Show Notes:  The James Gang

Show Notes: The James Gang

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
Show Notes: The James Gang Zee's dad inadvertently started him on the path to documenting Severed Conscience by taking a few courses in the 1960s ... [shared_counts] "Whenever my nephew Joey is in town he really fills the house"-- Prof Harold WalshWe naturally assumed he meant Joe  Walsh While Professor Walsh taught philosophy at Michigan State University, and Zee's dad took several course from him in 1960s. From his obituary you can tell he was quite a guy.Fortunate, indeed, was I to have met Professor Harold Walsh (“Hal,” much later on) at a stunning public lecture he gave on the military industrial complex at Michigan State University in the autumn of 1966.He spoke that day with searing authority of the financial profiteering of war (perhaps echoing President Eisenhower) . Dr. Walsh…
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Show Notes:  Have A Plan Of Attack.  I Have A Plan.  ATTACK

Show Notes: Have A Plan Of Attack. I Have A Plan. ATTACK

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Podcast Post Page Remember Lucy holding the football, coaching you?  How did that work out?  [shared_counts] "Everyone has plan until the get in the boxing ring."  Famous words of Mike Tyson.  Life is about jumping in, and yeah, you can go where you want instead of where you should.  But you may have to answer for mistakes.Part of life is embracing that gift.  Part of life is recognizing that people insisting on process are merely Lucy guiding you until she pulls the football away."Fail to plan and you plan to fail".  That mantra has lead us to worship at the alter of over-credentialed hair brains.  Yes, project managers and the administrative cast with LETTERS after there names denoting some type of inerrant expertise.They…
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Show Notes:  AI Am Here To Help

Show Notes: AI Am Here To Help

Architecture, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee / Orange Link Back to LIVE Stream AI is becoming the champion for all our "overwhelming" problems, but are the results really what the authorities guarantee? [shared_counts] 2019 700,000 Deaths Due to Ineffective Antibiotics Was The Next PanicOur technocratic experts have a way of creating the crisis that they predict will overwhelm, we just refuse to see the signs.  Remember the "super bugs" that will resist antibiotics?Every 15 minutes, one person in the US dies because of an infection that antibiotics can no longer treat effectively.That’s 35,000 deaths a year.This striking estimate comes from a major new report, released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on the urgent problem of antibiotic resistance.Although the report focuses on the US, this is a…
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Show Notes:  Enter The Dragon

Show Notes: Enter The Dragon

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Allowing foreign companies to operate outside of scrutiny of the law never ends well.  Some of these companies are the saviors of our economy.  Or so the WEF and elite would like us to believe. [shared_counts] Fortunate Son Sent us this episode from The Outer Limits about a plot to replace leaders with interlopers.  This is applicable to what The Great Reset has in store for us.  We are willingly accepting things that are replacing viable facets our of society with disastrous failures.This is what we call The Great Erasure. Rationed State and the Great Erase Uses China As A ToolIn our documentary Rationed State, we detailed the extent that the World Economic Forum would use China a model for reorganizing…
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Show Notes:  007 In Atlantis

Show Notes: 007 In Atlantis

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
Show Notes: 007 In Atlantis Buckle up, tonight we look at the  agents who served Queen Elizabeth, one who signed his correspondence with 007, another who revolutionized science.  How do they relate to Severed Conscience? "In Order for light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present"“Truth is the Daughter of Time, Not Authority”Sir Francis BaconThis episode was inspired by a conversation I had with O, who's love of history brings many great ideas to light. Elizabethian England, the Queen's Court was susceptible to infiltration.  Elizabeth I was expelled from the Catholic Church, and subject to assassination plots.  Communications needed to be protected.  Cyphers were developed by John Dee, astrologer and mathematician.Some comic relief before we get to the history. QE I's Closest Advisor, 007 Henry's Ginger Daughter John…
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Show Notes:  Morning Mission – What Price The World, A Single Coin

Show Notes: Morning Mission – What Price The World, A Single Coin

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream AI used for generating sexual images of children and yielding yourself up to Digital Identity.  Elements of Severed Conscience on full display. [shared_counts] AI Is Being Used To Create Child Pornography are nearly 900,000 child predators in Britain alone.“We assess that the viewing of these images – whether real or AI-generated – materially increases the risk of offenders moving on to sexually abusing children themselves,” NCA Director General Graeme Biggar said in a recent report.The agency estimates there are up to 830,000 adults, or 1.6% of the adult population in the U.K. that pose some type of sexual danger against children.How long before the argument is made that since no child is being harmed, these are mere fantasy like video games? …
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Show Notes:  Summer Nights Radio – The Big Chair

Show Notes: Summer Nights Radio – The Big Chair

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
Show Notes: The Big Chair We are going back to 1983 and to the start of a revolution and to the genesis of what could have stopped Severed Conscience. If You Missed the LIVE Stream, It's Right Below 1980s had very iconic culture that supported the views of achievement, hard work, success and had a good understanding subtle irony.  Quintin Tarantino claims it's the most boring era in film, but not if you understand that sometimes less is more. The Thing To Get To The Thing Chaos Theory and Fractals Not Common Knowledge Yet But Personal Computers Were About DISRUPTIONThe goal was to build something much different than IBM, Big Corp and even Apple.  This disruption was to THINK for YOURSELF, build to make a difference.  The…
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OZFest Jam Session 7-20-23

OZFest Jam Session 7-20-23

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link To LIVE Stream Michigan AG aiding coup against Trump, some Tweets and Open Mic. [shared_counts] Spock's Wheels1964 Riv, photo take 1966.  Check the windshield, see the eyebrows? Parallel Construction By Darth NesselThey same they are circling to ensnare Trump with J6 indictment that the Senate already acquitted Trump for, Michigan Sith Lord Dana Darth Nessel is mopping Trump co-conspirators.'s the issue - these were legally selected Electors.  They announced they were meeting.  And no election law violation is cited in the indictments. legal analysis:"Admittedly, I’m not familiar with the ins-and-outs of Michigan law, but under common law fraud and these facts, no one could possibly have been defrauded. Fraud requires an element of “reliance,” meaning someone must have relied on a defendant’s false representation. No reliance, no fraud.Uttering…
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Show Notes:  Morning Mission – We’re Enemies Of The State Now

Show Notes: Morning Mission – We’re Enemies Of The State Now

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link to LIVE Stream Stuart Rhodes and the Proud Boys didn't realize the extent that our devices track us. [shared_counts] Attending A Conservative Event Post J-6 Despite the gaslighting regarding cell phone accuracy, DOJ and FBI used same techniques that Dinesh Dsouza's team employed in 2000 Mules. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were foolish to keep their phones with them. What Your Phone Has Built-In and Why You Can't Access the Battery When you cannot remove the battery, it means you phone is not shutdown, is offline and can no longer receive a signal from the telecommunications network to wake up and broadcast.  There is still enough juice to keep it available for a signal. Carrier IQ Firmware was an older surveillance…
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Show Notes:  Summer Nights Radio – Six Degrees of Manchuria

Show Notes: Summer Nights Radio – Six Degrees of Manchuria

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
By The Mighty Humanzee Link LIVE Stream How is the Outer Limits connected to Michigan and the Mighty Humanzee? [shared_counts] Fortunate Son / @turnsup84 sent me this episode from the classic TV series The Outer Limits.  "The Hundred Days Of the Dragon" is a sci-fi variation of the Manchurian Candidate, and while that has meaning for our current situation today, I noticed James Hong aka "David Lo Pan" had a role.  At hh:mm 42:00.  Playing 6 Degrees of Separation, there is a tie to the Michigan and the Mighty Humanzee. Hong has been active in Hollywood since the 1960s, with over 455 acting roles, director of 5 films.  He is 94 and is scheduled to appear in 2 projects this year.Blade RunnerBig Trouble in Little ChinaSeinfeld Kung Fu PandaElementaryAgents of…
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