Behind Enemy Lines Library

Did You Miss an Episode of Behind Enemy Lines?

All episodes are listed here. If you like, you can subscribe directly on Rumble and see all podcasts for all series listed centrally. Of course if you rely solely on Rumble you miss out on the show notes and post-mortems here.

Episode 20: Shanghai Surprise
FacebookTweetPin On this episode John, Blue and Zee discuss China and the Great Lockdowns.  44 people...
Episode 19: As God Is My Witness I Thought Turkeys Could Fly
FacebookTweetPin On this special Thanksgiving Special, we revisit the 1970s.  Why?  Because...
Episode #18: Honey, Don’t Forget To Let Mufasa Out
FacebookTweetPin On this edition of Behind Enemy Lines, we discuss that uneasy feeling we have regarding...
Episode #17.5: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
FacebookTweetPin In a follow up to our Election Night Spaces Live Broadcast, Zee, John and Blue do a...
Episode #16: The Big Short
FacebookTweetPin The Big Short is a great movie that clearly illustrates the failure of not only financial...
Episode 15: Holy Spacey We Called It
FacebookTweetPin In this episode Zee, John and Blue take a mini-bow for predicting some of last weeks...
Episode #14: Those Ukraine Girls
FacebookTweetPin On this episode, Zee describes how he was blocked by Michigan Attorney General Dana...
Episode #13: Old School
FacebookTweetPin On this episode, we are visited by Bill Clinton who wants to celebrate his 47th anniversary...
Episode #12: Match Game 75
FacebookTweetPin On this episode Zee tries shoot water out of nose into the microphone, John wins the...
Episode #11: Ciao Bella
FacebookTweetPin On this episode, we learn that John Jackson knows Italian. With startling revelation...
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