Show Notes: RBG On The Farm
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream RBG as in Ruth Beder Ginsberg, Not Red Blue Green along with liberal SCOTUS members ushered in confiscating private property to private entities as long as there was a public purpose. Today we are losing farms not to Big Agri but for renewable energy. To power data collection.https://youtu.be/VTEf0I2x1dc?si=WZ5D5lRtiYs4Il5N31 Million Acres Will Become Solar Panel Farms By Bureau of Land ManagementThe new area is 31 million acres, or 48,438 miles, spanning 11 states. This land is currently under the Bureau of Land Management regulation. These regions have traditionally been used for grazing where ranchers had grazing rights. It will change the ecology of a region the size of North Carolina. https://youtu.be/hxtQfYu1GnM?si=gzouU36UgXT6p0X-Eminent Domain In MarylandLet’s put this into more tangible terms. The state…