Show Notes: Aunt Juliet

Link Back to LIVE Stream When SCOTUS Ketanji Jackson Brown kicks you in the Nutcracker, you know she always wanted to be a Supreme.  Paxton Seeks Death Penalty For Illegal Immigrants Who Murdered 12 Year Old The Oscar Goes To ...They guy who looks like Danny Devito sniffing armpits. Massive Win For Big Pharma In Budget Scamdemic Disease X Included in the CR Big Pharma Wins with Rs in Congress All We Want For Christmas Are Masks and Vaccine Mandates - Potential Backdoor for Health Protocols?  You have one Democrat politician you can put in jail for life with no trial. Which one?  Only one. Grammy: CR is 1500 pages of CrapLast minute so that no one can read.  Except AI.  Think about that. Grammy: Bannon "2 Page CR Only So…
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Show Notes:  AI Hype, AI Promises

Show Notes: AI Hype, AI Promises

Architecture, OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream The fear of the left has no bounds - Trump will unleash dangerous AI as standards are relaxed.  Yet other standards are ignored, such as the moving goal posts for AGI, AGsI and the justification for more hacking of biology.  Didn't we already try this with mRNA? Trump Unleash Dark MAGA AI?At issue is the Biden Administration has signed several Executive Orders which created a government agency that would have direct hand in steering the development of AI.  President Biden issued Executive Order 14110 on October 30, 2023 to govern the development and use of AI.   This order aimed to harness the potential benefits of AI while mitigating its risks with an emphasis on safety, security, and trustworthiness. short the…
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Show Notes:  Novem

Show Notes: Novem

By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream I was surprised how much I didn't know about November, or that Led Zepplin 4 was released in November!  My favorite Led Zepplin Album, too.  Sure Thanksgiving is a great holiday, but there are many other cool things about this month we're going to talk about. is Latin for Nine, and we get our name "November" from the Romans.  Originally the Roman calendar system had 9 months, with November as the 9th and December as the 10th.  The Romans reformed their calendar to as 12 month system and November became the 11th month, yet they kept it's name. the Imperial period, the deity who often represents November in Roman art is Isis.[4] The festival of Isis, which began October 28,…
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Show Notes:  Gaming The Sons Of Liberty

Show Notes: Gaming The Sons Of Liberty

Architecture, OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream The Sons of Liberty were THE driving force for change leading up to the First Continental Congress and the Revolution.  Samuel Adams and it's numerous members fought, literally for freedom.  Today we see leading thinkers of our society assume we will accept technology as a substitute for our own thinking and drive to take action.  UBI with a mobile app is far from the liberty we each possess.  Are our minds so easily for rent? From This Month's Founders History “The Sons of Liberty on the 14th of August 1765, a Day which ought to be forever remembered in America, animated with a zeal for their country then upon the brink of destruction, and resolved, at once to save her…”From August…
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Show Notes:  Courage In August 1776

Show Notes: Courage In August 1776

Architecture, OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Affliction is a good man’s shining time.  George Washington faced failure and did not relent.  What was he fighting for that differs from our expectations today?  Are things are dire for us? Father Roger ShermanSad will be the day when the American people forget their traditions and their history, and so longer remember that the country they love, the institutions they cherish, and the freedom they hope to preserve, were born from the throes of armed resistance to tyranny, and nursed in the rugged arms of fearless men.What Were Our Founders FacingThe 21st Century is a time of gathering data, analysis, and strategizing.   In fact if you listen to General Flynn, 5th dimensional warfare is fought with psychological manipulation online. …
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Show Notes:  Turbulent Airstream 75, Pete

Show Notes: Turbulent Airstream 75, Pete

Link Back to LIVE Stream According to Secretary Pete, due to climate change air turbulence is knocking planes out of the sky.  Statistics bear out the 4 out of 5 cow farts are deadly. [shared_counts] Trailer Is As Funny as Airplane PeteWe can see that because acknowledging the fluidity of gender roles is line with DEI.But even with a softball interview on Disgrace the Nation on CBS, Butterfudge flames out., there's seven chargers with a total of just 38 parking spots.And how do you know the problem is bad if you're a Democrat? First, it was the Washington Post calling out the lunacy. Now, it's CBS. When pressed for an answer, Mayor Pete tried to deflect the issue, leading to an involuntary laugh by host Brennan. Fart Density Status =…
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Show Notes:  Of Course, We Are One Big Happy Fleet

Show Notes: Of Course, We Are One Big Happy Fleet

By The Mighty Humanze Link Back to LIVE Stream When life is stranger than Star Trek ... [shared_counts] Help Us Support K9s For WarriorsWe have a line of Christmas ornaments, a portion of proceeds will be donated to K9s For Warriors.  Give Your ID Card To The Border Guard, Tell 'Em Your Name Is Captain Jean-Luc Picard Johnson Announces Impeachment - A Slow Walk? bank records indicating deposits in accounts, Humper claims that Brandon was not involved in his business.  And that is his excuse for skipping testimony today before Congress in closed door proceeding. Biden arrived on Capitol Hill Wednesday, not to comply with his subpoena and be deposed at the House Oversight Committee, but to hold a press conference and again offer to testify publicly. He maintained that…
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December 1776

December 1776

You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The month of December played an important role in the American Revolution.  Tonight we go back to December 1776 to take stock of hard won victories and why we are blessed this holiday season. Natural Law And Favor Ability Over Pedigree Every TimeWe are given gifts from The Creator.  Irrevocable gifts.Self Educated, Self Actualized MenWashington's father died when Washington was 11, and this prevented him from a formal education like his older brothers had in England.  Instead he was tutored and potentially attended a local school.  Most of his education consisted of reading, writing, some geometry and trigonometry to prepare for a career as a surveyor. His math skill was obtained from studying one book. Henry KnoxHenry Knox, like Washington, had to support…
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Show Notes:  Manifesto Destiny or Density

Show Notes: Manifesto Destiny or Density

Architecture, Behind Enemy Lines, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream How many times have found that there are patterns that the media wants you to ignore.  The same holds true with the Nashville shooter manifesto. [shared_counts] OZBert SpeaksDavid Hogg Auditions For the Reboot of Quest For Fire.  He thought it was Quest For Firearms Google EV Bus Looses Power, Rolls Back Down San Fran HillDon't your brakes work when your car engine is off?  Remember, batteries add weight, lots of it.  You can't escape Force = Mass X Acceleration.  Newton's revenge. vehicles were damaged after the bus collided with them, police said.A person inside one of the involved vehicles sustained injuries and was transported to a hospital. The extent of their injuries has not been disclosed. Your Local Congressman Lunch ProgramMany,…
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Show Notes:  Controlled Environment, Gun Control and AI

Show Notes: Controlled Environment, Gun Control and AI

Architecture, Gun Grab, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Socialism is the genesis of Severed Conscience, it is about creating a controlled environment where you have no voice nor free will.  You can forget 2nd Amendment rights as well. [shared_counts] Ronald Reagan Warned Us That Health Care Was the Socialists Trojan Horse Reagan lays out the slow loss of freedom by centralizing authority for health care, giving power and justification for a regimenting lives while eliminating the individuals right to bodily autonomy.  While private insurance still exists in the United States, the health care and pharmaceutical industries have formed a cabal with the CDC and FDA.  COVDI demonstrated how the entire nation could be quickly subjected to the perceived authority of the CDC.  Economic lockdowns are unconstitutional, yet we allowed…
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