Show Notes: BEL Episode #9

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee View BEL Episode #9 We had no clue that the beginning of the session would change so drastically.[shared_counts] Another episode is in the hopper, but I have to admit I had a different plan when we first connected.  I admit that I like to get reactions out of people, and in order to get spontaneous energy into the conversation off the wall antics, such as changing how the record starts, jolts everyone into a reactive state.  Reactive in a good ways since Blue or John will blurt out the reaction then jump in on the phone.  You can tell sometimes when I call into Montana Talks I can get John laughing, and yeah, that's my goal.  I want Aaron to have mute the mic, my secret…
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Show Notes: John Stephen Walsh

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Closing Thoughts for Podcast This is episode was a special one for many reasons, one is that I love story telling and John is a master craftsman.[shared_counts] What a great session with John.  John is the type of guy who can get on my wavelength, and punch through the clutter that my mind can conjure during the fray.  "Write to the end, get it out and force yourself!"  So many times I have heard that sage advice from him during our exchanges on Twitter.  You see, not only is John a great writer, he is a good thinker and has accumulated many techniques that he has shared on his blog or through his Twitter feed that supercharge your productive thinking.  These tips are practical.  That's hard…
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