Show Notes:  Morning Mission – Transagenda

Show Notes: Morning Mission – Transagenda

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream The transgender movement specifically targets children when events are held with the costumes that resemble twisted Disney characters.  Why? [shared_counts] Infiltration The Symbolism Is Clear There are many examples where the transgender agenda is presented to us using religious analogies.  As Johnny rightfully points out, the flag configuration at the White House mirrors the Crucifixion.America is in the position of the two thieves, one mocks and one who asks for forgiveness.Religious analogies aside, note how the Rainbow flag separates and divides America.The suicide rates among the transgender population is exceedingly high.  Biblical passages Johnny cited First John 4:1Ephesians 6:12Genesis 1:27Genesis 2:19Genesis 1:21Genesis 3:7 Genesis 3:11Genesis 9:12Luke 24:37Matt 27:32Romans 1:18 Disney characters? [shared_counts]
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Show Notes:  BEL #47 – Humper Day

Show Notes: BEL #47 – Humper Day

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By John Doe Link Back to LIVE Stream Take pity on Humper, he is cursed by his genes.  That's why he has to paint. [shared_counts] Infructure, Your Honor! The witness withheld Exacaliberatory evidenceRemember high school and "homosayswhat?!??"Or how ordering takeout "Wang, I'll take the #3 CreamSumYunGuy.  Thanks." Protection Agency 2018, the feds launched an investigation into Hunter Biden, which the son of the now-president publicly disclosed in December 2020, following his father’s election. On Tuesday, news broke that Hunter Biden had agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax counts and had entered a pretrial diversion agreement on a separate firearms count, unleashing outrage from the right over the absence of any money-laundering or bribery counts. But even worse is the U.S. attorney’s failure to file these charges against the…
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Show Notes:  Morning Mission – When Lightning Strikes

Show Notes: Morning Mission – When Lightning Strikes

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Morning Mission Episode Our folly of defying nature has consequences, but are we too arrogant to recognize the dangers of the transgender agenda? [shared_counts] Woke Church Burnt to Ground After Lightning StrikesA church in Spencer Massachusetts whose congregation and pastor supported the rainbow agenda of sames sex marriage and transgender affirmation was struck by lightning. Trans Agenda Supported by Churches it’s not known if CommonSpirit Health has performed transgender surgeries on children, the use of puberty blockers suggests it is treating minors for gender dysphoria in some capacity, Hichborn told The Epoch Times.“The horrifying thing when you start getting into the science of the puberty blockers and the transitional hormones, is they do permanent damage to these kids. They talk about how puberty…
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Show Notes:  Morning Mission – These Aren’t The Tweets You’re Looking For

Show Notes: Morning Mission – These Aren’t The Tweets You’re Looking For

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Podcast Post Page The Twitter distraction game is in high gear.  It's an old strategy. [shared_counts] The Strategy ...’re doing a lot of cheerleading for heroes who are just bait and switch front people.  When we hear them voice our values and think the battle is done, it’s just gives us a release valve for anger and then captures our attention. Mr Barr ... Mr McCarthy ... Deal Is Reached Over Memorial Day Gingrich sees a silver lining.  But he at least went through the process of shutting down the government. “My prediction is that this will be the first debt ceiling in history where they actually cut spending,” Gingrich said, later adding that it will be “a big breakthrough for fiscal conservatives.”“I’m…
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Show Notes:  BEL #46 – Documents In The Crapper, Welcome To New Paperless Office

Show Notes: BEL #46 – Documents In The Crapper, Welcome To New Paperless Office

Behind Enemy Lines, Show Notes
Will The Real Joker Please ... The Riddler The Joker DoJ Putting The Squeeze On the Crapper Docs. Uh oh Mr Whipple 17 Audio Recordings.  17 Is Like A Magic Number? U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware is handling the ongoing federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. It is allegedly up to U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a Trump-appointed holdover, to decide whether to indict the president’s son. In February 2021, Joe Biden asked all Senate-confirmed U.S. attorneys appointed by Trump for their resignations, with Weiss a rare exception.“What is U.S. Attorney Weiss doing with respect to these alleged Joe and Hunter Biden recordings that are apparently relevant to the high-stakes bribery scheme?” Grassley asked Monday. Us We're The DoJ.  See the papers?  Uhhh .... Trump In His Element?The Justice Department has…
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Show Notes:  Behind Enemy Lines #45 – Unidentified Federal Object

Show Notes: Behind Enemy Lines #45 – Unidentified Federal Object

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link To LIVE Stream Some type of description can go here, just a short teaser [shared_counts] Disclosure: Big Mike Transitioned Into An Alien AOC Gives Brooklyn Dad the mRNA Jabbie-Stabbie Russia Destroys a Dam They Already Control?Meanwhile, Russia denied the attack. Russian-installed head of the Kherson administration, Vladimir Saldo, said Kyiv was behind the attack:"The destruction led to a large, but not critical amount of water flowing down the Dnieper. It will not prevent our military from defending the left bank," Saldo. He accused Kyiv of the attack to "divert attention" from failed counteroffensives. Finally Admits Ukraine Has A Faction of NazisThe surprising Monday Times headline said that "Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History." This acknowledgement comes after literally years of primarily indy journalists…
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Show Notes:  BEL #44 – More Cowbell

Show Notes: BEL #44 – More Cowbell

Behind Enemy Lines, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link LIVE Stream Congress upgraded the budget thanks to McCarthy's betrayal, so we decided to upgrade Blue's tambourine to a cowbell. [shared_counts] Ultimate Cowbell Song Topics McCarthy Caved Deal Is Reached Over Memorial Day Newt Gingrich sees a silver lining.  But he at least went through the process of shutting down the government.  “My prediction is that this will be the first debt ceiling in history where they actually cut spending,” Gingrich said, later adding that it will be “a big breakthrough for fiscal conservatives.” “I’m moderately optimistic that it will work out,” he said, while pointing out that a deal would be “a successful moment,” but “it’s not done yet.” House Committee Advances Debt Ceiling Deal To Full Vote But the…
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Show Notes:  OZ Fest Morning Mission – Obstruction of Judgement

Show Notes: OZ Fest Morning Mission – Obstruction of Judgement

Show Notes
Great Lakes Gretch Get A C- For Michigan This graphic was produced by Whitmer's own civil engineers.  Note C- for dams - what did Dana Nessel's lawsuit for the lake mussels in Midland do for that infrastructure other than cause a flood?  We've talked about that on Rumble. Whitmer's lack of progress is dismal, but this is just a sign of her duplicitous nature.  In the meantime, red flag laws are passed that create a society of snitches.  Take away someone's freedom and replace it with the ability to control your neighbors life through innuendo and social pressure and you appeal to the dark nature of resentful people.  Amazingly the voters of Michigan re-elected Whitmer her authoritarian lockdowns, so controlling that a state petition limited her executive powers despite Republicans…
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Show Notes:  BEL #43 – Freaking Ball-busting Idiots

Show Notes: BEL #43 – Freaking Ball-busting Idiots

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream "The good men and women of the FBI ..." [shared_counts] OZBert Speaks What has @Impenitent2A been up to? Shout Outs Kelly Trowhill @bluewarrior27 - Running for School Board in Sandusky Michigan, Grammy Pam @grammypam64gill - Tweet storms on Tuesdays Rhonda @rhondacarlisle9 & Fortunate Son @turnsup84 - Thank you for great Round Table discussion.  O @OrangeZipple1 - architect and prime mover, works her azz off.  We wouldn't have Studio, Store, etc without her energy and ideas. Topics FBI Update FBI:  Maria Bartiromo Interview with Natl Security Adviser McFarland  Congressional Testimony from Whistleblowers“I also voiced concerns that the FBI’s use of SWAT and large-scale arrest operations to apprehend suspects who were accused of nonviolent crimes and misdemeanors, represented by counsel, and who…
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Show Notes:  OZ Fest Morning Mission – Penalty Box

Show Notes: OZ Fest Morning Mission – Penalty Box

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream UNESCO has plans to take over not only AI, but all technology on the quest to ensure it is ethically used.  And Twitter code reveals some interesting traits. [shared_counts] UNESCO Wants AI To Be Ethical But the ethics will be based on global standards.  Observing that a normative framework for AI technologies and its social implications finds its basis in international and national legal frameworks, human rights and fundamental freedoms, ethics, need for access to data, information and knowledge, the freedom of research and innovation, human and environmental and ecosystem well-being, and connects ethical values and principles to the challenges and opportunities linked to AI technologies, based on common understanding and shared aims Recommends that Member States apply on a…
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