Show Notes: Planned Shortages, Planned Ballots

the mighty humanzee
By The Mighty Humanzee

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Why does it feel like the Ground Hog’s Day?  Because the grind from the repetition of the collectivists is used to wear us down.  They are telling us they will shut food supplies, they will steal the election.  Buckle up, this one will be bumpy.

Our Latest on Cultural Courage

As a family, we have put a lot of miles on getting to our outings.  Couple that with the fact that I now live 600 miles away from where I grew up and my parents still reside, and you can say we have spent some time on the road.  I actually like those longer trips since I can tune things out and think.

There are times when you need to cast of the safety net and get out there.  Our latest article on Cultural Courage No Safety Net, No Internet: The Eagle, The Heron, and The Bears describes some great yet unexpected encounters.


Don't Despair, You Don't Understand What You See

We have been here before, we know how it ends when the government experts tell us that the shortages we are experiences are the result of our own perceptions.

This time, the talk of price controls is coupled with the push to re-engineer food production and remove the effective means of agriculture.  So no fossil fuels, no nitrates.  

We described this new push in Show Notes: Food Wars:  Want Fries With Your Bug Burger?

The article discusses the importance of renovating and reinventing the food system to address challenges such as climate change, population growth, and resource scarcity. It emphasizes the need for innovative solutions that prioritize sustainability, resilience, and equitable access to nutritious food.

Though the product-level impact is small, the overall contribution to diet can be significant. For example, if one multinational food company adds whole grain to its main product line of snacks, it could increase Americans’ fibre intake by 5% by 2030. By prioritizing nutritional reformulation, we can mitigate adverse effects on public health, including the rise of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular conditions.

Animal based protein bad

These sustainable replacements for animal proteins play an important role in reducing the overall impact of food supply chains, while enabling us to meet the growing demand for low-cost, nutrient-rich foods. Rapid advancements in plant-based R&D as well as bio-identical plant or animal proteins, fats and oils produced through precision fermentation and cell-cultivated biotechnologies, are opening up spaces for Reinvention. In 2024, Unilever launched their first precision-fermented “cow-free dairy”

They are acknowledging that inflation is out of control, and they hope to turn this into a weapon of propaganda by being the saviors.  It is Cloward And Piven strategy.  Rosa DeLauro tells there is no shortage, it’s just evil.

But why would the industry raise prices to only within 1% margin?

They Will Step In FDR Style, Or Worse

How Are The Solutions for Climate Change Working Out?  1000 Software Developers Laid Off At GM

Weren’t we told just 2 years ago that EVs would require less engineers and more software developers?

General Motors continues reversing its pandemic-era hiring spree, during which it hired thousands of engineering and software development employees to bolster its ambitions in the electric vehicle space and connected-car services. As the downturn in the EV market persists, consumer demand weakens, and recession risks rise, the legacy automaker is preparing to cut at least a thousand tech employees to streamline operations. 

CNBC reported Monday that layoffs at GM will affect at least 1,000 salaried employees globally in its software and services division. The layoffs will include 600 jobs at the company’s tech campus near Detroit. This comes five months after the automaker’s software chief, Mike Abbott, stepped down, citing ‘health reasons.’ 

“As we build GM’s future, we must simplify for speed and excellence, make bold choices, and prioritize the investments that will have the greatest impact,” a GM spokesman said in an emailed statement, adding, “As a result, we’re reducing certain teams within the Software and Services organization. We are grateful to those who helped establish a strong foundation that positions GM to lead moving forward.”

Really, Where Are All the EV Jobs?

Currently a 40-year-old security guard at Ford Field, Burutolu became fascinated with electric vehicles after test driving one. When researching community college programs online, he discovered Oakland’s EV technician pilot program.

“The coordinator, he said you’d get to work on the cars instead of just talking about them,” said the Taylor resident. “I went to take a look at the lab.”

Burutolu was impressed. In addition to learning about the electrical and software components of the vehicles, he would have the chance to disassemble batteries, charging stations and a Tesla motor.

Upon completion of the 14-week program, Burutolu and peers in similar programs around Michigan will join the first wave of what Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and business leaders envision as the transition from gasoline to electric power.

While the promise of EV jobs is large, the reality for now is modest. 

Many Michigan auto dealerships don’t need more than one technician who can service EVs, said Nissan Okemos Service Manager Matt Lingenfelter. 

His dealership service department is one of many facing a shortage of mechanics, and EV experience is far from their top priority when hiring. As with Chevrolet and Ford, Nissan will train at least one technician per dealership to work on non-gas cars.

For every Michigan-registered electric vehicle on the road, about 375 are gas-powered according to Department of Transportation data.

Govt Steps In And Production Increases, Right?

Darth Nessel’s Line 5 Revenge

The Enbrige Line 5 brings oil and natural gas into Michigan and 38 Billion Dollars per year for the Canadian and Midwest economy.  Gretchen Whitmer and Dana Nessel are determined to shut down Line 5.  Enbridge was approved to construct and new pipleline that would be buried beneath the bedrock of Lake Michigan, encased in tunnel of concrete.  Jason Hayes of the Mackinac Center Explained the economic harm shutting down Line 5 could cause.

Lawsuit Will Be Heard In Michigan Court

Federal appeals court keeps Line 5 lawsuit in state court

A three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Friday shot down an effort from the pipeline’s owner to keep the case before federal judges.

Sean McBrearty, director for the Michigan branch of the environmental group Clean Water Action, said he believes this settles a years-long back-and-forth about whether the case belongs in state or federal court.

“These are critical issues that need to be heard in our Michigan courts, not in a federal court, which, frankly, just doesn’t have the right kind of jurisdiction or understanding around these particular state law issues,” he said.

Earlier this summer, the federal appellate court judges remanded the case back to Michigan’s 30th Circuit Court in Ingham County. But Enbridge, the Canada-based company that owns Line 5, had requested a rehearing before the entire U.S. Court of Appeals.

Friday’s denial closes the door on that happening.

“We are disappointed that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has denied our petition for rehearing. Enbridge believes that the case should remain in federal court given the clear and substantial questions of federal law raised by the Attorney General’s complaint,” Enbridge spokesperson Ryan Duffy said in a written statement.

Green Township Loses Lawsuit with Gotion

Gotion is the CCP owned lithium battery manufacturer that wants to build a facility in Big Rapids.  The facility will consume 715,000 gallons of ground water a day, and will sit on the 3rd largest watershed in Michigan.

Green Charter Township cannot impede Gotion Inc. from making progress on its $2.4 billion electric vehicle battery plant near Big Rapids while the company’s lawsuit against the township proceeds, a federal judge ruled Wednesday. 

U.S. District Judge Jane Beckering upheld a preliminary injunction issued in May. It requires the Green Township Board to adhere to the development agreement the battery manufacturer signed with the previously recalled township board, despite the current board’s efforts to stall the project. 

“The Court is not persuaded that such provides reason for this Court to “clarify”— let alone vacate — its decision that the Township is obliged to comply with the Development Agreement,” wrote Beckering in the ruling

Gotion filed a federal lawsuit in March alleging that the township broke the development agreement that requires the township to assist the company in obtaining “governmental authorizations necessary to advance and support the project.”  

Grassroots efforts to unseat the officials who signed the Gotion contracts without approval from the residents were successful.  The citizen voted the town board out of office.

Many community members have criticized the project because of its potential environmental impact as well as Gotion’s ties to China. Gotion High-Tech Inc. was founded in China in 2006 but its U.S. subsidiary Gotion, Inc. was founded in 2014 in California. 

Last year, Green Township residents recalled the entire board, which supported the project, and replaced them with a new board.

The previous township board had entered an agreement with Gotion that required the board to “execute necessary easement documents to provide access to the property for any public infrastructure improvements,” but shortly after the agreement was signed, the board was recalled in October. 

Election Fraud – Its The Registrations

The cry to only look at the voting machines is a distraction.  The machines cannot create fake registrations that tie to a mail-in ballot.  When the parity of registrant to ballot exist, you don’t need the machine and the fraud goes undetected.  The problem now is you must alter election law 90 days before the election is held, we are past that point.

Safe And Secure – Double Voting Detected

They are now telling you that the registrations and the fraud detection is at the highest level.

St. Clair Shores Clerk Abby Barrett reported the instances of possible double voting in which four individuals cast more than one ballot, voting once by absentee and once in person, with the incidents occurring in precincts 7, 15 and 16.

Barrett reported the potential crimes to the Macomb County Clerk’s office and Michigan elections officials for further investigation, with the Macomb County Clerk’s Office informing the Michigan’s Secretary of State’s office and Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido on Thursday in accordance with state law. 

“Our elections in Macomb County have strong protocols in place designed to protect and ensure the accuracy and transparency of the votes of our community members. Multiple safeguards are put in place to ensure that instances of voter fraud are rare and if attempted, are exposed,” Forlini said in a statement.

Darth Nessel – You MUST Certify Results

AI Is Fooling You During The Election

But this is AI, it’s just video.

AI will play a role in election misinformation. Experts are trying to fight back

While most adults are aware that AI will play a role in the election, some hyperlocal, personalized campaigns may fly under the radar, Harper says.

For example, someone could use data about local polling places and public phone numbers to create messages specific to you. They may send a text the night before election day saying that your polling location has changed from one spot to another, and because they have your original polling place correct, it doesn’t seem like a red flag.

“If that message comes to you on WhatsApp or on your phone, it could be much more persuasive than if that message was in a political ad on a social media platform,” Harper said. “People are less familiar with the idea of getting targeted disinformation directly sent to them.”

Russia’s influence on the 2016 and 2020 elections is well-documented, and efforts will likely continue in 2024, with a goal of undermining U,S, support of Ukraine, a Microsoft study recently reported.

There’s sometimes a monetary motivation to misinformation, Amacher said, as provocative, viral content can turn into payouts on platforms that pay users for views.


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