Show Notes:  Episode 17.5 The Good The Bad The Ugly

Show Notes: Episode 17.5 The Good The Bad The Ugly

Show Notes
The Mighty Humanzee Listen To Podcast Here Closing the chapter on election night, we decided to a post mortem.  Notes and links are below. [shared_counts]After our Election Night Spaces Blue, John and I felt we needed to do a post mortem on all the developments, good, bad or otherwise. The Holy Shit We Called It Category John has been FAR out front predicting the evolution of the Ukrainian / Russian conflict.  On previous podcasts he has relayed that the NDAA has been update to anticipate a conflict in Taiwan.  Two front conflict, Pacific Theater and European Theater. on our work in Rationed State, Orange and I have written a series of articles on how medical crisis is used to manipulate us.  RSV is the new COVID, and wouldn’t you know,…
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The Big Short

The Big Short

Show Notes
In 2008 the financial market was rocked when Bear Sterns closed its doors, having over invested it’s entire portfolio in involvement mortgage backed securities.  This triggered a complete meltdown of the financial markets resulting in Hank Paulsen’s famous 2 page recommendation for 700 billion dollars in emergency govt funds.  The root of the failure was the hyper sale, investment in and criminal misrepresentation of subprime mortgages as means for investment banks, trading houses, hedge funds to make money from duped investors.  The movie The Big Short starring Steve Corell, Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, with Margot Robbie, Anthony Bordain, illustrates the insanity and the ultimate betrayal of the American people and investors worldwide.  The best part of the movie is the way that the typically confusing financial jargon is explained, giving you insight…
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Show Notes:  BEL Episode #14

Show Notes: BEL Episode #14

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Behind Enemy Lines Ep. 14 This episode had a heavy focus on the Ukrainian conflict, as actions such as Ad ending the NDAA and releasing more oil from the SRP make the situation seem dire. [shared_counts] Ukraine - One Third power stations destroyed “Ukraine's second largest city of Kharkiv, which sits near the Russian border, was also hit in a major attack on its energy infrastructure. This has threatened the power grid in a city with a pre-war population of nearly 1.5 million. Reuters has called it a "deliberate campaign to destroy electricity and water facilities before winter." Zero Hedge Article Zelensky Tweet claiming 30% power states destroyed by October 10. Another kind of Russian terrorist attacks: targeting 🇺🇦 energy & critical infrastructure.…
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Show Notes:  BEL #13, Bill Clinton And The Twitta

Show Notes: BEL #13, Bill Clinton And The Twitta

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to BEL Episode #13 The panic hits before another recording session of our show, I have nothing funny to say.   Another Behind Enemy Lines Episode in the hopper, somehow. [shared_counts]I’m going to confess something, and John and Orange will testify to this:  I will be working away, look up at the clock and say “Shit, I have to call into Montana Talks and I don’t know what I’m going to say” or “Yikes, I have to think of something funny and my mind is a blank, we’re on in 5?  Fuuuuuuuddgee!”  It’s a habit I’ve fallen in to.  There’s no plan.  A panic sets in, yes I freak out a bit.  I don’t be the guy who thinks he’s funny and truly isn’t…
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Show Notes: US Vulnerabilities Discussed on BEL

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to BEL Episode #12 John, Blue sand Zee called it again on the podcast regarding retaliation from Russia over Nordstream Pipeline.  [shared_counts] While we cover many topics on Behind Enemy Lines, when we recorded Episode #12 we were 2 days out from the explosion of the Nordstream Pipeline.  John Jackson (@pvtjokerus) has been spot on with this analysis, and since that event he has shared his views on Twitter based on our podcast session and further developments.  On the podcast we ruminated what will be the blow back?  Brandon’s actions are not without consequence, and without a categorical denial of being behind the destruction of the pipeline, John, Blue and I were concerned that things would escalate.  John called this to our attention a…
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Show Notes:  BEL Movie Night

Show Notes: BEL Movie Night

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Podcast Post Page Some of our favorites, some that we loved and now know they were crap, and movies that influenced us.  Tweet this with hashtag #BELMovieNight [shared_counts]What are your go to movies?  We all have them.  In Behind Enemy Lines #11 Blue, Zee and John talk about their favorites, as well as what they loved but now recognize as, well, crap.Blue tells us about the Bad Acting Academy what graduates of that esteemed institution graced the films that sucked but you didn’t realize at the time. John’s Picks Scarface Info on IMDB Jeremiah Johnson IMDB Info Blue’s Picks Blue’s Favorites The Family Man IMDB Info This is Spinal Tap IMDB Info Blue’s Academy of Bad Acting Top Gun IMDB Info Wall Street…
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Danny Boy

Danny Boy

By Orange, Rationed State, Show Notes
Daniel Callihan :The Father of BioEthics & more.. You'll have nothing and Love it!! By Orange [shared_counts] Daniel Callahan: A man who was referred to by his students and others who subscribed to his many lectures & books spanning across the World since the early 60’s was referred to as: "The Father of Bioethics". His Importance to you?Even though commonly referred to as a philosopher- he played a leading role in developing the field of biomedical ethics as the Co-founder of the Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences, later renamed The Hastings Center. Which is the world's First Bioethics Research Institute.There is an interview with Callahan here. What is BioEthics? Bioethics involves issues relating to the beginning and end of human life, all the way from issues relating to in-vitro fertilization to abortion…
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Show Notes: BEL Episode 11

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Podcast Post Page While we had fun on Episode #11 of Behind Enemy Lines, we devoted a lot of time discussing the explosion that crippled Nordstream 1 and possible involvement of the United States.  John Jackson got us started with these series of tweets.   [shared_counts] The case:1. Poland and Norway open a major pipeline to Europe and the NEXT DAY the Russian Nord Stream pipeline is sabotaged. 2. Russia would never blow up their own infrastructure when they can just turn off the spigot. 3. Biden (and Victoria Nuland) threatened this...1/2— john jackson (@pvtjokerus) September 28, 2022 Many have questioned what would motivate Russia to destroy the most effective bargaining chip they had with the EU.  This is a good question.  To…
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O-Matrix – Rationing History From WW2

O-Matrix – Rationing History From WW2

By Orange, Rationed State, Show Notes
By Orange Link Back to Podcast Post Page Victory in the Name of Government Overreach:[shared_counts] By the end of 1942, half of U.S automobiles were issued an 'A' sticker which allowed 4 gallons of fuel per week.  That sticker was issued to owners whose use of their cars was nonessential.  Hand the pump jockey your Mileage Ration Book coupons and cash, and she (yes, female service station attendants because the guys were over there) could sell you three or four gallons a week, no more.  For nearly a year, A-stickered cars were not to be driven for pleasure at all.   The green 'B' sticker was for driving deemed essential to the war effort; industrial war workers, for example, could purchase eight gallons a week.  Red 'C' stickers indicated physicians, ministers,…
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