
Dana Nessel Guardian of Progressives

Dana Nessel Guardian of Progressives

Articles, Darth Nessel, Michigan, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Michigan Is Faced With Dire Consequences Dana Nessel is not merely a flippant, controversial figure.  She is a destructive politically driven attorney who is not afraid to use her office to destroy what she opposes so she can achieve her progressive aims.  By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] elected as the Attorney General for Michigan, Dana Nessel announced that she would work on the behalf of the people and take on large corporations.  The leftists and progressives cheered loudly as finally, with their new champion the state would put businesses in it’s crosshairsActivism.  The Left loves their activism, and their wet dream is to have an attorney general who will pursue others that they deem are not operating within the parameters of the left’s agenda.  And Dana stepped into this role…
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Stacking the Ballot

Stacking the Ballot

Articles, By Orange, Election Fraud, Michigan
Proposal 1 & 2 Michigan in 2018 clearly Stacked the Ballot for Gretchen Whitmer ... Will they again be allowed to access the Ballot as Democrats have been doing for the last three Election Cycle?  And most importantly we are going to Look at Both Proposal 1 & 2 By Orange [shared_counts] We looked at the Language of Proposal 3 last week and covered this controversial topic. Here is an Amazing Example just what's in store for Michigan IF it passes.. while Proposal 3 is Extremely Toxic- I wanted to take some time out and Move to Invest sometime into Prop 1 & 2 because all who are voting today should be making it absolutely imperative to keep yourself informed when it comes to Legislation and more importantly your community.…
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Gretchen Whitmer’s Views on ICE: A Trick Not a Treat

Gretchen Whitmer’s Views on ICE: A Trick Not a Treat

Articles, Michigan, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
From the Borderhawk Blog This is a cross post from Izzy Lyman, a fellow precinct delegate in Petosky Michigan, and a podcast guest. By Izzy Lyman [shared_counts] This is article is from Izzy Lyman.  Izzy had appeared on the podcast and has great insight.  Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is running for re-election. And since the election and Halloween are almost here, it’s the perfect time to remind voters that this Democrat’s radical views on immigration enforcement agencies are spooky-creepy-scary.More of this article can be found on Izzy Lyman’s blog. [shared_counts]
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OZ Fest:  Elon

OZ Fest: Elon

OZ Fest Podcast
[shared_counts]In this impromptu conversation, O and Zee speculate on what Elon’s Musk’s intentions are now that he has acquired Twitter.  Examining statements from his past, as well as comparing his career to other technocrats in Big Tech, O and Zee express their skepticism that he is the savior of the Twitter social media platform.  He may be powerless to implement the changes for freedom he claims he wants, or he may indeed just be a distraction and nothing changes.
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The Big Short

The Big Short

Show Notes
In 2008 the financial market was rocked when Bear Sterns closed its doors, having over invested it’s entire portfolio in involvement mortgage backed securities.  This triggered a complete meltdown of the financial markets resulting in Hank Paulsen’s famous 2 page recommendation for 700 billion dollars in emergency govt funds.  The root of the failure was the hyper sale, investment in and criminal misrepresentation of subprime mortgages as means for investment banks, trading houses, hedge funds to make money from duped investors.  The movie The Big Short starring Steve Corell, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, with Margot Robbie, Anthony Bordain, illustrates the insanity and the ultimate betrayal of the American people and investors worldwide.  The best part of the movie is the way that the typically confusing financial jargon is explained, giving you insight…
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#ScaryOZFest:  Witches Grave

#ScaryOZFest: Witches Grave

Halloween Horrors
Witches Grave Queen of the BEAVER Clan dared to enter the cemetary where Pat Garrett rests in peace and visit the Witches Grave. Queen of the BEAVER Clan Also the masonic cemetery here, where Pat Garrett is buried ,has a witches grave. That one's scares the crap out of 1981 I experienced it. There is a gargoyle looking head on the tombstone. The night 3 of us idiots went ,we were drinking tequila. Found the grave, they dared me to touch the gargoy head...whether it was the tequila or the moon ,the open mouth part moved. Like it was trying to bite me. We all screamed and took off running, my one friend fell and cracked his head on a grave stone. Had to have 5 stitches. 😆 🤣…
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#ScaryOZFest:  Batchelor’s Creek Open Graves

#ScaryOZFest: Batchelor’s Creek Open Graves

Halloween Horrors
Bachelors Creek, Civil War Haunting Johnny F-150 brings us the tale of open graves on his property, the remains of the dead moved to a local cemetery.  Did their spirits accompany them? Johnny F-150 On May 26 1964, a deadly torpedo explosion occurred at Batchelor’s Creek, about eight miles west of New Bern.  For the Union forces stationed there, the losses were devastating.  Initial reports claimed that 40 soldiers were killed in an accident while unloading the lat four off 13 torpedoes from a train car. The torpedoes were intended to complete the blockade of the Neuse River.When the last of the four weapons were offloaded, a log struck the cap of one and it exploded, setting of a chain reaction.  Newspaper accounts said it sounded like a thousand pieces…
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#ScaryOZFest:  Haunted Double Eagle of Old Mesilla

#ScaryOZFest: Haunted Double Eagle of Old Mesilla

Halloween Horrors
The Double Eagle of Old Mesilla Star crossed lovers haunt the Carlotta Salon at the Double Eagle in Old Mesilla.  This old home belonged to a family with a tragic history. Queen of the BEAVER Clan It was not long before most of the village knew of the young people’s devotion for each other, and they too kept the secret. The Senora’s snobbish ways had not made her popular amongst the other villagers. The shy young man and the beautiful maiden walking together on an errand across the Plaza caused many an older heart to remember past days and smile. Finally, however, the Senora discerned that lovesick Armando was paying too much attention to Inez. Armando confessed his love for Inez, but the Senora refused to listen. She flew into…
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Potential Virginia Voter Suppression

Potential Virginia Voter Suppression

Articles, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Virginia Voters Receive Incorrect Voting Poll Addresses Directions to precinct polls mailed to residents of Virginia had incorrect addresses.  How many voters will be impacted? John Doe John Doe [shared_counts] Correction with appropriate is shown above. On 10/21/2022, residents of Herndon, Clifton and Vienna Virginia received notice from the Fairfax County Board of Elections advising that prior directions to the voting poll locations that residents had received by were in fact incorrect.   It has come to our attention that voters in the Town of Herndon, Clifton, and Vienna recently received a notice from the Virginia Department of Elections in Richmond advising them of an incorrect location and address for their polling place.   Please disregard that notice. The correct address for your voting location  is the one shown on…
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