Our Children Lives Secret Lives Online. What Are They Really Connected To?
This article is part of our Severed Conscience series, and is based on the research by Orangezipple1 and Kelly Trowhill LLMFT, MAFPc.

There are guiding hands in our society that have remained on the periphery of public scrutiny, yet have been integral to shaping policy and have had access to public data for decades. Their names are not familiar, yet they have been working as influencers and illuminaries for the sciences and human behavior and have created policy for decades.
The Tavistock Institute and its subsidiaries have been prevalent in the mental and social sciences since the 1920s, and have been at the forefront of research for the National Health Service since the 1940s. Recently events regarding transgender reassignment sponsored by medical clinics have brought public attention to their legacy and their current influence on health policy. They have had influence world wide.
The Tavistock Institute has had large role in influencing society, and this article will detail the profiling practices of psychodynamics originating at Tavistock that are used in policy today and how it’s influencing social media to our detriment. We will also examine the abuse Tavistock perpetrated by clinicians who active recruited transgender candidates. The practice of recommending gender reassignment in the majority of cases resulted in lawsuits and the eventual shuttering of the clinic. Finally we will examine how social media resulting in isolation lead to putting vulnerable minors at risk from this clinic, essentially delivering patients to the clinic doors by recommendations online.
In our documentary Severed Conscience, we posit that a mental condition arises from social media use which causes depression, mental confusion and suicidal thoughts. The blue screen technology impacts sleep and production of hormones like ghrelin, serotonin, melatonin, and adrenaline as a result of over stimulation of the optic nerves at the wrong period during sleep cycles. The dopamine overproduction occurs with the continuous change in content, delightful play of colors and images, while leaving the sufferer at risk for outside influence. Our brains receive a reward from this stimulation similar to drug use. This process rewards the brain as it allows the brain to distract itself during moments of discomfort and lulls in attention. The “portal” to the brain is opened leaving us susceptible to suggestion. Isolation is a common result, and a false sense of connection to an online community can result in further detrimental health behaviors and prohibit attachments in real life. Children are the most vulnerable as laptops and smartphones have become substitutes for interaction.
The study of group behavior, based on the years of research conducted by the Tavistock institute from the 1920s to the 1950s, is integral to creating an environment that entices and delights. The creators of Facebook and Twitter have long admitted that they understood the psychology of what their software was doing. But the Big Tech elite are not the first to try to take advantage of human vulnerabilities and try to shape behavior.
History of Tavistock
Tavistock was formed in 1920 as a response to wartime trauma. Soldiers suffering from PTSD were subject to study in hopes to find treatments. Behavioral studies resulted in discovery of various mechanisms to cure trauma.
As a result of psychological lessons learned during World War I, the Tavistock Clinic was founded in London in 1920. Originally known as the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, the clinic was established as “one of the first out-patient clinics in Great Britain to provide systematic major psycho-therapy on the basis of concepts inspired by psychoanalytic theory
For decades Tavistock has had the goal of influence in group dynamics.
“the two main thrusts of the emergent strategy are to enlarge the nucleus of staff competent to work with the ‘system psychodynamics’ perspective and to take roles in the educational activities of the Programme and, during 1993–94, to extend the range of these activities to include events specifically designed for industrial, commercial and other sectors and not confined to the experiential method” (1992/93 Review, 1993, p. 42).
At the onset, Tavistock has had lofty goals, many that sound as though the transformation of everyday life is at the center of their mission. Indeed, clinicians at the Tavistock Institute have the practice of creating a positive feedback loop while collecting observations through the application of their theories. The article THE TAVISTOCK PROGRAMME: THE GOVERNMENT OF SUBJECTIVITY AND SOCIAL LIFE relays the evolution of the Tavistock Institute from the 1920s through the late 1970s. The goal of is to create new ways of thinking regarding group dynamics, which do not focus solely on describing current conditions, but focus more fully on what could be created. In many instances conditions for this new way of thinking resulted from crisis. That was the area of interest that could produce insight to new possibilities.
Early on, the Tavistock Institute was able to gain access to public and private life by involvement with British defense departments, juvenile courts, and eventually in the private sector with vocational behavior, then finally the interplay between management and labor forces. While new theories of behavior emerged, mental health was a primary focus.
Eventually a concept of group relation was theorized, and that the individual was the sum of social interactions. Since this was the case, individual characteristics become a secondary focus. Social groups are considered to be systems that can be adjusted, manipulated or influenced, and the emotional effect is far stronger within the individual members of the group.
As with many institutions that work with government mission creep is always a risk. In postwar Britain in the 1940s, government officials recognized the value of group dynamics and the theories that Tavistock had formulated, and it was at this time that Tavistock was incorporated into the National Health Service. Tavistock’s theories had then evolved to support the mission that since government could influence group behavior in industry and large institutions like the military, government was ultimately responsible for the welfare of all citizens. Since the individual was really governed by group dynamics, when you control and influence a well defined profile of a group of people, by extension providing the individual the environment to thrive.
In other words, a soft collectivism under the guiding hand of the government became the worthy goal. Treat the groups, the individual is somehow served.
But Tavistock soon developed another understanding, and surprise of surprises, government alone was not up the task of tending the flock. And you guessed it, technocrats from the medical profession, behaviorists with experience in industry and labor, and scientists from behavioral and mental health sciences were needed to carry out the mission. And of course the NHS with Tavistock would at the helm given their position of access to personal data.
So private interactions from labor unions and manufacturing were gathered and detailed. The private life was an integral feedback element to ensure the dynamics off the group were on course. Interestingly enough, industrial accidents were no longer blamed on the individual and poor training, but on some element awry in the group interactions. Leadership was no longer a personal trait that someone demonstrated or possessed but the interplay of a series of complex group relations and interactions. The economics interactions fell under the technocrats purvey, and therefore all of society became their responsibility.
“Social psychiatry appeared to provide the basis of a policy science with practical solutions.”
Tavistock Today
The National Health Service and Tavistock institute have come under scrutiny. The idea of studying group dynamics had evolved to something more sinister: transgender reassignment therapy. Social influence specifically from groups whose goals are to “nudge” people toward specifics ends is achieved through social media content designed to steer decisions and shape ideologies. An evolving framework of control that also actively recruits new members and then funnels them to experts.
Matt Rey, a patient who transitioned back to his biological sex, has now entered into a lawsuit against the National Health Service and the Tavistock Institute, claiming the therapist at the clinic conduct unsafe, predatory practices.
As a confused and isolated teenager, Rey looked to the internet for answers. FTM individuals who shared glamorous stories about transitioning convinced Rey that a new identity was the solution to happiness.
Turning to the gender identity clinic at the Tavistock Institute in the UK, Rey was surprised to learn that access to “gender-affirming care” was so easy—one visit with a primary doctor, two consultations at the gender identity clinic, then bloodwork—were all it took to begin the transitioning process.
Rey’s bloodwork indicated high levels of testosterone. “One of the doctors said I was ‘intersex’ because of this, but that is not how you diagnose that,” said Rey. “I probably had PCOS, which was not diagnosed at the time. I didn’t even question it, because when you go to a doctor, you expect to be told the truth. When they told me that I was intersex, it made me want to transition, because it made sense as to why I experienced all this confusion all my life.”
While I understand transition does not go badly for everyone, many trans people can have health complications later in life. If you are young, please don’t do this to yourself. Transitioning is NOT for kids. Parents, don’t do this to your children! The risks are too high.
— Matt Rey (@itsmattrey) May 4, 2023
Other victims have been coaxed into attending clinics, and the recruiting process began online. A isolated child who has not under careful supervision from an adult can succumb to peer pressure and depression based on their over use of social media. Layla Jane was approached when she was 11. Her transition process began two years later.
In our documentary Severed Conscience, we posit that a mental condition arises from social media use which causes depression, mental confusion and suicidal thoughts. The blue screen technology excites the dopamine cycle resulting in addiction, while leaving the sufferer at risk for outside influence. Isolation is common, and a false sense of connection to an online community can result in further detrimental health behaviors and prohibit attachments in real life. Children are the most vulnerable as laptops and smartphones have become substitutes for interaction.
The study of group behavior, based on the years of research conducted by the Tavistock institute from the 1920s to the 1950s, is integral to creating an environment that entices and delights. The creators of Facebook and Twitter have long admitted that they understood the psychology of what their software was doing. But the Big Tech elite are not the first to try to take advantage of human vulnerabilities and try to shape behavior.
Is Severed Conscience at Work
As stated earlier, Severed Conscience results from social media profiling a person and with AI, then funneling information that is curated for specific profiles. This is the same concept as psychodynamics providing behavioral recommendations based on the study of group interactions. The difference is that technology allows this to be conducted on a planetary scale. These profiles have not been kept private, as we have seen in the Twitter Files and lawsuits from Dr Shiva that demonstrated specific individuals were studied. We are all studied – the platforms tell us this, and we naively assume that our data is not supplied to those like the Tavistock Institute. Technocrats who have the goal to improve the efficiency of the workplace or who feel that gender reassignment is not the decision of parents fathers from a matrix of characteristics gathered and calculated now have the tools to irrevocably change or even destroy lives. Behavioral data helped build the social platforms, and the condition of Severed Conscience keeps people engaged, enticed, and sometimes delivers them into the hands of those who feel entitled to transform them.
Why do we let them continue to poach? Trends in the Millennial generation indicate that they want to be lead and are embracing collectivism at higher rates than previous generations. Centralized watering and feeding troughs are easier to manage and influence.