MI GOP, critical to turning our state around suddenly finds it no longer remembers 2020. Sadly Trump weighs in where he shouldn’t.
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MI GOP Endorses Peter Hoekstra as Next Michigan GOP Chair
According to Hoekstra this was out of the blue, unsolicited.
Opposition to Karamo
The MI GOP State Committee convened and voted Karamo out as party chair. There is a dispute now as to whether this process was legitimate. Hoekstra was then voted in as the new party chair, yet Karamo has yet to concede to this event. It is headed to court to resolve.
Jason Roe, a longtime Republican political consultant and former executive director of the Michigan GOP has a different opinion and told the media outlet, “Karamo and her allies can no longer claim that they are the heirs of MAGA, fighting for the future of the country and against the globalists and the uni-party…Their leader has spoken.”
RNC States Karamo Was Removed Legally
While all parties await the outcome of the litigation, the RNC says they have “limited power” under their rules to issue “binding determinations in internal state party disputes.”
However, in an internal review by the RNC, they found “Ms. Karamo was properly removed in accordance with the MIGOP bylaws on January 6.”
That said, RNC has not made an announcement that Karamo is officially out, stating that more information may come to light.
Statements From Hoekstra
In a recent interview Hoekstra was asked how he would respond when asked if conspiracy theorist could run for positions in the party. This article then points out that Karamo made dubious claims that there was election fraud in 2020. There is an attempt to paint people who are not in line with the narrative that the elections were safe and secure as radicals. There is also an attempt to paint the entire Republican party as conspiracy theorists who have no basis to their arguments.
“Are people welcome to come into the party and compete for positions?” Hoekstra added. “Absolutely.”
Regarding Elections, We Think Those Need To Be Considered As Vital As Our Borders
There is a danger that the Border Crisis, and the inside baseball showmanship with any deals made support Ukraine at the expense of CLOSING the border, is a threat. Without a secure election system, we are at danger of coming to an end as a constitutional republic. If the borders were magically closed and the laws enforced to keep illegals out, would that matter is our elections were based on banana republic tactics? The drama in Michigan builds an impression that questioning the election is a frivolous, divisive act. It is not. When we allowed Hillary Clinton to repeat that Trump was illegitimately elected for years, yet counsel ourselves to remain silent with failings to follow lawful procedures in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Michigan, we allow unlawful rulers the position for power. This holds for no matter which party wins.
That Word “Transparency”
When we both came to Twitter we had goals regarding what it would bring to our live: make connections, build relationships, have contact with people whom we read as authors, journalists or podcasters, and make a difference by spreading our views.
There are many promises with social media, there is an alure. When it became known that social media could influence society via politics and news dissemination, “transparency” was proffered as a standard to judge politicians, yet this has been applied to citizens as though they are criminals.
Zee has published an article about the broken promises of social media that is important to consider when assessing what can be achieved for our society should we ignore how transparency is misapplied.