Show Notes:  Are We Hacked?

Show Notes: Are We Hacked?

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By John Doe Link Back to LIVE Stream We worry about direct manipulation of our bodies by nanotechnology, but there are other means that we are controlled.  Influences have been with us for quite a while that we do not notice. [shared_counts] Bret Weinstein Bret Weinstein is not known for hyperbole, he was one of the first biologists who expressed skepticism of the lockdown measures and the mRNA vaccine. Edward Bernays Father of PropagandaIn 1928 Bernays stated:The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas…
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Show Notes:  Michigan Artificial Experts

Show Notes: Michigan Artificial Experts

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to LIVE Stream Experts create a dependency - you have remain on hold, inert and wait for their answers.  That's why Michigan needed smart people to take over zoning remotely, as Michiganders can no longer decide on renewable energy projects, the Michigan Power and Non-Citizens Are Our Salvation Bus, Magic BusMichigan is getting $24 Million for electric buses, plus the state is investing $124 million of tax payer dollars for the winter worthy vehicles. switch to electric buses will reduce diesel pollution near schools, which harms student health by slowing lung development and aggravating asthma and heart disease. Diesel vehicles also emit planet-warming greenhouse gasses.The school system in Grand Rapids will receive $5.18 million for 15 buses. Trenton will receive $2 million for 10 buses, Allen Park…
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Show Notes:  Your Mind Is Not For Rent

Show Notes: Your Mind Is Not For Rent

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Mark Twain is an embodiment of what we were:  SKEPTICAL.  Because we had confidence to question. Need A Root Cause Analysis!!What has happened to our culture where we had the confidence to solve our own problems and recognized the snake oil salesman?Today we have so many experts from ALL sides who grab our attention, demand our attention.  Yet it creates a dependency. Mark Twain was the Rush Limbaugh of His Age, Perhaps BetterHave you noticed that as deference to expertise has grown, that our sense of satire has changed and diminished.  For the most part when you turn on the media, you have the snide remarks of the elitists such as Bill Maher, Lawrence ODonnell who assume the role of gadfly…
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Show Notes:  New UN Controlled Environment

Show Notes: New UN Controlled Environment

Election Fraud, OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Severed Conscience, Show Notes
Link Back to LIVE Stream SoS Jocelyn Benson is directing county clerks to ignore federal election regulations and destroy votes.  And the UN, joining the WEF in urging complete surveillance is calling for the adoption of the Internet of Things to combat ...climate change.  Votes controlled, environment controlled.  How can you top that? Purposeful Warrior socialist agenda to destroy free elections is in [attacking] on all fronts.  Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has ordered clerks to destroy election poll data within 7 days.  This is at odds with federal regulation, but when the current idiocy offered in support of Benson's directive is "I don't want to be arrested for telling Clerks to keep their records." recently stated that she views herself as a Purposeful Warrior, and ignore the oxymoron in…
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General Logan and General Order 11

General Logan and General Order 11

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
This episode is based on an articles in our Cultural Courage Newsletter titled want to subscribing as we have additional writing there.Franklin NY and Ouleout Valley Cemetery Delhi NY and Woodland Cemetery A Brief History of Decoration Day and Memorial Day The tradition of adorning the graves of the fallen was already a practice in many communities in both north and south.  On May 5th 1868 General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the republic, issued General Order 11.  The preamble is beautiful:The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet…
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Show Notes:  Iron Claw, X and Finding the Square Root Of All Causes

Show Notes: Iron Claw, X and Finding the Square Root Of All Causes

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio The Von Erichs Von Erich Family were the wholesome heroes from Texas, strong, God-fearing, and consider legends as professional wrestlers.The sad tragic secret was this family was surrounded by death.  Three of the brothers committed suicide, one died from an infection from a burst intestine.David died on February 10, 1984, in Tokyo, Japan. The US Embassy's death report says he died of acute enteritis.[23] Ric Flair wrote in his autobiography, To Be the Man, that "everyone in wrestling believes" that it was a drug overdose that really killed him and that Bruiser Brody (a fellow wrestler who found David) disposed of the narcotics by flushing them down a toilet before the police arrived. Mick Foley also claims that David died from an apparent drug overdose. Mike was selected…
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Show Notes:  AI – Erasing Society

Show Notes: AI – Erasing Society

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Link Back to LIVE Stream Michigan wants to adopt Productivity Credits for felons can get out sooner, so if we define down deviancy we can just claim victory.  Meanwhile, AI is changing how we look at history, literally. [shared_counts] Mich. prisoners could be freed earlier with ‘productivity credits’ can earn credits in a variety of ways; for example, earning a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate would earn a prisoner 120 days credit.Lawmakers introduced a new bipartisan bill in the state Senate Tuesday, May 7, that would create “productivity credits” in the state prison system, allowing some prisoners a chance to earn days off their total sentence if they participate and successfully complete MDOC-approved educational and vocational programs.This will cut short minimum terms served, which is required…
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Show Notes:  Bobbie Gentry – No Abstractions

Show Notes: Bobbie Gentry – No Abstractions

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The song that would displace Sqt Peppers and All We Need Is Love was a simple recording with just a single guitar.  String accompaniment was added later as an afterthought because "well, no one is going to listen to this anyway."  Simplicity versus sophistication, concrete thinking keeps Severed Conscience at bay. This Haunting Song Knocked The Beatles Out of #1 Summer of 67 Sophistication of the BeatlesIn 1967 The Beatles astounded the world with what many would call the first concept album, a compilation of songs where the lyrics described the lives of several characters.  This album was Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band.  This collaboration between George Martin and the Beatles employed many new techniques in recording using tracks, placement…
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Show Notes:  Fancy New Laws, Fancy New Voters

Show Notes: Fancy New Laws, Fancy New Voters

Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. One of the most important factor maintaining freedom in 2024 is rooting out election fraud. More election fraud developments and a pending law that will felons out of the poll watchers. Just for asking questions. New Law:  Michigan Law Will Prohibit Election Fraud Requests this is NOT an audit, it is a recount of the same fraudulent votes cast.[caption id="attachment_21150" align="alignnone" width="1868"] Screenshot[/caption]If a board of canvassers conducting a recount pursuant to this chapter intends to conduct a recount on a computer, an electronic voting system, the board of canvassers shall must first test the software application by use of a test deck to determine if the program accurately counts the votes for the office or ballot question subject to the…
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Show Notes:  Put Me To Work

Show Notes: Put Me To Work

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. A balanced life is gifted with thinking, an active nature, and an inquisitive mind.  All types of events are the ingredients of your being.  There is a continuum to learning, starting with a question, then with knowing something, and if you’re lucky, understanding a subject. This small town is where my mother grew up, work was the ONLY way to make something of yourself.  Coming from a family of 8, they struggled.  But that tempered her like fine steel. Amazingly enough, my mother the Scottish mountain flower had many great talents, landscaping being one, but our gardens were always small!!Growing up in a farming community, youd think I had a green thumb.  But I didn't learn much until we made some good…
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