Show Notes:  Red Barchetta

Show Notes: Red Barchetta

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Is it magic when we sit behind the wheel, or is it just that we rarely think about driving as a way to assert our sovereignty and defeat Severed Conscience? How Do You Get To Here? WindIn my hairShifting and driftingMechanical musicAdrenaline surgeWell-weathered leatherHot metal and oilThe scented country airSunlight on chromeThe blur of the landscapeEvery nerve awareEmbrace The Open RoadEmbracing the open road is an essential component to liberty and self determination, and while conformity is a value component for producing consistent results in engineering, the end goal is not conformity, it is to provide a machine for you to wield.  That means amplifying your ability to move.Spatial memory is a component that is at risk with the interconnected world.  Succumb…
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Show Notes:  Next Michigan Governor and Information Safety First

Show Notes: Next Michigan Governor and Information Safety First

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to LIVE Stream Deja vu, or just that nightmares are coming true more often than we'd like to admit.  Having the Trifecta of Benson-Nessel-Whitmer is like have Herpes - you can't get rid of it and your moment of stupidity comes back to haunt you. [shared_counts] Should Scare You A Little Arizona where the Secretary of State lorded over her own election, Jocelyn Benson could be considering a bid for office.  In Michigan, however, the Secretary of State is the only official who may open an investigation into election fraud.  Michigan stupidly passed that law in 2020. secretary ofstate shall conduct election audits, and shall supervise and direct county electionofficials in the conduct of such audits. No officer or member of the governing body ofa national, state,…
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Show Notes:  Revenge of The Gotion

Show Notes: Revenge of The Gotion

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to Podcast Post Page While the circus in DC distracted us with Budget drama and the Rona McDaniels struggle session with F Chuck Todd, the CCP has made bold moves.  In our courts.  And the DoJ brings something to fruition that we spotted last year, but in a grandiose way. [shared_counts] Charter Township is Sued in Federal Court by CCP / Gotion the agreements made by the previous city commission and town supervisors, Gotion intends to proceed with their project.  The newly elected town government is resisting.  Gotion, a CCP owned company, has filed a federal lawsuit in“It’s unfortunate that Gotion has had to resort to litigation to get the township to comply with their obligations under the agreement,” Gotion Inc. North American Manufacturing Vice President Chuck…
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Show Notes:  Vernal

Show Notes: Vernal

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. In Celtic tradition, Eostre is the goddess of fertility that arises after the Equinox.  It's time to come out of slumber and renew our work for the season.  Why does Severed Conscience need to be put in perspective before we commence? a grey fox as I did back in March indicated a transition, and now we are embarked on Spring.  Well, with a bit of lingering Winter. The Devouring Mother, Introduced By Severed ConscienceWhile fertility and motherhood, renewal and resurrection are associated with Spring, there is a darker new mythos that has arisen, one that we need to be aware of that is at work on our thinking. We see a negative deconstruction of both mothers and fathers.  This is be design,…
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Show Notes: Morning Mission: Dar-Benson

Show Notes: Morning Mission: Dar-Benson

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
[shared_counts] DEMOCRACY CONTINUES.. Our Beloveds, we are gathered today to inform you that Safe and Secure Elections are here to stay. That being said, let's all lend an ear of what the Secretary of State in Michigan has to say about Fair and Free Elections and what exactly that looks like: In an interview with far-left Meidas Touch, MI SOS Jocelyn Benson says 6 battleground secretaries of state (AZ, WI, MI, PA, GA, NV) are "coordinating" to develop "common strategies" against "a common adversary". By that, she obviously means Donald Trump and Republicans.— The Midwesterner (@Th_Midwesterner) March 5, 2024 In our Podcast Episode #2: These Aren’t The Signatures Your Looking For – Studio Humanzee We detailed numerous times these women worked to undermine the initial actions of Voters. How can we…
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Show Notes:  A is A, Jefferson and Severed Conscience

Show Notes: A is A, Jefferson and Severed Conscience

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Severed Conscience DocumentarySevered Conscience is a weapon against our minds.  It locks into a reactive state, and this state is an anathema to a mind like Jefferson or Aristotle. Sovereignty Of The Mind is Not Found in AI nor Hegelian / Marxist SophistryOur society was founded upon the principle of the individual being able to actualize their potential, and that was achieved by providing a framework of rights were respected and held sacred above the needs to factions and the majority.  A republic, which was representation of many by a few to form a majority, was not the final form that the Constitution granted.  The Founding Fathers understood and acted to preserve the rights of the individual as fundamental to the functioning…
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Show Notes:  Ruth Beder Ginsburg, Michigan Cowboys and Indians, Pronouns

Show Notes: Ruth Beder Ginsburg, Michigan Cowboys and Indians, Pronouns

MEDC, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to Podcast Post Page Imminent Domain was RBG's landmark ruling in Baltimore that has allowed government to steal from some, sell to others for mere dollars.  Plus Pronouns are now being monitored on Twitter once again. [shared_counts] Whitmer Responds to Trump Victory, Sort of More Illusions In Store - Michigan Now Has An Office In Taiwan“We are sharing our story around the world and competing with other nations to bring jobs, projects, and supply chains back home to Michigan,” said Governor Whitmer. “On this economic development mission, I am excited to open the Michigan Taiwan Office and continue forging strong relationships with partners around the globe. Team Michigan stands united as we work together to build a brighter future. Through our innovative businesses and comprehensive economic development efforts, we are all working together to build something special here. As governor, I will continue to go anywhere and work with anyone to grow our…
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Show Notes:  Anton Lavey, Bertrand Russell and Transhumanism

Show Notes: Anton Lavey, Bertrand Russell and Transhumanism

Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Transhumanism has many philosophical fathers in it's lineage.  From Ubermensch to Do What Thou Wilt, the progression towards fusing with machines is anything but humanizing. Transhumanism - An Ugly Cousin to Artificial IntelligenceBecause everything is merely material, the elite think they can copy your mind digitally.  In other words, digital recordings are the equivalent of your conscience.  But they will also tell you that your soul doesn't exist, that you are just a random assemblage of matter, and by chance, we have evolved to speak.  There is no real consciousnesses, but they can copy your conscience and therefore you will live forever.transhumanism, philosophical and scientific movement that advocates the use of current and emerging technologies—such as genetic engineering, cryonics, artificial intelligence…
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Show Notes:  Knock, Knock It’s Darth

Show Notes: Knock, Knock It’s Darth

Darth Nessel, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Orange and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Has Michigan given up, just like it has relented on protecting 2A rights?  We ignore depression caused by school closings, ignore calls for warrant-less search of homeschool residences. First We Have To Wake Up Let The Right Darth InMichigan is sweeping toward a surveillance state, with the Department of Education pursuing those who want to instruct their own kids.  Homeschoolers may have to register their children with local districts if the State gets it's way, with Democrats calling to require frequent check-ins to prevent abuse of children at the hands of the own parents.The impetus for this move is based on a case handled by Michigan AG Dana "Darth" Nessel where a foster family, which happens to homeschool,…
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Show Notes:  When A Fox Crosses The Road

Show Notes: When A Fox Crosses The Road

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. While heading to my ski destination outside Cadillac a fox crossed the road.  Something told me there were myths and legends associated with that type of event, and I discovered far more. Seeing A Fox In DaylightBiblical ReferencesThe Bible does not mention foxes all that often, but it does it is not favorable.The Song of Solomon 2:15, the verse reads, “Catch for us the Foxes, the little Foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.”Ezekiel 13:4 reads, “O Israel, your prophets have been like foxes among ruins."Celtic Legends of the SionnachIn Irish lore not only is the fox considered wise and cunning, it is thought that the word shenanigans stems from sionnachuighim: word shenanigan (a deceitful confidence trick,…
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