By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Allowing foreign companies to operate outside of scrutiny of the law never ends well. Some of these companies are the saviors of our economy. Or so the WEF and elite would like us to believe. [shared_counts] Fortunate Son Sent us this episode from The Outer Limits about a plot to replace leaders with interlopers. This is applicable to what The Great Reset has in store for us. We are willingly accepting things that are replacing viable facets our of society with disastrous failures.This is what we call The Great Erasure. Rationed State and the Great Erase Uses China As A ToolIn our documentary Rationed State, we detailed the extent that the World Economic Forum would use China a model for reorganizing…
Your Vital Documents Are Online In today’s time, so many of our trusted government offices have put our information online. This was happening before Covid hit us. By Grammy Pam / @Grammypam64Gill [shared_counts] In today’s time, so many of our trusted government offices have put our information online. This was happening before covid hit us. It started in 1990 in NC, when the state government started putting court records and real estate records online. Several factors were in play. Storage of old files and records was the number one reason why the digital push happened.Attorneys and other state offices wanted an easier option to obtain information than spending hours traveling to and from other offices. This filtered down stream to other related industries such as real estate firms, survey/engineering firms, and…
Show Notes: 007 In Atlantis Buckle up, tonight we look at the agents who served Queen Elizabeth, one who signed his correspondence with 007, another who revolutionized science. How do they relate to Severed Conscience? "In Order for light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present"“Truth is the Daughter of Time, Not Authority”Sir Francis BaconThis episode was inspired by a conversation I had with O, who's love of history brings many great ideas to light. Elizabethian England, the Queen's Court was susceptible to infiltration. Elizabeth I was expelled from the Catholic Church, and subject to assassination plots. Communications needed to be protected. Cyphers were developed by John Dee, astrologer and mathematician.Some comic relief before we get to the history. QE I's Closest Advisor, 007 Henry's Ginger Daughter John…
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Play the Biden Bonkers Game! [shared_counts] Let's Play Biden Bonkers OZBert Says Michigan Has A Barbie What is Humper Is An Innocent Young Boy For $100? Is Committing Fraud For $200? Does The Exit of Tyrant With Alzheimer's Look Like For $300 Is "Holy Shit We Called It" For $400John, Aaron Flint and Zee raised this possibility 3 weeks ago, and Aaron highlighted this article yesterday. Monday evening, Insider revealed the identities of two individuals who have purchased Hunter’s artwork, including Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a Los Angeles-based real estate investor who is “influential in California Democratic circles and is a significant Democratic donor.” In the past year alone, Hirsh Naftali has reportedly given $29,700 to the Democratic National Campaign Committee…
Is AI Freeing Us or Trapping Us Part of our series Severed Conscience examines the use of AI to monitor our sentiments, as well as entrain responses into our psyche. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] Technology, while a great equalizer and an enabler, can mask issues that we avoid addressing by reducing pain and effort. The same technology that got us through COVID is causing us to avoid issues of erosion of relationships, to ignore skyrocketing cases of depression and suicide in children. Hello Caller, AI Is Listening There are many common sense considerations that are lost in the hype of AI as the savior of all things. Some of this is due to numerous terms that are used interchangeably which foster confusion, and as with much of the tech…
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream AI used for generating sexual images of children and yielding yourself up to Digital Identity. Elements of Severed Conscience on full display. [shared_counts] AI Is Being Used To Create Child Pornography are nearly 900,000 child predators in Britain alone.“We assess that the viewing of these images – whether real or AI-generated – materially increases the risk of offenders moving on to sexually abusing children themselves,” NCA Director General Graeme Biggar said in a recent report.The agency estimates there are up to 830,000 adults, or 1.6% of the adult population in the U.K. that pose some type of sexual danger against children.How long before the argument is made that since no child is being harmed, these are mere fantasy like video games? …
Show Notes: The Big Chair We are going back to 1983 and to the start of a revolution and to the genesis of what could have stopped Severed Conscience. If You Missed the LIVE Stream, It's Right Below 1980s had very iconic culture that supported the views of achievement, hard work, success and had a good understanding subtle irony. Quintin Tarantino claims it's the most boring era in film, but not if you understand that sometimes less is more. The Thing To Get To The Thing Chaos Theory and Fractals Not Common Knowledge Yet But Personal Computers Were About DISRUPTIONThe goal was to build something much different than IBM, Big Corp and even Apple. This disruption was to THINK for YOURSELF, build to make a difference. The…
Link To LIVE Stream Michigan AG aiding coup against Trump, some Tweets and Open Mic. [shared_counts] Spock's Wheels1964 Riv, photo take 1966. Check the windshield, see the eyebrows? Parallel Construction By Darth NesselThey same they are circling to ensnare Trump with J6 indictment that the Senate already acquitted Trump for, Michigan Sith Lord Dana Darth Nessel is mopping Trump co-conspirators.'s the issue - these were legally selected Electors. They announced they were meeting. And no election law violation is cited in the indictments. legal analysis:"Admittedly, I’m not familiar with the ins-and-outs of Michigan law, but under common law fraud and these facts, no one could possibly have been defrauded. Fraud requires an element of “reliance,” meaning someone must have relied on a defendant’s false representation. No reliance, no fraud.Uttering…
Our Children Lives Secret Lives Online. What Are They Really Connected To? This article is part of our Severed Conscience series, and is based on the research by Orangezipple1 and Kelly Trowhill LLMFT, MAFPc. By The Mighty HumanzeeContributors: OrangeZipple1 and Kelly Trowhill [shared_counts] There are guiding hands in our society that have remained on the periphery of public scrutiny, yet have been integral to shaping policy and have had access to public data for decades. Their names are not familiar, yet they have been working as influencers and illuminaries for the sciences and human behavior and have created policy for decades. The Tavistock Institute and its subsidiaries have been prevalent in the mental and social sciences since the 1920s, and have been at the forefront of research for the National…
By The Mighty Humanzee Link LIVE Stream The Earth is a big blue marble when you see it from up there. [shared_counts] Hey Kids, Remember This From Sunday Mornings? Space The Atmosphere Is Really Really Really Thin We're On FireThey merely use shades of red, then highlight in purple to show data is "off the charts". Our phones don't have scientific software like the Star Trek tricorder, it just displays what is transmitted to it. Look at the graphic with mostly red and orange. Orange = Warning. But look more closely. Orange is 17 C = 62 F. 23C in London = 73 F. In summer. When Rome occupied Britain they could grow grapes there. It was that much warmer. Kelly Has A Twin Brother Who Was Also In…