Show Notes:  SNR Give It All You Got

Show Notes: SNR Give It All You Got

OZ Fest, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. What we invest in can have payoffs for the next generation in interesting ways.  Sometimes those investments are not what we think they are.  OZBert 2024 Calendar You can order yours at our StudioZee Store. Proceeds go to K9 For Warriors.  On sale until Jan 30. How We Play In Life Echoes In EternityThere are amazing threads in your  life trace back to the region where you were born, from your childhood and to you own children.  SkiingUpstate New York winters require that you like the cold and the snow.  As a kid you could remain indoors so long, and with all your friends outside, you developed interests that got you out and away from the confinement and the chores your parents…
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Show Notes:  The Militarized State of Washington

Show Notes: The Militarized State of Washington

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream There is an attack on our liberty, it a war with tactics that target our very means of fending for ourselves.  While they import illegal aliens who fit their own definitions of a threat. [shared_counts] OZBert 2024 Calendar You can order yours at our StudioZee Store. Proceeds go to K9 For Warriors.  On sale until Jan 30. Michigan GOP UpdateThe party has split into 2 factions, with the primary just 6 weeks away.  Many traditional Republicans, those who we would categorize as "Purple" and advesarial to the MAGA movement, want to remove the grassroots champion Chair of MI GOP Kristina Karamos.  Here are the lastest charges: Return To Rationed StateIn 2022, we premiered our documentary Rationed State, where we…
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Show Notes:  Loomered Again?

Show Notes: Loomered Again?

Election Fraud, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange And The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Sometimes respected voices paint with broad strokes, does that serve us, or does it cause more damage than good?  Laura Loomer has highlighted the MI GOP battles but it may bee needless gas on a fire. [shared_counts] Some Good News - Big Rapids Gotion Resistance Spreads to IllinoisDetails are here:Laura Loomer Highlighted The Battle in MI GOP With This ArticleLoomer maintained this is proof of anti-MAGA conspiracy perpetrated by MI GOP Chair Kristina Karamo who:Testified IN FAVOR of Trump and election fraud in 2020 at the risk of charges of perjurySued over election results in 2022 where she demonstrated violation in election law that contributed to Joceleyn Benson's victoryKaramo is the only remaining executive MI GOP member who remained…
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Show Notes:  Geddy From The Stetl

Show Notes: Geddy From The Stetl

Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Are we of the current age or are we shaped by the past?  This episode looks at the life of the parents of one of rock music's greatest bass players. Not so coldly charted, it's really just a question of your honesty"Do what you believe, because if you do what someone else believes, and you fail, you've got nothing. If you do what you believe, and you fail, you still have hope."--Geddy Lee Today marks the death of legendary Prog Rock drummer Neil Peart, who died three years ago on January 7th from brain cancer. When planning this episode I was unaware that my topic about his fellow bandmate and bassist virtuoso Geddy Lee would fall on this day. A Wall of…
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Show Notes:  December 16th 1773

Show Notes: December 16th 1773

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The month of December played an important role in the American Revolution.  Yesterday was the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. Reactions to the Boston Tea Party Are Suprising.This is what John Adams had to say on December 17th, 1773, the day after. John Adams, normally a staid and conservative individual, thought that it was the perfect expression by a people who had lost their rights and needed to demonstrate how dire things were. The Last StrawThe Boston Tea Party was the straw that broke the camel's back.  For years Ben Franklin attempted to convince George III and Parliament of how unjust the taxes levied on the Colonies were.  George III needed to pay for the war against France, and considered…
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Show Notes:  Silos and Copilots

Show Notes: Silos and Copilots

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange And The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Podcast Post Page Why would we ever feel isolated if we can a presence with at all times, helping us mind our moods?  A constant Copilot. [shared_counts] What We Found Unsettling Others May Soon AcceptWhen Chat GPT is so fluent and can even adopt personalities tailored to your whims, why you not turn to it as a companion?  Are novel words all that you need to make you forget you're not speaking with a human? [shared_counts]
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Show Notes:  Great Lakes Gretch, People Who Can Babies and ChatGPT

Show Notes: Great Lakes Gretch, People Who Can Babies and ChatGPT

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Ask no questions and you shall be told no lies.  That is nearly as disdainful as let them eat cake. [shared_counts]'s Go Back In Time To 2013Senator Whitmer claims she was raped, yet she let convicted felons loose during COVID and just signed a law that gives former convicts voting rights.  Does this position square with someone who was a victim of sexual assault?This speech, speaking truth to power, garnered her an interview with Salon Magazine.  It appears there is a path to the ascension of power. want to ask you about the end of your testimony. You mentioned that the rape, 20 years ago, is “something that I’ve hidden for a long time.” What spurred you to…
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Show Notes:  The Walker Is Abroad

Show Notes: The Walker Is Abroad

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Our Christmas traditions are a wonderful blend of our western culture.  When those values are reflected in literature we want our children to experience them. Melting Pot 1.0Holy, rowan, mistletoe are facets of Germanic and Norse mythology that were transplanted to England with the arrival of the Saxons and again with the Danes.The Yule Log is also a mixture of Christian and Nordic tradition celebrated during the month of December.  The Twelve Days of Christmas have their origin in part in the Twelve Days of Yule. the people of Germania, Scandinavia, and Anglo-Saxon England, understanding the cycles of nature and the sun, in particular, was critical to survival, and celebrating the winter solstice is an ancient pagan tradition ...Yuletide was extended…
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Show Notes:  AI Said So

Show Notes: AI Said So

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Increasingly we see a reliance on remote, and automated systems as an expression of faith, whether it be genetic testing guiding our health decisions, or AI acting as a sentinel for our education. [shared_counts] AI Better At Policing Human Behavior Than HumansBig Tech social media companies are THE authority on online behavior, they assure us their AI detection systems are superior to  human interaction. we are turning to authority to do our thinking.  Just a few years ago that was a select group on experts who we conversed with via the Internet.  WebMD, Wikipedia are entities that represent the efforts of trained of subject matter experts who provide the best advice or knowledge that is the result of the…
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Show Notes:  Over The River

Show Notes: Over The River

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. One town in American hugely influenced our winter holidays.  Two self educated women led the efforts to make Thanksgiving a prominent holiday.  From Medford to Bedford Falls, these are some fascinating origin stories. Over The River LyricsIn my mind Mark Twain would sound like this southern gentleman, so I created a narration of Over The River with his voice.LyricsOver the river and through the woods,To grandmother's house we go;The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh,Through (the) white and drifted snow!Over the river and through the woods,Oh, how the wind does blow!It stings the toes and bites the nose,As over the ground we go.Over the river and through the woods,To have a first-rate play;Oh, hear the bells ring, "Ting-a-ling-ling!"Hurrah for Thanksgiving…
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