Zed’s Dead

Zed’s Dead

Articles, Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
The Dead Internet Theory Lives The Dead Internet Theory has been debunked by the Mainstream, then “rebunked” by Elon buying Twitter.  It’s time to consider who your online friends were.. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] “Zed’s dead, baby”, quipped Elon as Fabienne encircled his waist with her arms.  “Zed’s dead”.  Kicking the clutch, Musk launched the chopper forward and roared off into the sunset, his work done for the denizens of Twitter.Zed is dead, and so is the Internet.   The Dead Internet is a theory that much of commerce and conversation is fueled by bots, AI programs run en masse to generate volumes of clicks and responses.  When Elon Musk took over Twitter he announced that the number of bots attached to the platform had inappropriately bolstered accounts’ followers…
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Politically Corrupt

Politically Corrupt

Articles, By Orange, Severed Conscience
From Culture to Climate- How Language was weaponized to police you - BY Orange [shared_counts] For years we have heard the cries from the Left to the Right about Political Correctness and what that means...But what does it mean when you shuffle Wack job reports with Larger Wack job reporters into the Media? The Back story: "Since the late 1980s, the term has been used to describe a preference for inclusive language and avoidance of language or behavior that can be seen as excluding, marginalizing, or insulting to groups of people disadvantaged or discriminated against, particularly groups defined by ethnicity, sex, gender, or sexual orientation. In public discourse and the media."The phrase: politically correct first appeared in the 1930s, when it was used to describe dogmatic adherence to ideology in authoritarian regimes,…
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Artificially Intelligent

Artificially Intelligent

Articles, COVID, Severed Conscience, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
A Meager Mea Culpa A.I. has passed the US Medical Exam.  What if that A.I. system was based on the same sad policies that nearly destroyed our society during COVID? By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] Should medical professionals be assisted by A.I.?  Would that have helped during COVID?  A medical student issued a mea culpa on the behalf of the medical and scientific community in a Newsweek essay. One first brush you get the impression that the author Kevin Bass issues a mea culpa. Here is the start:As a medical student and researcher, I staunchly supported the efforts of the public health authorities when it came to COVID-19.I believed that the authorities responded to the largest public health crisis of our lives with compassion, diligence, and scientific expertise. I was…
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