Show Notes:  Geddy From The Stetl

Show Notes: Geddy From The Stetl

Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Are we of the current age or are we shaped by the past?  This episode looks at the life of the parents of one of rock music's greatest bass players. Not so coldly charted, it's really just a question of your honesty"Do what you believe, because if you do what someone else believes, and you fail, you've got nothing. If you do what you believe, and you fail, you still have hope."--Geddy Lee Today marks the death of legendary Prog Rock drummer Neil Peart, who died three years ago on January 7th from brain cancer. When planning this episode I was unaware that my topic about his fellow bandmate and bassist virtuoso Geddy Lee would fall on this day. A Wall of…
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Show Notes:  Over The River

Show Notes: Over The River

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. One town in American hugely influenced our winter holidays.  Two self educated women led the efforts to make Thanksgiving a prominent holiday.  From Medford to Bedford Falls, these are some fascinating origin stories. Over The River LyricsIn my mind Mark Twain would sound like this southern gentleman, so I created a narration of Over The River with his voice.LyricsOver the river and through the woods,To grandmother's house we go;The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh,Through (the) white and drifted snow!Over the river and through the woods,Oh, how the wind does blow!It stings the toes and bites the nose,As over the ground we go.Over the river and through the woods,To have a first-rate play;Oh, hear the bells ring, "Ting-a-ling-ling!"Hurrah for Thanksgiving…
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Show Notes:  Dear Father:  Postcards From Wright Patterson

Show Notes: Dear Father: Postcards From Wright Patterson

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. What do we pass on to our children, how do we teach them that it's the consistent, constant, quiet endurance that the true heroes, our veterans possessed that is to be honored? Armistice Day - Never AgainOriginally Armistice Day was a commemoration of the lost American military service during World War I, November 11th the day of the cease fire.  It wasn't until 1954, November 11th that it became a day to honor American Veterans of all wars.  It was to originally mark the great loss of World War I in hopes that such a conflict would never happen again. Captain Eddie RickenbackerWorld War One AceHe was originally turned down for enlistment for lack of education but was persistent, and on…
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Show Notes:  Brave New World, Butterflies and Big Mistakes

Show Notes: Brave New World, Butterflies and Big Mistakes

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The release of a new song from the Beatles using AI to enhance old material and blending it with current performances is a bitter sweet wonder.  We need to preserve the past, to protect it so we can continue to learn. Mind Altering Drug CultureThe Beatles were a product of their era, and experimented with LSD.  Many consider LSD to be an organic evolution of culture, but LSD as a mechanism of control was a subject research by the US government, The Tavistock Institute and the Frankfurt School since the 1950s.  The promise of the 1960s drug culture was build a new society by dropping out of the confines of traditional culture, expand your mind and seek new insights.  A chemically induced…
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Show Notes:  Shining Simulacrums

Show Notes: Shining Simulacrums

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The allegories of the Shining and imagery of mirrors, the shadow world, and ghostly personas tell us more about our perceptions than about things going bump in the the night.   What does it tell us about Severed Conscience? Mirrors Are the Window Into The Soul, What Side is Looking In and What Looks Back At Us?The movie The Shining makes use of many metaphors to tell a terrifying tale, and Stanley Kubrick's eye for depicting the uncanny with jarring images has made the movie the source of much conjecture.  How is that such terror can be invoked with such mundane elements as color, patterns in carpets, the use of light?  Individually we can all cite elements that scare us, whether…
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Show Notes:  Samhain, What We Harvest

Show Notes: Samhain, What We Harvest

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt?  Latin:  Where are those who were before us?  Tonight can be considered the kitchen sink of Michigan legends, some history and a bit of reflection. (Sow-Win) Is The Celtic HarvestThe Celts are considered to have contributed many traditions to Halloween, or as it is known in the Celtic languages, Samhain.  The Irish originated the tradition of carving gourds and turnips to ward off evil spirits.  The end of summer means harvest time, and the passing of the year into the next with winter being a dark period synonymous with death and perhaps evil spirits.  Samhain is one of the 4 Fire Festivals, and blood sacrifices were often made.It is interesting once Ireland adopted Catholicism, the practice…
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Show Notes:  No More Eclectic Dialectic

Show Notes: No More Eclectic Dialectic

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Reach a consensus, reach across the aisle, compromise.  Those phrases are shades of the Hegelian Dialectic, a Marxist technique that erodes adherence to our principles.This type of headline is so common today we come to expect as normal thinking.  It's not.  It's a method of control, the Hegelian Dialectic at work.We have discussed on many occasions our heritage of Natural Law, or what O describes as a bridge out of darkness to a better existence, a better fulfillment of human destiny in a grander plan.  While some say America is the culmination of Western civilization, it can be argued that much of the concept of liberty, civil law and rights is amalgamation of British society, with the influence of Iroquois Nation and…
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Show Notes:  Cromwell

Show Notes: Cromwell

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Fall is harvest time, and thoughts of the Pilgrams and Puritans come to mind.  Wait - they weren't the same thing?The Puritans are a part of the fabric of our history.  Many equate the values of founding with the values of Puritanism.  This is incorrect, as we shall see.Cromwell And The First Republic in EnglandAmerica was not the first republic established by British leaders.  After Elizabeth the First died, the Stewarts established a foot hold on the British monarchy, unifying Scotland and England when James the 6th became king, his new title being James the 1st.  At the time strife between Catholics, Protestants, and the Anglican church were marked with torture and death, with each ruler forcing their subjects to reject the…
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Show Notes:  Summer’s Going Fast, Nights Getting Colder

Show Notes: Summer’s Going Fast, Nights Getting Colder

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
Show Notes: Summer's Going Fast, Nights Growing Colder Summer draws to a close, and we should be proud of what we harvest.A Special ThanksTonight is the last episode of Summer Nights Radio for the Summer of 2023.  Summer Nights Radio was born out of a conversation, I thought it would be just a few special episodes that would showcase Severed Conscience and then would end.  But each week seeing people return regularly for my ravings, my mental leaps with six degrees of separation, hearing how you enjoyed my adventures in upstate NY and in northern Michigan and sharing music with everyone really was special for me.  I am so grateful to you for carving time on your Sunday evenings.Sadly summer is coming to a close, and so must Summer Nights…
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Show Notes:  Something In the Way She …

Show Notes: Something In the Way She …

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream What does it mean when in the age of progress music from the past has more plays than the top hits?  We're armed with so many digital libraries and tools, why is music so different? [shared_counts] Body-Ya - Feather It Out This episode airs on Sept 3rd, and if we're going to talk about music and be band nerds together, what better song than this one that is for this month, and is just full of so much joy? I have a few phrases I use that sum up how I think.  It's mostly a musician's view:  build a core melody, know your chords, and build as you go.  Find the pattern, do a variation.  Or as O says Zee,…
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