By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream The Maples and Oaks, trees are the path to our lineage. [shared_counts] Ininatig is Chippewa for Maple. We kicked off our Summer Nights Radio Episode with The Trees by Neil Peart, lyrics for a song in which the Maples demand that the Oaks share the light with them. Tonight Maples and Oak and how they figure into our history and Severed Conscience.The Legend of Maples and Their Magic Gift - Chippewa / OjibwaA very long time ago, when the world was new, Gitchee Manitou made things so that life was very easy for the people. There was plenty of game and the weather was always good and the maple trees were filled with thick sweet syrup. Whenever anyone wanted to get maple…
Show Notes: The James Gang Zee's dad inadvertently started him on the path to documenting Severed Conscience by taking a few courses in the 1960s ... [shared_counts] "Whenever my nephew Joey is in town he really fills the house"-- Prof Harold WalshWe naturally assumed he meant Joe Walsh While Professor Walsh taught philosophy at Michigan State University, and Zee's dad took several course from him in 1960s. From his obituary you can tell he was quite a guy.Fortunate, indeed, was I to have met Professor Harold Walsh (“Hal,” much later on) at a stunning public lecture he gave on the military industrial complex at Michigan State University in the autumn of 1966.He spoke that day with searing authority of the financial profiteering of war (perhaps echoing President Eisenhower) . Dr. Walsh…
Show Notes: 007 In Atlantis Buckle up, tonight we look at the agents who served Queen Elizabeth, one who signed his correspondence with 007, another who revolutionized science. How do they relate to Severed Conscience? "In Order for light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present"“Truth is the Daughter of Time, Not Authority”Sir Francis BaconThis episode was inspired by a conversation I had with O, who's love of history brings many great ideas to light. Elizabethian England, the Queen's Court was susceptible to infiltration. Elizabeth I was expelled from the Catholic Church, and subject to assassination plots. Communications needed to be protected. Cyphers were developed by John Dee, astrologer and mathematician.Some comic relief before we get to the history. QE I's Closest Advisor, 007 Henry's Ginger Daughter John…
Show Notes: The Big Chair We are going back to 1983 and to the start of a revolution and to the genesis of what could have stopped Severed Conscience. If You Missed the LIVE Stream, It's Right Below 1980s had very iconic culture that supported the views of achievement, hard work, success and had a good understanding subtle irony. Quintin Tarantino claims it's the most boring era in film, but not if you understand that sometimes less is more. The Thing To Get To The Thing Chaos Theory and Fractals Not Common Knowledge Yet But Personal Computers Were About DISRUPTIONThe goal was to build something much different than IBM, Big Corp and even Apple. This disruption was to THINK for YOURSELF, build to make a difference. The…
By The Mighty Humanzee Link LIVE Stream How is the Outer Limits connected to Michigan and the Mighty Humanzee? [shared_counts] Fortunate Son / @turnsup84 sent me this episode from the classic TV series The Outer Limits. "The Hundred Days Of the Dragon" is a sci-fi variation of the Manchurian Candidate, and while that has meaning for our current situation today, I noticed James Hong aka "David Lo Pan" had a role. At hh:mm 42:00. Playing 6 Degrees of Separation, there is a tie to the Michigan and the Mighty Humanzee. Hong has been active in Hollywood since the 1960s, with over 455 acting roles, director of 5 films. He is 94 and is scheduled to appear in 2 projects this year.Blade RunnerBig Trouble in Little ChinaSeinfeld Kung Fu PandaElementaryAgents of…