Behind Enemy Lines Library

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All episodes are listed here. If you like, you can subscribe directly on Rumble and see all podcasts for all series listed centrally. Of course if you rely solely on Rumble you miss out on the show notes and post-mortems here.

Aunt Bea-thmb
Show Notes: The Trouble With Aunt Bea
Link Back to Podcast Post Page Perhaps we start a contest for a new disguise for Aunt Bea – Lindsey...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Notes: Patterns of Force
Link Back to LIVE Stream While we’re blabbing about Grandpa Pudding Pants being the literal embodiment...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Notes: Ginger McDouche and the Queens of Congress
Link Back to LIVE Stream Lankford, looking like a deer in the headlights, marched to McConnell’s...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Notes: I Guess I'm Going To Yemen
Link Back to LIVE Stream How many international conflicts are we embroiled in, Chanadler Bong needs to...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Notes: Veep
By You Know Who Link back To LIVE Stream Nikki, Nikki, Nikki.  No she’s not the VP I mean. FacebookTweetPin OZBert...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Notes: Davos and WEF Don't Have Enough Hookers
By John, Blue and Zee Link Back to LIVE Stream You know there is trouble brewing when the World Economic...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Notes: 2024, The Year of The Man-Bear-Pig?
The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Podcast Post Page We see an awful lot of Al Gore lately.  Are...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Notes: The Hold Your Breath To Save The Planet Christmas Special
By John Jackson And The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Remember COVID and the fear...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Note: Yoo's On First? No, Pilates
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Podcast Post Page Yoo is not a typo.  We’ll tell you...
Behind Enemy Lines
Show Notes: Darth Diversity
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Diverthity is our strength.  Thuth speaketh...
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