
Rationed State:  Great Reset or Great Eraser?

Rationed State: Great Reset or Great Eraser?

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
A More Sinister Brand of Collectivism While we clearly see the Marxist roots of the Climate Change and New Green Deal rescue plans being presented, there is something much more sinister behind this movement.  At least Mao and Stalin talked about rebuilding society, the climate change groups truly want to destroy.  This is article is the first in a series comprised of supporting materials for our upcoming documentary "Rationed State". By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] In the article The Great Leap Backwards: Mao-style climate cultists must be stopped Andrew Montford aptly describes the psyche of the climate change crowd as a Mao-ist cult, and their unthinking devotion to a grand plan has placed dangerous blinders on their eyes. For those unfamiliar with Communist Chinese history, Mao lead several revolutions, treating the Chinese…
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Show Notes: BEL Episode #9

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee View BEL Episode #9 We had no clue that the beginning of the session would change so drastically.[shared_counts] Another episode is in the hopper, but I have to admit I had a different plan when we first connected.  I admit that I like to get reactions out of people, and in order to get spontaneous energy into the conversation off the wall antics, such as changing how the record starts, jolts everyone into a reactive state.  Reactive in a good ways since Blue or John will blurt out the reaction then jump in on the phone.  You can tell sometimes when I call into Montana Talks I can get John laughing, and yeah, that's my goal.  I want Aaron to have mute the mic, my secret…
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Episode #9: Mongo Bad, Oz Good

Episode #9: Mongo Bad, Oz Good

Behind Enemy Lines
[shared_counts]In this episode, Blue, John and Zee react to the breaking news of Mike Lindel's cell phone seizure by the FBI, discuss Dr Hezekiah and Zee's father, and finally decipher John Fetterman's mysterious lineage. Is Fetterman the love child of Uncle Fester? Learn the answers to these burning questions on Mongo Bad, Oz Good.Post Show Thoughts Are here ...​
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Show Notes: John Stephen Walsh

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Closing Thoughts for Podcast This is episode was a special one for many reasons, one is that I love story telling and John is a master craftsman.[shared_counts] What a great session with John.  John is the type of guy who can get on my wavelength, and punch through the clutter that my mind can conjure during the fray.  "Write to the end, get it out and force yourself!"  So many times I have heard that sage advice from him during our exchanges on Twitter.  You see, not only is John a great writer, he is a good thinker and has accumulated many techniques that he has shared on his blog or through his Twitter feed that supercharge your productive thinking.  These tips are practical.  That's hard…
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John Stephen Walsh

John Stephen Walsh

Fireside Chats
[shared_counts]On this episode we are joined by author John Stephen Walsh. John is the author of several novels and short stories in the horror genre. From his Author's page on Amazon:"About as tough as a crime novel can get...moves along at a clip a Warner Bros. film noir would envy."Crime, horror, scifi, bisexual women, noir, road movies, post-apocalyptic adventures, laughs and action merge in the short stories and novels written by John Stephen Walsh.In the edition of the Fireside Chats, Zee and John discuss his work, and his techniques for writing. In many ways what John practices are great methods for honing your thinking and productivity. "Crafting a story prepares the mind for communication" is a theme we delve into. Being a fan of movies, John probes into the origins…
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Episode #8:  Springtime For Brandon In Germany

Episode #8: Springtime For Brandon In Germany

Behind Enemy Lines
[shared_counts]In this episode, The Mighty Humanzee gets an email from the Biden Administration and gives a lesson in German, John takes on Gazprom developments and Blue discusses the melt down in the European funds over the energy crisis looming in the EU. Plus we talk a little Star Trek and find time for a show tune.Show Notes:Great Reset Trigger by Brandon Podesta Still Loves Pizza is a nice Grandma
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Episode #7:  Taint Misbehavin’

Episode #7: Taint Misbehavin’

Behind Enemy Lines
[shared_counts]In this episode Blue teaches the Mighty Humanzee a new word, and we find out that the shadow of Peter Strzok hangs over the FBI. John talks about redactions in the Mar-A-Lago affidavit and finally Zee discusses Aaron Rodger's interview on Joe Rogan regarding the the pressure applied by the NFL to take the mRNA vaccinations.
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Episode #3:  Michigan Convention Bookends

Episode #3: Michigan Convention Bookends

Delegate Wars
[shared_counts]Izzy Lyman joins The Mighty Humanzee for a post mortem of the August 2022 Republican State Convention.  In particular, what was the public's reaction to the press reporting the grassroot MAGA delegates overwhelming the process.  Learn how the convention was supposed to operate, and how committee members strayed from protocols that triggered the uproarious response from delegates.
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