Behind Enemy Lines Library

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All episodes are listed here. If you like, you can subscribe directly on Rumble and see all podcasts for all series listed centrally. Of course if you rely solely on Rumble you miss out on the show notes and post-mortems here.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About: Bears 
Any movie you’ve ever seen that takes place in the woods will sooner or later have a bear in it....
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode 29.5: Cloward And Piven And Beck, Oh My!
FacebookTweetPin On this episode John and Zee dive deep into the Cloward...
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode 29: The Smell Of All Fears
FacebookTweetPin In this episode Zee, Blue and John discuss the nonsense...
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode 28: Anti-State Of The Union
FacebookTweetPin On this episode, Zee sings about Karate and the CCP,...
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode 27: Blades of Glory
FacebookTweetPin In this episode Damar Hamlin is our guest, we get worried...
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode 26: Pei Wei Express
FacebookTweetPin On this episode Chinese Twitter followers, bots and Elon...
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode 25: Viva Las Vegas
FacebookTweetPin In this episode John gives us details of his experience...
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode 24: Team Congress
FacebookTweetPin After the WWE like display of Mike Rogers lunging at Matt Gaetz, we wanted to discuss...
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode 23: We're Back
FacebookTweetPin John, Blue and Zee are back, kicking of 2023 with with Episode 23!  Fridge magnets and...
Behind Enemy Lines
Episode #21: Fire Snatch Fever
FacebookTweetPin On this episode Blue, John and Zee realize that there are more topics that fall under...
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