Don’t cross the streams. Not even to get rid of the Stay Pufft monster.
WATCH: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee tells students the moon is a ‘planet made up mostly of gases’
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) April 9, 2024
Sheila Jackson Lee trying to put her eclipse safety 👓 on .....
— Grumpy ☄️ (@TonyMguru) April 9, 2024
The left is full of clowns 😂
They really are the biggest laughingstock of all Americans.
FISA Renewal
This is such a great upgrade to FISA and warrant-less surveillance Congress is opting itself out.
🚨 Congress gives itself a carve out in the reauthorization of FISA 702 warrantless spying on Americans.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) April 9, 2024
The bill requires the FBI to notify and seek consent from Congress before violating the privacy of Congressmen.
This will persuade many members of Congress to vote yes. pic.twitter.com/usKVeNnq3b
Freakin’ Ball-busting Idiots Get Special Training From SPLC
SPLC provides insight into why Christian nationalists are deadlier than Muslim terrorists.
The FBI trained personnel on countering extremism with material from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), according to former special agent turned whistleblower Steve Friend.
In an interview with the Tennessee Informer last month, Friend recalled his experience at the FBI Academy in 2014: “We were shown a video that was produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center.” The film, Friend said, “ranked people who oppose abortion, pro-life activists, as a greater threat than Islamists.”
Falling In Biden’s Footsteps
Brandon’s Economy
— Jacki Kotkiewicz (@jackikotkiewicz) April 10, 2024
Gasoline: 47.8%
Groceries: +21.1%
Eating out: +21.4%
Baby food: +30.5%
Pet food: +23.7%
Rent: +20.9%
Electricity: +28.3%
Natural gas: +26.9%
Used cars: +20.9%
Air fare: +32.7%
Public transportation: +22.2%
Real average weekly earnings: -3.9%
You Can Buy Gold At Costco, $2400 per Ounce. Pizza still $1.99 A Slice
Now, Wells Fargo estimates that Costco “may now be running at” $100 million to $200 million per month in gold sales.
“Our work suggests there has been significant interest given COST’s aggressive pricing and high level of customer trust,” said analyst Edward Kelly in a Tuesday note to clients. “The accelerating frequency of Reddit posts, quick on-line sell-outs of product, and COST’s robust monthly eComm sales suggests a sharp uptick in momentum since the launch,” CNBC reports.
A proposed Nebraska bill would cut off one of Biden’s easiest pathways to 270 electoral votes, but Republicans face an uphill battle to get the proposal passed before the looming end of the legislative session.
A proposal known as LB 764 would repeal a 1991 state law that splits the state’s five Electoral College votes based on how each candidate performs in the state’s three congressional districts. The law has twice sent one of Nebraska’s electoral votes to a Democrat presidential candidate thanks to the 2nd District, which contains Omaha. The 2nd District voted for Biden in 2020 and for Obama in 2008.
Climate Change – Islands Have Grown!!!
An amount of land equivalent to the Isle of Wight has been added to the shorelines of 13,000 islands around the world in just the last 20 years. This fascinating fact of a 369.67 square kilometre increase has recently been discovered by a group of Chinese scientists analysing both surface and satellite records. Overall, land was lost during the 1990s, but the scientists found that in the study period of three decades to 2020 there was a net increase of 157.21 km2. The study observed considerable natural variation in both erosion and accretion. Of course, the findings blow holes in the poster scare run by alarmists suggesting that rising sea levels caused by humans using hydrocarbons will condemn many islands to disappear shortly beneath rising sea levels.