By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream The Sons of Liberty were THE driving force for change leading up to the First Continental Congress and the Revolution. Samuel Adams and it's numerous members fought, literally for freedom. Today we see leading thinkers of our society assume we will accept technology as a substitute for our own thinking and drive to take action. UBI with a mobile app is far from the liberty we each possess. Are our minds so easily for rent? From This Month's Founders History “The Sons of Liberty on the 14th of August 1765, a Day which ought to be forever remembered in America, animated with a zeal for their country then upon the brink of destruction, and resolved, at once to save her…”From August…
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Affliction is a good man’s shining time. George Washington faced failure and did not relent. What was he fighting for that differs from our expectations today? Are things are dire for us? Father Roger ShermanSad will be the day when the American people forget their traditions and their history, and so longer remember that the country they love, the institutions they cherish, and the freedom they hope to preserve, were born from the throes of armed resistance to tyranny, and nursed in the rugged arms of fearless men.What Were Our Founders FacingThe 21st Century is a time of gathering data, analysis, and strategizing. In fact if you listen to General Flynn, 5th dimensional warfare is fought with psychological manipulation online. …
All I Gotta Do Is Act Naturally Skills Learned Because A Buddy Couldn't Get Along With His Brother As a young dude, I was driving late one night at my home in the Catskills, and trust me, you could only get AM in the car. I heard a riff from one of my favorite songs, but it wasn’t from the group that was known for the song. In fact it was from a Big Band Era orchestra! I told my garage bandmate, it sparked some really cool conversations.Is technology turning us away from those types conversations? Trivia is not the important, it is the discovery and the ideas sparked by that discovery that’s important. I’ll be covering ever present tech, I’ll reveal what song inspired on the late night drive,…
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Transhumanism has many philosophical fathers in it's lineage. From Ubermensch to Do What Thou Wilt, the progression towards fusing with machines is anything but humanizing. Anishinabbe - Tribes of The Great Lakes.The Anishinaabe (alternatively spelled Anishinabe, Anicinape, Nishnaabe, Neshnabé, Anishinaabeg, Anishinabek, Aanishnaabe [1]) are a group of culturally related Indigenous peoples present in the Great Lakes region of Canada and the United States. They include the Ojibwe (including Saulteaux and Oji-Cree), Odawa, Potawatomi, Mississaugas, Nipissing and Algonquin peoples. The Anishinaabe speak Anishinaabemowin, or Anishinaabe languages that belong to the Algonquian language family. Migizi - Eagle: what is highest, bravest, strongest and holiest The Eagle (Migizi) is one of our most revered and respected beings in creation. These beautiful birds represent our link…
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream When you seek to remove all barriers, all limitations, you destroy creativity because there is no cost to achieving skill. Adults and the Consequence of Severed Conscience and What Our Generation AllowedA very sad passage from a young write for Jonathon Haidt who focuses on the damage social media does to teens. Allowing them to languish online has eliminated the joy of music, creativity and art as CONTENT has been streamed at them non-stop. Absence of Limits“The enemy of art is the absence of limitations”—Orson Welles“Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We’re…
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Summer is exploration time in Michigan, July being the month where many adventures are so to take place. In July several hundred years ago, another odyssey took place when a letter was sent to a man name George. How I Started The Day At Sunrise And How I Ended It With My Family My youngest kid is 19 years old, and we have been fortunate to have had lots of skiing, hiking and camping adventures together as father and son, and as well many journeys of discovery with our entire family. On our last outing kayaking together he asked while we paddled down the river “Dad what is your greatest and best memory out of all the things we’ve done?” We have…
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The Committee of Five was given the goal to draft a letter, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Sherman and Livingston delivered something far more. It can turn back Identity Marxism.Founding Father Roger ShermanSad will be the day when the American people forget their traditions and their history, and so longer remember that the country they love, the institutions they cherish, and the freedom they hope to preserve, were born from the throes of armed resistance to tyranny, and nursed in the rugged arms of fearless men. The Committee of FiveThis week in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was being drafted. For we Americans who still believe that the ultimate gifts we have as humans are our God liberty and the responsibility to pursue truth,…
Fathers Wear Many Hats, Have Many Jobs's episode for dads, about dads, and about how families needs dads, and how dads need their families. We'll be featuring an article from our Cultural Courage Newsletter.
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Mark Twain is an embodiment of what we were: SKEPTICAL. Because we had confidence to question. Need A Root Cause Analysis!!What has happened to our culture where we had the confidence to solve our own problems and recognized the snake oil salesman?Today we have so many experts from ALL sides who grab our attention, demand our attention. Yet it creates a dependency. Mark Twain was the Rush Limbaugh of His Age, Perhaps BetterHave you noticed that as deference to expertise has grown, that our sense of satire has changed and diminished. For the most part when you turn on the media, you have the snide remarks of the elitists such as Bill Maher, Lawrence ODonnell who assume the role of gadfly…
This episode is based on an articles in our Cultural Courage Newsletter titled want to subscribing as we have additional writing there.Franklin NY and Ouleout Valley Cemetery Delhi NY and Woodland Cemetery A Brief History of Decoration Day and Memorial Day The tradition of adorning the graves of the fallen was already a practice in many communities in both north and south. On May 5th 1868 General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the republic, issued General Order 11. The preamble is beautiful:The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet…