Show Notes: Fever Gretch & The Trifecta Dogs

the mighty humanzee
By The Mighty Humanzee

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Michigan caught a fever from Fever Gretch, scratching at our door with the Trifecta Queens. Tomorrow we’re getting into AI, Michigan economy in a spiral with Flagstar layoffs, worries over electricity hikes with the tariffs and Michigan is shutting down coal and gas. The sheriff who threatened Trump has apologized, well, sorta. Michigan firefighters try to put out a Tesla fire with 3,000 gallons of water.

Not Deranged At All

Lenawee County Democratic Chairman Bill Swift’s public comments about acts of violence against Make America Great Again Republicans and President Donald Trump landed him in hot water on Thursday night when he was removed as a member of the Lenawee County Agricultural Society.


The dues-paying membership of the nonprofit LCAS consists mainly of farmers who assist the County Fair Board to promote family oriented activities. Swift’s social media comments last January, which he shared on Lenawee County Democratic Party’s official social media account, stated that supporters of President Donald Trump should be arrested and “hanged by the neck until dead” for treason.

Of the 137 members reported present at the meeting, 121 LCAS members voted to remove Swift.

Tech Oligarchs – Bannon

AI and State Department

Marco Rubio announced that the State Department would be using AI to determine if foreign students who are protesting are engaged in criminal activity.  My question is if the local authorities were doing their jobs and not infiltrated by Soros supported District Attorneys who drops charges and create no arrest records, would we have to go to such extent.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio is launching an AI-fueled “Catch and Revoke” effort to cancel the visas of foreign nationals who appear to support Hamas or other designated terror groups, senior State Department officials tell Axios.

The effort — which includes AI-assisted reviews of tens of thousands of student visa holders’ social media accounts — marks a dramatic escalation in the U.S. government’s policing of foreign nationals’ conduct and speech.

    • The reviews of social media accounts are particularly looking for evidence of alleged terrorist sympathies expressed after Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel, officials say.

In 2023 Hocul announced monitoring of social media, so why is the State Department required.  Generally an arrest has to be made first, then the State Department is informed.

“We’re very focused on the data we’re collecting from surveillance efforts, what’s being said on social media platforms,” Gov. Hochul, a Democrat,said. “We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms. Our social media analysis union has ramped up its monitoring of sites to catch incitement to violence, direct threats to others.”


Tesla Dumpster Fire, Literally

Firefighters and public safety officers in Washtenaw County got a searing experience with electric vehicle safety last autumn while battling a tragic automotive fire.

Firefighters who responded to a Sept. 18, 2024, fire near Plymouth dumped 3,000 gallons of water on a white 2020 Model 3 Tesla after it was struck by another vehicle. They also applied a fire blanket, which the fire consumed within 30 minutes.

The crash happened when a 2024 silver Nissan Rogue driving the wrong way on eastbound M-14 turned into the entrance ramp from Gotfredson Road, according to documents Michigan Capitol Confidential obtained through a records request from local and state agencies. The Rogue was going about 69 miles per hour when it struck the Tesla, killing both drivers and a passenger in the Nissan vehicle.

About 50,000 electric vehicles are registered in Michigan, according to the federal government. Although they account for a small percentage of Michigan’s vehicles, they present unique fire risks. An EV fire burns at roughly 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit, while a gasoline-powered vehicle on fire burns at 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the University of Clemson’s College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences.

Current EV technology isn’t ready for mass adoption, Hayes said.

“The examples in the documents CapCon received prove that EVs are not what we have been promised,” Hayes wrote.

We Had a Robotic Governor, Why Not Have a Robot Pharmacist?  Media Does Not Question WHY 

Why did Rite AID close and shut down all stores in Michigan?  What factors in the economy and policy arose to create the moment?

She costs as much as a house, is nearly as big as a wall, and the pharmacy staff at west Michigan’s Cassopolis Family Clinic don’t know what they’d do without Rosie the robot.

Installed last month, the machine that automatically fills prescription bottles has helped the clinic’s pharmacy staff keep up with an influx of new patients after Rite Aid pulled out of Michigan last year. 

While such machines are rare outside of chain pharmacies, “for us, it was a no-brainer to get one of these, just because of the huge increase in business,” said Kevin Klipowicz, pharmacy director at the clinic that now includes Cassopolis’s only pharmacy.

Amid lower drug reimbursement ratesrising competition from online pharmacies, and a rise in mail-order prescriptions often required by insurance companies, big-name chain drug stores have contracted in recent years.  

Since the local Rite Aid closed, the Cassopolis Family Clinic and its other location in Niles — which has had its own Rosie since August — has seen a 55% uptick in prescriptions, Klipowicz said. 

“It’s crazy,” he said. “In some of these towns, (Rite Aid stores) were the only game in town, and they just pulled all out of the state. It left a lot of people in a hard place.”

So Bad Even The Banks Are Affected

Flagstar Bank to lay off another 424 in third round of job cuts in less than a year
‘Michigan’s number of unemployed people increased by 21.7 percent over the year, a gain of 12.7 percentage points’

Red Flag Laws Are Being Abused

In Michigan Red Flag laws can be executed ex parte, meaning the accused does not have to be present before the judge to lose their firearms.  This is a suspension of due process.  In some cases minors as young as 7 years old have been identified as the risk, and the household then loses its 2A Rights.

Nearly three out of every four Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO) requested were awarded by the courts in 2024; that marks the first year Michigan’s “Red Flag” gun law went into effect.

Now, GOP State Rep. James DeSana (R-Carleton) has filed bills to revoke the “Red Flag” gun law.

People filed a total of 391 ERPO complaints in Michigan from February through December 2024, according to data released from the state of Michigan. Of these, 384 complaints were filed against adults and seven were filed against minors. There were 287 orders issued, or 73% of the total Red Flag complaints filed

The law allows a spouse, former spouse, a parent, child or sibling or other relative as distant as a first cousin, a law enforcement officer, a health care provider or someone defined as in a dating relationship to file an ERPO

Dentist Alert! – What They don’t Ask Is Why We Lose Population

  • Michigan has nearly 8,000 dentists, but needs at least 400 more to meet the needs of Michiganders
  • Dentists are lacking most in rural parts of the state and in Detroit
  • Many Michiganders have to wait weeks or months to get in to see a dentist

My teeth hurt but check me when I was hot before there was electricity.

Alpena’s Jan Prentice poses in Alpena with a framed magazine cover featuring her during her modeling days. Prentice spent four months trying to get into a dentist and had to have two teeth pulled, which she blames on a shortage of dentists that makes it hard for many Michiganders to get preventative care. (Justin A. Hinkley/Bridge Michigan)

Woman stands holding framed magazine cover featuring herself


My Community Dental Centers, clinics linked to public health departments and designed to reach underserved Michiganders, closed six of its 34 locations last year because of staffing issues, said Kimberly Singh, chief of community and governmental affairs for the clinics. 

Restrictions and requirements meant to stop the spread of COVID-19 hit dentists hard, Farrell said. Many dentists elected to retire or simply closed shop during the pandemic.

“I’d say we lost about 30% of the dental hygiene workforce,” Farrell said, “and it has not reached pre-pandemic levels.”  

Government Unable to Issues Housing Vouchers Means We All End Up On the Street

We had a surplus budget of billions.  But after all the grift, port, and allowing the MEDC to hand our tax dollars to the scion of the Mother WEF-ers for technology that don’t work too good (sounds like Zoo-lander School) we don’t have money to support housing vouchers.  So instead of creating an actual economy with jobs that endure, we lament the demise of government.

“I don’t want free stuff, I just need help,” said Gibbs-Risner, 38, who now makes about $10,000 as a part-time gas station clerk, plus about $7,000 in Social Security benefits for her 4-year-old son with autism.

She’s one of nearly 60,000 low-income Michiganders still on a waitlist for the Housing Choice Voucher program — previously known as Section 8 — a key tool in the country’s ongoing fight against homelessness. 

The state closed its program to new applicants eight months ago, citing a federal funding gap caused by rising rents and stagnating incomes. 

MSHDA stopped issuing new vouchers in July and closed its waitlist, pausing access to a program meant to help the state’s lowest income individuals find housing. 

The state was not alone: MaineMontana and Texas also stopped issuing vouchers last year. And just this month in California, the Los Angeles Housing Authority paused its program as well, attributing the stoppage to uncertainty around the federal budget.


The future of those programs remains in flux as federal lawmakers intent on slashing government spending debate future funding for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which distributes money to states.

Nationally, it’s estimated the Housing Choice Voucher program assists more than 5 million people in 2.3 million families, according to a 2024 study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Experts say the program is needed in Michigan, where average rents rose nearly 12.5% last year — the third highest year-over-year increase behind New Hampshire at 12.8% and Mississippi at 14.7%, according to a 2024 study from


Darth Nessel Is Not Threatening At All

It’s Called Energy Independence

Michigan receives electricity from Canada as part of midwest power grid configuration.  Those who want to destabilize the grid with renewable energy now are worried that tariffs would impact energy prices.  For 1% of our source.  Again, there own solutions are worse than common sense economic measures to rebuild our economy.  Michigan applauded Dana Darth Nessel for going after power companies, forcing them to shut down coal.  Gretch is shutting down natural gas.

“This is a fluid situation and it is unclear whether the U.S. import tariffs apply to imports of electricity from Canada, and it is uncertain whether or when this will be resolved,” said Brandon Morris, a spokesman for MISO. “MISO has received no confirmation from federal agencies regarding the duties’ applicability to electricity or who will be responsible for paying or collecting them.”

Morris said less than 1% of MISO’s total energy in 2024 was supplied via Canadian imports. Less than half of that came from Ontario, he added.

“For context, that amount is equivalent to approximately one power plant,” he said.“MISO manages the loss of power plants like this every day to ensure reliability across our footprint.”

Meghan Sever, a spokesperson for Southwest Power Pool, another regional transmission operator that coordinates the grid for 19 million people in a region of the central U.S. that includes parts or all of 14 states from the Canadian border to Oklahoma and some parts of Texas, said the organization’s “reliance on imports from Canada is small enough that we don’t anticipate tariffs to have a significant impact on regional reliability.”

Blueberry Girl Slotkin Adopts “Local Authorities Should Decide” Whether Transgender Sports Should Be Allowed


Hey Kids, Do You Have Sex and Take Drugs?

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