
To BE or Not for Thee…

To BE or Not for Thee…

Articles, By Orange, Michigan
What is Proposal 3? How sure are we to believe that our Own Government has our best interest and the interest of the Future at Heart, when they reject a Beating one in a Living Body? By Orange [shared_counts]First and foremost, Who is leading the support on Proposal 3? You will see below, I included the Leaders as well Who is pouring dollar after dollar into this suggestive so called "Freedom". The current President himself, who claims to be a devout Self-Professed Catholic, is informing the Youth of America that Abortion is a Fundamental Right but is it really?  The Millions of University youth across America today are pumped full of this upchuck and end up being one of the largest foot soldiers to these Policy changes. Thanks to Individuals like…
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COVID Response and Domestic Violence Previews Technocrats Attack on Individualism

COVID Response and Domestic Violence Previews Technocrats Attack on Individualism

Articles, Michigan, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
The Experts Response To Health Crisis is a Preview Our health experts response to the COVID crisis and the outright attack on individual rights resulted in many avoidable tragedies.  Domestic violence and suicide skyrocketed as we all sacrificed for the common good.   Part of our Rationed State series. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The article The Perfect Storm: How domestic violence escalated during COVID-19 is where we learn the tragic story of Michelle Dorsey of L.A County who was murdered by he estranged husband in a domestic dispute.  A mother of three, Michelle filed for and received a restraining order against her husband.  Michelle was a victim of domestic violence which had great escalated burin during the COVID lock downs issue by California Governor Gavin Newsome.  This article is ironically titled…
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Show Notes:  BEL Episode #14

Show Notes: BEL Episode #14

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Behind Enemy Lines Ep. 14 This episode had a heavy focus on the Ukrainian conflict, as actions such as Ad ending the NDAA and releasing more oil from the SRP make the situation seem dire. [shared_counts] Ukraine - One Third power stations destroyed “Ukraine's second largest city of Kharkiv, which sits near the Russian border, was also hit in a major attack on its energy infrastructure. This has threatened the power grid in a city with a pre-war population of nearly 1.5 million. Reuters has called it a "deliberate campaign to destroy electricity and water facilities before winter." Zero Hedge Article Zelensky Tweet claiming 30% power states destroyed by October 10. Another kind of Russian terrorist attacks: targeting 🇺🇦 energy & critical infrastructure.…
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Episode #14:  Those Ukraine Girls

Episode #14: Those Ukraine Girls

Behind Enemy Lines
[shared_counts]On this episode, Zee describes how he was blocked by Michigan Attorney General Dana “Darth” Nessel, and introduces the new Chief Political Correspondent for Behind Enemy Lines, Bill Clinton.  John, Blue and Zee continue their focus on the escalating situation in Ukraine, including new moves by the federal government to escalate activity in anticipation of a conflict over Taiwan. Our Show Notes are here.
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OZ Fest:  Great Lakes Part Two

OZ Fest: Great Lakes Part Two

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast
[shared_counts] In Part Two of our Great Lakes focus, we are joined again by Kelly Trowhill, former Harbor Master of Port Sanilac Michigan. We continue our discussion her experiences in law enforcement and her work with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environment Equality, and dive in to the good, the bad, and the ugly related to the continued march of our state's bureaucracies' march to great regulation. What does a policy of Rewilding mean for the state, and we have greater access to our natural resources, or will we be sharply curtailed in our use? And what how these policies shift population centers in the state. A fascinating episode for Michiganders and those who care about the future of the Great Lakes State.
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The Substitute

The Substitute

Articles, By Orange, Rationed State
Who is to Blame? The W.H.O places Red Tape on some children's cough syrup over questionable ingredients but who is to blame for it? By Orange [shared_counts] The World Health Organization issued a Red Alert about a series of Childrens Cough Syrup within the First week of October. Many people more than likely overlooked this and well let's be honest- Donald Trump made it pretty exciting to a degree when he shot the WHO down and told them to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. But now We have the Biden Administration, and we are starting to see a pattern on a Global scale just exactly what the results are of halting the World as a whole during a suggestive Pandemic.  This story broke in Gambia - an only because…
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Register Your Victory Garden

Register Your Victory Garden

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Turning Off Food Manufacturing Is Patriotic The federal government wants you to register your gardening activity.   This article is part of our Rationed State series, Part One and Part Two are here. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] you read this article, watch the video.  It sets up the rest of the theme that we’ll discuss.  I’ll wait patiently …You might be thinking “this is the modern day version of those WW2 videos that you and Orange discussed”.  And you’d be correct, similar they are. Yes, there are the modern elements here such as urban gardening, “growing communities” and diversity.  How they work in diversity I don’t know but that’s in there.  But as we have said, they are invoking patriotism to distract you, to lure you into thinking that all…
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Show Notes:  BEL #13, Bill Clinton And The Twitta

Show Notes: BEL #13, Bill Clinton And The Twitta

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to BEL Episode #13 The panic hits before another recording session of our show, I have nothing funny to say.   Another Behind Enemy Lines Episode in the hopper, somehow. [shared_counts]I’m going to confess something, and John and Orange will testify to this:  I will be working away, look up at the clock and say “Shit, I have to call into Montana Talks and I don’t know what I’m going to say” or “Yikes, I have to think of something funny and my mind is a blank, we’re on in 5?  Fuuuuuuuddgee!”  It’s a habit I’ve fallen in to.  There’s no plan.  A panic sets in, yes I freak out a bit.  I don’t be the guy who thinks he’s funny and truly isn’t…
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Episode #13:  Old School

Episode #13: Old School

Behind Enemy Lines
[shared_counts] On this episode, we are visited by Bill Clinton who wants to celebrate his 47th anniversary with Hillary.  John continues his analysis of the Nordstream Pipeline and Ukraine War.  Blue talks about what’s behind the Great Reset.  And after Zee has a little timeout regarding Michigan, Blue,, John and Zee trade stories about growing up in the 70s, partying in the 80’s and the crazy things their kids have done.  Another great episode with laughs and great intel on key events.  
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Theater of War

Theater of War

Are the Seats in the Theater Empty? As we prepare for our next podcast session, the thoughts of the Nordstream explosion and other actions make it hard for us to form a conclusion that we are being lead by the right people and are told to fight for the right reasons.  By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] What you see to the left is a reproduction of the commemorative stamp depicting the destruction of the bridge connecting Russia to the Crimea in Ukraine.  So a nation at war with the largest holder of nuclear weapons - if you believe the experts - has time to create commemorative stamps and a large reproduction for display.  Remember the bridge itself was attacked on Saturday, 3 days ago.  From the beginning of this conflict,…
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