Show Notes:  Iron Claw, X and Finding the Square Root Of All Causes

Show Notes: Iron Claw, X and Finding the Square Root Of All Causes

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio The Von Erichs Von Erich Family were the wholesome heroes from Texas, strong, God-fearing, and consider legends as professional wrestlers.The sad tragic secret was this family was surrounded by death.  Three of the brothers committed suicide, one died from an infection from a burst intestine.David died on February 10, 1984, in Tokyo, Japan. The US Embassy's death report says he died of acute enteritis.[23] Ric Flair wrote in his autobiography, To Be the Man, that "everyone in wrestling believes" that it was a drug overdose that really killed him and that Bruiser Brody (a fellow wrestler who found David) disposed of the narcotics by flushing them down a toilet before the police arrived. Mick Foley also claims that David died from an apparent drug overdose. Mike was selected…
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Show Notes:  AI – Erasing Society

Show Notes: AI – Erasing Society

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to LIVE Stream Michigan wants to adopt Productivity Credits for felons can get out sooner, so if we define down deviancy we can just claim victory.  Meanwhile, AI is changing how we look at history, literally. [shared_counts] Mich. prisoners could be freed earlier with ‘productivity credits’ can earn credits in a variety of ways; for example, earning a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate would earn a prisoner 120 days credit.Lawmakers introduced a new bipartisan bill in the state Senate Tuesday, May 7, that would create “productivity credits” in the state prison system, allowing some prisoners a chance to earn days off their total sentence if they participate and successfully complete MDOC-approved educational and vocational programs.This will cut short minimum terms served, which is required…
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Show Notes:  Bobbie Gentry – No Abstractions

Show Notes: Bobbie Gentry – No Abstractions

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The song that would displace Sqt Peppers and All We Need Is Love was a simple recording with just a single guitar.  String accompaniment was added later as an afterthought because "well, no one is going to listen to this anyway."  Simplicity versus sophistication, concrete thinking keeps Severed Conscience at bay. This Haunting Song Knocked The Beatles Out of #1 Summer of 67 Sophistication of the BeatlesIn 1967 The Beatles astounded the world with what many would call the first concept album, a compilation of songs where the lyrics described the lives of several characters.  This album was Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band.  This collaboration between George Martin and the Beatles employed many new techniques in recording using tracks, placement…
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Show Notes:  Fancy New Laws, Fancy New Voters

Show Notes: Fancy New Laws, Fancy New Voters

Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. One of the most important factor maintaining freedom in 2024 is rooting out election fraud. More election fraud developments and a pending law that will felons out of the poll watchers. Just for asking questions. New Law:  Michigan Law Will Prohibit Election Fraud Requests this is NOT an audit, it is a recount of the same fraudulent votes cast.[caption id="attachment_21150" align="alignnone" width="1868"] Screenshot[/caption]If a board of canvassers conducting a recount pursuant to this chapter intends to conduct a recount on a computer, an electronic voting system, the board of canvassers shall must first test the software application by use of a test deck to determine if the program accurately counts the votes for the office or ballot question subject to the…
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Show Notes:  Put Me To Work

Show Notes: Put Me To Work

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. A balanced life is gifted with thinking, an active nature, and an inquisitive mind.  All types of events are the ingredients of your being.  There is a continuum to learning, starting with a question, then with knowing something, and if you’re lucky, understanding a subject. This small town is where my mother grew up, work was the ONLY way to make something of yourself.  Coming from a family of 8, they struggled.  But that tempered her like fine steel. Amazingly enough, my mother the Scottish mountain flower had many great talents, landscaping being one, but our gardens were always small!!Growing up in a farming community, youd think I had a green thumb.  But I didn't learn much until we made some good…
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Show Notes:  Return To Sanity

Show Notes: Return To Sanity

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. While Severed Conscience will trap you, a home celebration will free you.  Celebrations, food are all part of embracing life.  Family is the key.  It is THE haven against what is constructed to confine us. What Lifts Your Heart?There is rare chance that we can only hope to have, and that is a family and community to treasure.  It starts with family, and celebrating the years you have spent with your loved ones is the mark of a blessed life.And it is the thing we seem to neglect the most.  We are engaged in many things in life, matters that take us away from our main source of strength.  It can be a mom or a dad taking an extra job because…
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Show Notes:  The New Raging Majority

Show Notes: The New Raging Majority

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to LIVE Stream There are 5 pillars that support your liberty in this society:  food, mobility, the military, separation of powers, and communication.  All are being targeted, communication being the last. [shared_counts] live free, you need to be able to feed yourself, you need to be able to defend yourself or rely on a military that will protect our borders, you need the government and it's powerful agencies kept in check so that there is no overreach with their power, and you need to be able to express yourself without penalty of being jailed or surveiled by the government. These are what we call the Pillars of Freedom, and they have been attacked to the point that they are nearly destroyed.An Auditor General For the US Supreme…
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Show Notes:  Debate – Big Gretch vs Hillary Clinton, Moderated By AI

Show Notes: Debate – Big Gretch vs Hillary Clinton, Moderated By AI

Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to LIVE Stream Get ready, because Joe may not make it past August, and we're concerned that Hillary and Big Gretch will toss their hats in the ring.  That's why we are hosting this debate. [shared_counts] Mr Roboto, Has A Secret-secretIn honor of our debate moderator, Zucker-bot, we have this rousing theme music.  Have you fear, AI will safely conduct this debate. Gretchen Whitmer Book Date Is 7/9/2024We shit you not. in July, just in time for a presidential campaign.Publisher Simon & Schuster announced Friday that it would be publishing, “True Gretch: What I’ve Learned About Life, Leadership, and Everything in Between,” an account from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of her life and career as a lawyer, legislator and election as governor of Michigan.A How To Book From Whitmer,…
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Show Notes:  No Comfort Zone

Show Notes: No Comfort Zone

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. What does safety rob from us?  According to researcher Johnathon Haidt rates of injuries have decreased in children, but their mental well being is clearly in question. Can't Live Their Kids' Lives For ThemInjuries, risk, even danger are all things are part of the path for growing into confident adults.  Pushing our kids out of comfort zones is THE critical factor for fostering their sense of independence.That sense of self confidence is what the collectivist hate. 2 Miles Is Not 6 MilesThe Kentucky Natural Bridge can be a short hike, or a long trek if you happen to traverse the basin, through miles of brush.  My son, 14 at the time, kept insisting at we had traveled half the route when we…
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Show Notes:  Revenge of the Mussels

Show Notes: Revenge of the Mussels

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to Podcast Post Page Michigan has the largest fresh water resource in the world, why would be think that the global elite wouldn't have plans for it?  Do those plans benefit you? [shared_counts] For Rhonda, Contest Winner Revenge Of the MusselsWater resources and water management will be the next targets and weapons of the socialists who have claimed the mantle of leadership in Michigan. Each misstep is somehow converted into an opportunity.  Dana "Darth" Nessel sued Boyce Hydro, operator the Edenville Dam to raise the water levels to protect lakes mussels.  Her lawsuit claimed that 1000's if not millions of mussels would be at risk if the water levels were not raise.  Boyce Hydro warned that there would be a breach, the lawsuit was filed, and 10,000…
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