bloc of single women to vote; today, the group organizes registration of numerous Democratic-leaning voting populations.The Voter Participation Center runs a direct-mail program that targets “unmarried women, minorities…
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Show Notes:  M-22 & A Letter To George

Show Notes: M-22 & A Letter To George

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Summer is exploration time in Michigan, July being the month where many adventures are so to take place.  In July several hundred years ago, another odyssey took place when a letter was sent to a man name George. How I Started The Day At Sunrise And How I Ended It With My Family My youngest kid is 19 years old, and we have been fortunate to have had lots of skiing, hiking and camping adventures together as father and son, and as well many journeys of discovery with our entire family.  On our last outing kayaking together he asked while we paddled down the river “Dad what is your greatest and best memory out of all the things we’ve done?” We have…
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Show Notes:  Cobalt Potato Salad

Show Notes: Cobalt Potato Salad

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream In Idaho access to water for farmers has been a precarious gamble due to reinterpretation of government regulations.  Yet the needs of the Climate Change "Crisis" require that mining of Cobalt be expanded, but not by US based companies.  Mismanagement seems to be the real issue, not climate change. Crisis In Idaho, I Dunno FALLS, Idaho — Groundwater and surface water irrigators have finished a deal that's set to save 330,000 acres of Idaho's farmland from drying up, averting an economic catastrophe in the Gem State.The 2024 mitigation agreement was brokered by Governor Little and Lt. Governor Bedke and accepted by the Idaho Department of Water Resources on June 20, just one week after IDWR Director Mathew Weaver ordered that his…
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Show Notes:  Committee of Five, Marcuse and Fixing History

Show Notes: Committee of Five, Marcuse and Fixing History

Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The Committee of Five was given the goal to draft a letter, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Sherman and Livingston delivered something far more.  It can turn back Identity Marxism.Founding Father Roger ShermanSad will be the day when the American people forget their traditions and their history, and so longer remember that the country they love, the institutions they cherish, and the freedom they hope to preserve, were born from the throes of armed resistance to tyranny, and nursed in the rugged arms of fearless men. The Committee of FiveThis week in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was being drafted.  For we Americans who still believe that the ultimate gifts we have as humans are our God liberty and the responsibility to pursue truth,…
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Show Notes:  Food Wars – Want Fries With Your Bug Burger?

Show Notes: Food Wars – Want Fries With Your Bug Burger?

Michigan, OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, World Economic Forum
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream The World Economic Forum is calling for more direct action to end the pending food crisis.  Amazing how that is timed with Oregon and Idaho water restrictions and Michigan Avian Flu crisis.  Want fries with the grasshopper burger? Fight the Food Wars With The Ukraine Flag Feeding the future: why Renovation and Reinvention are key to saving our food system article discusses the importance of renovating and reinventing the food system to address challenges such as climate change, population growth, and resource scarcity. It emphasizes the need for innovative solutions that prioritize sustainability, resilience, and equitable access to nutritious food.Though the product-level impact is small, the overall contribution to diet can be significant. For example, if one multinational food company adds…
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