The Beaver Clan
The Beaver Clan Traditions have many flavors at Thanksgiving within the Beaver Clan. Queen Of The Beaver Clan / @QueenOfTheBeav1 Thanksgiving, as a girl growing up on a farm in Iowa, was about finishing the harvest season, and giving thanks for the abundance of the year. Including soybean and corn prices.Memories: Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on the black and white, and the ever frightful Wizard of Oz.(Hated the flying monkeys.)It wasn’t until 1973 that we got a colored T.V., so the Wizard of OZ was a whole new experience. We had traditional Turkey and Dressing, smashed potatoes, homemade oatmeal rolls , the ever present Lutheran Jello salads ,and homemade pumpkin pie.Now living in New Mexico (since 1981), we throw in my homemade salsa, con queso, and carne adovada, but the oatmeal rolls…