Show Notes: Regime Econ 101


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With all the adjustments to unemployment, the asset inflation in real estate and the CNBC Talking heads slowly waking up, what are the economics that Kamala promises to deliver to us, not from Biden, but from the Uniparty Regime that wants to eliminate the middle class?

A Remembrance

Rush Had a Different Take

Thoughts on 9/11 — and Patriotism

I remember there’s Mayor Giuliani and Bernard Kerik and everybody standing there on TV giving the latest updates, saying, “We’re never gonna allow the terrorists to shut this country down,” and so forth.

I said, “I hope that’s true. I hope every 9/11 anniversary we don’t shut this country down in remembrance, because that’s what they tried to do.” But I’m watching TV today, and there was something I didn’t see. I saw all the memorials. I saw all the people. I saw the prayers. I saw the laying of wreaths. I saw all that. I didn’t see one second of videotape of what happened on that day. Not one. I guess it’s the powers that be. They think it’s too traumatic, and the American people can’t deal with it even yet, which I think is a grave mistake.

He Muh Daddy

One Party Regime

A Harris Victory in 2024 Makes the U.S. a One-Party State

Specifically, the Harris administration supports the push to add the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as states, adding four Senators and at least two Representatives to the House of Representatives. The addition of these states to the Union would give the Democrat Party permanent control over the presidency.

These illegal aliens will be placed on an immediate path to citizenship so that they may vote legally. Conceivably, at least 12 million more illegal aliens can be expected to enter the U.S. during a Harris presidency, and this will only accelerate a permanent pathway for illegal aliens to become citizens

Kamala Is A Different Type of President?

This is 

Shifting Meaning:  Keeping Your Job Is Protectionism

Bus, Magic Bus

ABC Should Have Asked Victoria Nuland Why She Nixed Treaty Between Ukraine and Russia

Indeed, many already know her as Victoria-‘Fuck the EU’-Nuland and for essentially running foreign policy in Europe stretching back through the Obama years as then Assistant Secretary of State for Europe, where many of the problems which sparked the disastrous and tragic Russia-Ukraine war were first set in motion.

Trump Progress

Summary of the Counterfeit Ballots

He Who Counts The Votes, and Registrations, Wins

We Need More Data Points – Jobs Data Revision

These are not small adjustments, June was adjusted down by 1/3.

11 out of the last 15 jobs reports have now been revised lower. The June jobs report has now been revised lower TWO TIMES, a major red flag.

US Added 635,000 Workers While REDUCING Native Workers

1.3 Million US Citizens Lost Their Jobs in August

Rasmusen Puts Unemployment at 8.4%

National unemployment was 8.4% in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Real Unemployment update, the same as the rate last month and starkly different from the 4.2% officially reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics today. 

The Rasmussen Real Unemployment rate is derived by asking American Adults who they work for.  Those who respond “unemployed, but looking for work” are aggregated at the end of the month and weighted to match the nation’s demographic profile.

Harvard Survey “Only 23% Think Economy Is On Right Track

A majority of voters think the U.S. economy is on the wrong track, according to a new poll, as the Federal Reserve appears likely to lower interest rates this month after months of holding them steady.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll showed 63 percent of respondents said the economy is on the wrong track, while 30 percent said it’s on the right track and 8 percent said they’re not sure.

Opinions were split along partisan lines, with 54 percent of Democrats saying the economy is going in the right direction but only 9 percent of Republicans saying the same. The poll found 23 percent of independents said it’s on the right track.

Inflation is crushing small businesses like mine. Between rising costs for supplies, utilities and gas, it’s becoming harder to keep up. And I’m not alone. Families across Georgia are feeling it, too. From the grocery store to the gas pump, prices are out of control, making it harder for working folks to make ends meet.

We’ve all watched as our favorite Georgia products, like peaches, have skyrocketed in price. Peaches were up 25% last year. Chick-fil-A is up 21%. Even Bulldogs game tickets have jumped 45%. This inflation has cost Georgia families more than $27,000 since 2021, and that’s a hit most of us just can’t afford. The reality is clear: the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless spending and misguided policies are to blame.

The Great Replacement Is No Longer A Theory

Under Angela Merkel, small towns were forced to received 500- 1,000 “refugees”.

German village Sumte outnumbered by refugees who ‘will stay for a YEAR’ | Daily Mail Online

Fury of German villagers after officials admit that 750 migrants will stay for at least a year
The 102 residents of Sumte will soon be outnumbered by seven to one
Already 229 people at the centre – but some are from places like Serbia
Centre boasts medical and childcare facilities, a cafeteria and translators
Many locals are angry there is ‘so much’ for refugees and nothing for them

Duck Duck Goose

Ohio Is Open For Replacement Population

Holding Yourself Responsible

Cleanup of Trump Assassination Plot?

Plati may have been the one signing off on denying Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and others additional security resources. According to journalist Susan Crabtree, Plati’s department was the one that repeatedly denied requests for extra security assets to Trump.


Love Your Cat?  You Might Be Racist

Swalwell Your Tears

We’ll Leave The Lights On For You

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