Gen Flynn On North Carolina



I was born in the rain on the part train underneath the Louisiana


Moon don’t mind the strain of a hurricane they come around every


June the high Black Water devil’s daughter she’s hard she’s cold she’s


[Music] me General thank you so much for making


the time for us today big questions that we have that can only be answered by someone with your pedigree where is the


American Military As Americans are suffering and dying I’ll preface this by saying our our sources on the ground


tell us that there are hundreds of bodies American bodies still buried in mudslides uh and thousands of Americans


uh that could potentially perish Still In This Storm where is the American Military yeah so a couple of things that


I want to cover and Nick Nick sortor is unbelievable and being on the ground there doing what he’s doing I mean talk


about courage so let me take it to the big picture first because it and I and then I will take it down to North


Carolina and what what should be done what should immediately be done and we’re already a week too late so big big


picture we have over a 100 counties probably around 150 counties from


Appalachia Cola Florida all the way up to the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina so probably looking at


150 counties you know in various States that are in a complete disaster Zone and


so this is a federal emergency of epic proportions of biblical proportions that


the federal government is basically has been totally absent okay I mean absent


and I have uh folks that I’m working with right now and and I’ll talk a little bit about what we did in North


Carolina what’s going on in North Carolina because people out around the country are frankly some around the world are asking work and they can help


but certainly people around the country so the big picture is we got about at least 150 counties that are in a in a


total disaster Zone from Northern Florida all the way up to uh in parts of


Tennessee and of course North Carolina in in North Carolina there are at least


there’s over a thousand dead that have been confirmed to me with the just the body bags that have been filled there


are insufficient numbers of body bags so there are dead body is lying aside and


and and this is up in the mainly up in North Carolina that is already pushing over a thousand my guess is that by the


time we we you know look at all of what has happened we’re going to be probably somewhere around 2,000 or north of 2000


dead people there are still people caught up in the hills in North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee that their towns


were completely wiped out they’re they’re totally isolated homes are gone and one of the things I want people to


understand is that one of the things that you consider for humanitarian disaster recovery and relief operations


one of the first things you look at is the terrain and the weather conditions that are impending right so at nighttime


right now up in the mountains of North Carolina I have I’m very familiar with this area I’ve trained up in there I’ve been up in there many times in my in my


experiences in the military especially at Fort Brag North Carolina I won’t call it the other name but Fort Brag North


Carolina which I will talk to in a second here with the with the potential uh deployment of other resources that


the government has so the the weather conditions right now are wet they are uh


because it’s Misty at night time it rains at night we’re looking at weather temperatures that that are in the low


30s and in another week or two by the end of this certainly by the end of this month we’re going to start to see


freezing conditions possibly even an early snow in the mountains of North Carolina where these people are still


walking around with nothing so when we because I want to talk about what types of resources need to be brought to bear


and the things that I know that are being done so the big picture is we’re going to probably be north of 2000 dead


we have at least 150 counties maybe 200 counties from Northern Florida all the way up into uh up into Western North


Carolina that are in This Disaster Zone the federal government has done nothing


one other strategic component here Benny and for your audience when they talk about fee is out of money or the federal


government’s out of money first of all it’s our money so never forget that folks secondly that our government has


has Disaster Recovery response funds and Congress and now I’m talking directly to


speaker Johnson right Congress can reallocate funds so funds that are being allocated overseas to some other crazy


Endeavor that we don’t need to be part of they can reallocate funds with one simple vote and and actually it’s the


speaker of the house that can do that so so I don’t want people to go well FEA is out of money the government’s out no


that first of all it’s our money and the speaker of the house has the authority to be able reallocate from one line item


to another line item for dis especially for Disaster Recovery in the United States of America and the and the


president of the United States can do it with a stroke that didn’t even take a pen it could just be direct These funds


to go to that effort immediately the second thing is the the president of the United States has the full authority to


call out and federalize the National Guard okay and we probably are looking


at uh a division’s worth of of cap abilities that we need so an army


division’s worth of capabilities so that’s roughly somewhere between 15 and


20,000 Personnel from that that you can we can get from the National Guard right


now with all of the all of the logistics all of the the communications all of the


tenage you know all of the the what they call mobile kitchen trailers I mean for food I mean we can do water purification


the the the little numbers that have been sent I think it’s uh a th from uh from the Fort Bragg area and


there’s like another 500 this is just in North Carolina we need a full mobilization right now and I’m serious


about this if if you know if you sprinkled fairy dust on me today and put me in charge we would have an entire we


would have an entire active duty division because the active duty division more than the National Guard


the National Guard has to come in they got to go through all kinds of processes they don’t respond as quickly so the the


82 Airborne Division which is a threeh hour drive from the Western Hills of North Carolina Drive not like you know a


day or two to get there they have capabilities that can be there literally in two hours four hours 24 hours and I’m


talking about large packages of the full complement of everything that Nick was


just talking about I have got I have uh uh U Representatives on the ground to


doing a couple of things one they’re they’re collecting the Intel right now they’re getting an assessment of the


area and these are the guys that are telling me how many body bags they’re out of how many body bags they need


there’s still areas that that they have not gotten into I mean some of the stories that I was told in the last


couple of days we had and and the these were fixed and I’ll tell you how they were fixed so we had North Carolina


forestry service helicopters at Hickory Airfield in North Carolina that were sitting idle for five days and the


pilots who know that part of the country like the back of their hands were so frustrated because they could not they


were told they were directed basically don’t do anything okay they were and they would call up and go hey these guys


are looking for you know help here and we can help them we know this area very well because flying in the mountains


with a helicopter is far more difficult than flying you know along a beach right because you’re up at a higher altitude


so there’s a lot of there’s a lot of Dynamics and technical issues here that people have to be aware of so these guys


were sitting idle one phone call one phone call and it was to the lieutenant governor Mark Robinson and I’m going to


give him a lot of right now because in that phone call he told me that nobody was answering their phones from the


governor’s office of North Carolina nobody was answering their phones from the his calls to the Department of


Homeland Security or he was calling up into the White House so Mark took it on his own went to the to the Airfield


yesterday afternoon and directed under his authority and I you know and I don’t know what that means I don’t know what


if if he has that versus the governor but he told those helicopters you know and because and they said thank you very


much and they put those helic s in the service they were sitting there Benny for five days so there’s so many stories


of incompetence and ineptitude and intentionality FEMA FEMA has a small


element on the ground and people that are going up to it there’s no signs so it’s not like hey FEMA’s here you know


we’re here to help we got supplies coming in we got relief efforts going on they they were told don’t you know


basically don’t address anybody that comes up if they come up just tell them you’re sitting tight and you’re waiting


on resources this was this morning this is this morning a themea operation that’s a little bit further away from


Hickery up in the uh in the in the greater Asheville area so that’s kind of some of the Tactical picture but we we


have the ability immediately and I mean immediately with a with a with a phone call by the president of the United


States directing the national command Authority and that means the Department of Defense the Secretary of Defense the


the Department of Homeland Security FEMA and some of these other some of these other uh Federal institutions to


mobilize and they should put it under the the uh the command and control of a military unit because because you’re


going to this is a military recovery and disaster relief operation I’ve been part of many of these this is a very simple


operation actually in the military because these are Americans right our our our soldiers and and I have too many


stories in the last couple of days of soldiers at Fort Brag North Carolina taking leave because they were they some


of them many of them live up there or other guys know people up there so they’re taking their own leave to get


out there and help out for a couple of days to just do some immediate operations because they can’t take that much leave right a couple of days seven


days and so units are letting them go so low-level soldiers are or our our Rank


and file understand the urgency they’re they’re watching this unravel and they’re looking at our government go and


say and do nothing I mean nothing this is so outrageous we we have I mean and and


what Nick was talking about and you guys kind of touched on it in the end you kind of say to yourself why and so what


are they doing right and you you have to say to yourself you know 750 bucks that’s ridiculous I mean everybody knows


everybody looks at this and goes you know what the hell is going on and what’s going on is and I said this very


publicly this morning on my on my exp poost you know I want people to understand when they say build back


better they need to destroy the entire system in order to build it back better in their image and I mean that


intentionally I mean that precisely these people are are intent on destroying this country so there there


are also stories this this just makes me sick and and good reporting from good


people on the ground that I know of the Looting and a lot of gunshot fire a lot


a lot of gun uh gun fights up there to get rid of looters by some of the locals and by of the recovery assets there are


also children that they’re finding with ropes on their arms and their legs where they were tied to trees by their parents


and their parents are now dead and they and the kids were able to get recovered there are reports of illegals up in that


area and there’s a group of illegals that they had uh uh you know basically grabbed up about three or four days ago


and you know these are the allegations of raping some of these children up there so I this is brutal and this is a


war zone and and and in a war zone and this is what I mean about this sort of disaster Zone it’s like a war zone you


saw you showed many of the pictures Benny so when you have a war zone like that you’re GNA have all sorts of


Nefarious characters actors you’re G to have people up there with all kinds of you know hey if you if you support me if


you support this you know and they’re going to be benefiting from it that’s we got to be very very careful about who


we’re supporting where your money’s going and the type of people that that uh that are up in this area because


you’re going to have it’s such a gigantic area of operations the only way


the only way right now for a a legitimate uh uh you know wellone well


executed uh recovery operation to take place is if they if if the United States government commits at least a a brigade


siiz task force which is about seven to 8,000 you know men and women Soldiers


with all of the requisite capabilities to get in there now this is even this is even outside the scope of the National


Guard it’s such a big big problem and that doesn’t mean that doesn’t take any way from uh from the National Guard


Leadership you know they can put a they can get a general up there who’s got some guts and is ready to make some


decisions but that the scale and scope of this problem like I said we’re talking about so many counties in North


Carolina but we’re looking at a much much bigger problem and so the larger the problem the bigger the resources


that you’re going to require and those resources because we’re talking about Interstate problems here that has to


come from the federal government and for the federal government to say we we’re out of money is total it’s


total excuse my Irish Benny to your audience there are funds that are


available the president of the United States can redirect them speaker Johnson needs to stand up right now and also he


he’s got the authority to to move monies from one account to another in order to to support this operation and then they


our Congress our house they should be so public right now in the public domain


you know demanding that the president of the United States help these people Benny we’re going to have over 2,000


Americans dead from a hurricane a hurricane that was never expected to go


up into the Western Hills of North Carolina and that and I said you know the people that are that that have died


and and and will be recovered you know bodies from Northern Florida all the way


up to the hills of of Western or Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina


Benny there are entire segments of I40 and I’ve seen the videos and the pictures I40 which is a major Federal


Highway that cuts right through the entire Mountain Side came down right so there’s a an entire section they’re


talking about well over a year to repair that I mean this is something that is so big you know Cala can take her


$750 and put it where you know where you know the sun doesn’t shine because right


now a much more massive relief effort and frankly I hate to say this because it’s


like it sounds like I’m crazy but the you know AB budding this up to the to the most consequential election in our


history that we are about to experience I I just it just smells bad it tastes


bad you know it’s the old thing if it if it you know looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck right and we got


a problem right now Benny and this government is intentionally you know doing nothing


they’re doing nothing so don’t let anybody say that there’s no money and don’t let anybody say that there’s no


resources there are both and they they can be there in a moment’s notice we’re already eight days too late and for the


82nd Airborne Division and 18th Airborne Court Fort Brag North Carolina I guess now called Fort Liberty for those


resources to sit there what are they waiting to go to the Ukraine are they waiting to go to the Middle East we have got to get these


resources because that Division I can tell you I’ve spent almost half of my career at that fact more than half of my


career at that base you know in the in the world of Special Operations in the world of of really high-end capabilities


I mean tentage clothing food you know Logistics bridging trucks U air Mobility


they have an entire actually they have more than a brigade’s worth of of Aviation assets they have a to a


totality of command and control capabilities just an ability to go up on and I know some of the area up there


like there’s some Fair ground areas and then you have some some off-site airfields where there’s large open space


or the space can be cleared immediately just bulldo because even the Army at Fort Brag has bulldozers has cranes has


all this complement of capabilities all of that can be brought to bear you clear up a couple of spaces you start flying


around there you you actually run it like we ran operations in any War Zone in the country because that’s what this


is in fact it’s worse than a war zone you’ve seen the pictures you’ve shown the the videos on your screen we need


need to get up there with with with military resources and we need to do it now and I mean now and than you know I’m


I’m thankful actually because I think Ronda Santa sent some some uh bridging


assets up there from from the National Guard and from the state guard but certainly from the National Guard other


Governors need to start coming together folks because if Joe Biden who is he is


not there okay he Joe Biden needs to be he needs to be 25th amendment it out


Camala Harris who has no concept of what I just said in the last 15 or 20 minutes


zero zero concept but there are people in our government and there’s certainly people in the in the Department of


Defense Lloyd Austin should be ashamed of himself as a secretary of defense he knows full well what is what the US


military is very capable of doing all compliments whether it’s National Guard whether it’s our Reserve forces or


whether it’s our active duty and right now to to put an active duty unit in there for let’s just say 30 days and


then you can bring in you know some of the other uh C SE and rescue some of the other civilian capacity that we have in


this country right so we know that there’s people and and we’ll get this I’ll get this information to you so you


can put it out on your show because there are there is a church up there that is setting up operations it’s a


great church great Pastor there’s another couple of groups up there that I know that are bringing in trucks


truckloads of food and uh and shelter and warm clothes I mean money yes will


help pay for the Fuel Services know one of the guys that’s up there they brought six helicopters up private these are


private guys who went up there they normally get a phone call from FEMA FEMA never called them these guys are are the


topend search and rescue people and FEMA calls them whenever there’s a disaster


FEMA never called them and so they’re up there on their own because they just give a about what’s going on so


they have about six helicopters and they need to pay for fuel the folks providing the fuel up there have given them fuel


at Half Price which is really really nice for for but that’s fuel will eventually run out so we need to get you


know we need to pay to get fuel up there if we continue down this path with with trying to do this you know by by private


citizens it it and know and I’ll shut up here in a second Benny it kind of hearkens back to the The Retreat from


Afghanistan when the government when we pulled out of Afghanistan and you know the tragic loss of of the of the of the


beautiful 13 lives so many others that were wounded the the leaving behind of American citizens the government pulled


out and so so what happened I mean there’s still Americans back there right and so so private citizens stepped up


and they started to conduct rescue operations in the most difficult part of the world now we’re talking about right


here in our own front yard never this isn’t our backyard this is our front yard America and we have the full


capabilities assets resources funding all of it and you know what that’s our


money don’t let anybody say well the government doesn’t have any money there is so much money that we


can that we can come get access to and they can reallocate this we’re in a new fiscal year I mean you know these are


things that I understand and and you know and and God help these people if uh


from my perspective I ain’t speaking for Trump but for my perspective God help these people if we get back into office


because you know this is insane we can’t have close to 2000 and it’s going to go


north of 2000 when they finally when we get all the when we see it all and that and the billions and billions and


billions of dollars that are going to be uh just destroyed in people’s lives I mean everything so sad


um and and and we got to look back at these kinds of things and go you know what do we do what what why why and I


know why I know why I think there’s an intentionality behind this and I would love Joe Biden he didn’t even know that


there’s a storm he didn’t know which storm I heard you ask Nick about you know you said what storm he was like what storm you’re talking about are you


me and I and I I’m getting uh I’m getting uh you know Irish on you here I want to calm my voice a little


bit because because we have people American people American citizens that are at


risk that have died that have lost every single thing that they own we have the


full ability in this country to take care of them right now for an immediate


period of time and I’m talking about probably for the next certainly 90 days maybe longer you know we could put them


we can put them you know up like we put illegals up right in hotels I mean we can bring them into I I know I mean


these are all things that that I know we are capable of doing and the military


can get in there immediately and and start to put people in at least tents


you know at least tents on a fair ground and line it up like we’ve always done in places like overseas combat zones where


we just we get in there with CBS and we build plywood homes I mean you know we can bring compliments of trailers I mean


so much can be done and our government is on its rear end doing nothing hoping


they’re you know what they’re hoping for they’re hoping that it affects the election and the outcome of election


particularly in places like Georgia like North Carolina affect are affected so much but I can’t imagine you know I mean


Nick Nick highlighted it you know trying to get people to be able to vote right I mean that’s the last thing that is on my


mind for these people you know I want them I want him to I want Donald Trump to get back into office you know Donald


Trump has to have you know an entire Battalion of infantry around him to protect him from uh being killed by


frankly you know some of it might be Iranians some of it’s probably people in our own damn government working with


Mexican cartels and working with other other uh uh you know criminal elements


to kill him to kill this man so that’s another discussion for another day I I I


know you wanted to talk about something that Jack pic had posted and I think Jack’s right about that that there’s


there’s other plots of foot and uh this is insane where we are as a nation never


mind what mother nature and our government what Mother Nature did and what our government has failed to do so


I want people to I I will I will get to you places where people can can give


that I totally have vetted totally trust and frankly yes the the the the


organizations that helping they need they need the money but the people need


shelter they need thermal uh sleeping bags they need little you know little until our government kicks in until


something kicks in they need tenage they need clothing warm clothing they need preserved Foods right Cann Goods I mean


all the kinds of things you know so we’re we’re uh going to be up there in North Carolina here in Selma here with a


big with a with a whole bunch of people we’ve turned our turned our entire reawaken America event that we planned


you know months ago uh into a basically a humanitarian assistance relief effort


so we’re going to be doing that and then we’re going to be in Charlotte um you know helping out Donald Trump with a uh


with a big event we’re going to turn that into a humanitarian assistance relief effort and and my personally so


personally um one of the things that I do very well and for your audience is I connect people and I connect


organizations because I have a great network of really wonderful people uh


they’re mostly uh former military and these are hardworking uh you know Patriots and


they love uh they you know they’re they know what a crisis they know how to handle a crisis so we’re connecting


different groups that I knew that were doing individual things we have to be far more coordinated so anytime that you


see somebody because you’ll be talking to different organizations Benny the main thing that we need to do is we need


to connect those guys so I probably on the phone this morning have connected about four or five different


organizations people that didn’t generally know each other but they’re all focused on the same you know focal


point and that focal point right now is to get relief efforts up into North Carolina so we’ve got trucks going up


we’ve got helicopters going in we do have some some uh funding coming in kicking in for particularly for fuel


because the other thing is like you need uh heaters right we need heaters heaters run on gas propane or they run on on


just moas so so those are the kinds of things um you know there there’s the


corporate the corporate world of of uh of Home Depot Lowe’s Walmart I mean all


of these big box stores right I mean if you’re listening to this show please


please please kick in help help those folks that are sitting on an Airfield


right now running I mean yesterday as of yesterday a private organization was


running air operations for the entire area because the government wasn’t there


okay the government wasn’t there and and I will I will uh put a plugin for Mark Robinson again because I I don’t know if


he listens to this show but Mark on one phone call you know up in up at the


Capal in in North Carolina he immediately that afternoon was at the Hickory Airfield and he got those those


forestry helicopters mobilized and they’re now flying rescue missions alongside this private organization and


you know which is nuts we should have an entire division an infantry division


mobilized for this effort whether it comes out of the Guard or whether it comes out of for a place like Fort Brag


North Carolina that’s what we need right now and they can set up everything and


that can be the focal point without any of the BS you know you tell a you tell a two-star general who’s in charge of it


you say you know you have the con you make the decisions get stuff done make it happen you know rescue people help


people you know if you need more stuff you come back and you ask me and I’ll I’ll bring to bear more stuff if you


need it but right now we got to get those kinds of resources and capabilities out there so I mean I I


I’ve G on and on I’m just you can you can your audience you can hear it in my voice folks we have got to take this


country back because if we don’t take this country back what we’re seeing right now in the responsiveness of our


government we’re going to see it in Spades and I I mean if if there was ever


a time for them to shine Now’s the Time To Shine and these people have Dark


Souls and that’s what we’re seeing so I’ll shut up thank you Benny this is exactly why you bring the General on


your show to get the orders from a military Mastermind and from somebody who truly understands these systems now


uh General I I can’t help but look through some of the archives of what


happened in Katrina what happened uh with Hurricane Sandy when it struck New


York and when these hurricanes hit dark blue cities and large Democrat voting


Pockets let’s say this hurricane hit Philadelphia or Pittsburgh this election I can’t help but wonder if the National


Guard the full Fleet of the American Military would have been immediately


dispatched along with every conceivable Federal printing press to print unlimited money to help these people out


you can go back and see the 82n Airborne deployed to Katrina exactly you can go back and see the military deployed to


New Jersey and New New York when dark blue cities were hit by hurricanes and


so you have to step back and say you know what it sure as hell looks like this is some sort of political Vengeance


political cleansing of trump counties in swing States that’s what it looks like


Prima fascia yeah so you’re right I mean Katrina we deployed Katrina which happened down in in uh nor Orleans and


then um the the I just lost the name of the the hurricane that hit Homestead Air Force Base in Florida which was one of


the worst disasters it was a hurricane that hit the 82 Airborne was actually deployed down to Florida to to do


disaster and recovery and relief operations in Florida and I’m not a big fan of Rumsfeld and I said this the


other day in a in a post that I put out because I wanted people to understand exactly what you’re asking you know


Rumsfeld for after Katrina there was 75,000 soldiers that were deployed to


New Orleans right to the 75,000 immed he said he said well and I and this is a


quote from a guy that was in the room with him that said we’ll we’ll worry about the paperwork later get them


deployed immediately 75,000 were deployed like literally in a period of


about four days you know to get him down there right and so and I’m you know believe me I’m no fan of rumel but but


when when when stuff needs to happen in this country if we have leaders who care


you know and are willing to to to do the right thing then we will have responses


like that where like I just said the uh the hurricane that hit Florida uh I


think it was back in the early 90s if I remember 92 forgive me for the name but but that that they deployed the 82


Airborne Division down there they ended up sending about a battalion task force which is about a compliment of about you


know a, to 1500 in addition to the National Guard that was deployed by North by Florida at the time so I think


the numbers that we’re seeing right now of National Guard that are there and I think they said a thousand were


deploying out of Fort Brag Fort Liberty to go up into the hills of North Carolina that’s nothing it’s nothing


compared to the scale and scope of what we’re seeing and that and we’re already like I said we’re eight days too late so


um I I can’t imagine what goes through the mind of somebody I mean I’m not an


evil person so I don’t know what goes through the mind of an evil person so I just at that so if president Trump comes back to


office and I I know I know we’re tight on time here General if president Trump gets backed on I want to give people


hope because it’s been a dark it’s been a dark show I want to give people hope and show the difference between America


last which is what you were seeing at play here and America first and if Trump


comes back into office you have a position you said wave a magic Wan but we can wave a magic Wan


we can just elect the man back into office yeah uh how do disasters like this get treated differently because


there will be further disasters I mean this is just a fact of life right what is America First policies look like uh


uh in the future yeah you know I want people in your audience yeah I want your audience to think of their own home


right your own home America is our home and we must take care of our home first


if we’re strong if we are viable if we feel like our you know like you if you


feel safe in your home you’ll feel protected in your home you feel like like in your community that your home is


in if somebody is going to respond in time of need you know in an emergency you know you dial 911 when you’re at


your home and hopefully the cops are able to show up hopefully they haven’t been you know given Dei training and so


that’s that’s what I want Americans to feel like in our home we we are safe


secure protected we have people that are thinking about us because they can’t do


anything without us I mean we always say the government’s money no that’s our money everything that happens in this


country belongs to us so I want this is our home that’s what America First means


it means that we are going to protect our home we’re going to do everything that we can to make sure that whether


it’s a disaster or whether it’s a you know the fental drug problem whether it’s the illegals that we’ve got in this


country or whether it’s a a threat from overseas against our home right you got criminals that break into your house


sometimes we don’t want that to happen so we need to protect our country that’s what America First is about just like


it’s our own damn home because folks it is and we’re paying for it and then we can start to worry because we can juggle


you know we have enough smart people to juggle multiple balls so we can you know worry about what’s happening in in


Eastern Europe we can worry about what’s happening in the Middle East and we can look at our foreign policy dis which is a disaster right now and start to you


know rain that in a little bit like a like a like catching a fish right we got to rain some of this madness back in we


have good people that can do that kind of stuff but we have to first make ourselves stronger and one of the ways


that we make ourselves stronger and and Trump has been all over this you know we energy and I’ll just talk about energy


for a second because it’s like your own home right if there’s a disaster I mean you buy a couple of extra cans of


propane tanks so you can you know make yourself a cup of coffee during a during a you know or or some food or whatever


or you you buy something to take care of your home we have energy in abundance in this country country to take care of the


rest of the world frankly I mean we have so much energy in this country and what


that energy resource does and I ain’t just talking about fossil fuels or or or or Petro or nuclear talking about all


forms of energy we have that right now and if we put that into high gear which


was one of Trump’s major major issues we can turn this country we can turn the


lights back on in America and be that shiny City on the hill that we know we


can still be but we got to have the right leaders we got to have the right focus and that’s one but one big area


that will immediately kick in and once that kicks in the second third fourth


fifth order effects of opening up the energy resources that this country has it will it will start to grow and and


have an effect on all kinds of other Industries for our country and we need to get back into being a


manufacturing uh uh stronghold in the United States of you know from the unit States of America to the rest of the


world we can still do that but we got to have the right leadership in the White House and right now we don’t we have no


leadership General thank you so much for your time my uh my team is telling me that we are at time that you that you’ve


got another hit I know you’re a busy guy please everyone follow General Flynn here obviously you probably already are


1.7 million followers make sure that our movement grows God bless you General we can’t wait for you to be back in command


great I’ll send you some some places Benny that you can give your folks uh you know some ideas about how to help


cuz I know your audience is a great audience thank you God bless God bless

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