[shared_counts] On this edition of Behind Enemy Lines, we discuss that uneasy feeling we have regarding the converge of the FTX and sudden missile attack in Poland, timed just after the election steal of 2022. But to raise our sprits, John told us the tale of the Lion King
[shared_counts]In this first of two episodes Nancy Kemmler (@nakemler) and Lady Kelly (@bluewarrior27) join OZ Fest to discuss federally managed land, Indian Reservations and human trafficking, and how the environmental movement is closing off territory for use and allowing disease to encroach on our cattle supplies. Lady Kelly, who worked in law enforcement in South Dakota relays her experience with Child Protective Services, movement of children and drug trafficking. Nancy then gives a history of the elite attempting to control the development of our economy and society. Titles Recommend By Nancy Our Complete Recommendations …
To Overcome Election Fraud Dixon Needed Huge Margin The Democrats used absentee ballots to steal the Michigan 2022 Election, but they were also aided by the establishment Republican Party. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] While we knew that Gretchen Whitmer was evil incarnate - she ordered that we couldn’t’ worship, had to restrict numbers in our households and we couldn’t even plant gardens - it was hard to imagine that she and her sisters of the Trifecta would be re-elected. Brazen lawfare and misuse of Michigan offices of Secretary of State gave us disaster after disaster that should have made voting these tyrants out of office a real no brainer. But the MIGOP plan was to step back and let MAGA lose in order to discredit it. Amazingly Whitmer defeated Tudor…
The Mighty Humanzee Listen To Podcast Here Closing the chapter on election night, we decided to a post mortem. Notes and links are below. [shared_counts]After our Election Night Spaces Blue, John and I felt we needed to do a post mortem on all the developments, good, bad or otherwise. The Holy Shit We Called It Category John has been FAR out front predicting the evolution of the Ukrainian / Russian conflict. On previous podcasts he has relayed that the NDAA has been update to anticipate a conflict in Taiwan. Two front conflict, Pacific Theater and European Theater.https://twitter.com/pvtjokerus/status/1588970706045657088?s=20&t=NtlO3RMh-RpUqA2ZVWwb3ABased on our work in Rationed State, Orange and I have written a series of articles on how medical crisis is used to manipulate us. RSV is the new COVID, and wouldn’t you know,…
[shared_counts]In a follow up to our Election Night Spaces Live Broadcast, Zee, John and Blue do a post mortem on the 2022 Midterms, with a visit from our Chief Political Correspondent and a special rant from Zee.
Here we are again - the Biden Administration actively channeling another Crisis- From the Baby Formula shortage to now Amoxicillin- how low will they Go? By Orange [shared_counts]Here we are. Its November 2022- an Election Day in the USA but today instead of running to polls to cast our ballots- Parents are instead in panic mode. Why? Well on October 31st- the FDA came out with a Warning that the USA was enduring a supply chain shortage of Amoxicillin. Many parents know exactly what this antibiotic is. It's used in an array of sickness ranging from common Ear Infections to Bacterial Infections like bronchitis or phenomena. In an Article published by CBS which reported that one supplier claimed this as the theory to the "shortage"."The increased demand combined with several other…
[shared_counts] On this episode O and Zee are joined by Montana Talks Family member Nancy Kemmler from Round. Nancy relays her experience with Indian Reservations, the Bureau of Land Management, Federal Land Grab and the forces at work which drive ranchers and farmers off their land.
Karamos Is Accused of Racism When fighting for election integrity, racism is used every time the process and methods are questioned By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] Secretary of State candidate Kristina Karamos has filed a law suit against a Detroit city clerk over election fraud. This update relays how charges of racism have been leveled at Karamos. The Detroit Machine cannot allow citizens to question the lack of transparency. Machine validation of signatures, poll challengers in 2022 primary have been ignored. The lawsuit is merely asking that the election law statutes be followed. How that is construed as disenfranchisement of voters is beyond imaging. [shared_counts]
mRNA Vaccine Can Be A Silent Yet Sudden Killer A physician submits this tragic story of the death of 17 year old young man who he had identified as vaccine injured. This doctor wishes to remain anonymous to protect his license. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] There have been many changes in my professional life since I opened my general medicine practice. Since my specialty is trauma surgery, this is a throwback to my residency days. Every physician is certified in general medicine. We decided which speciality to pursue during our residency.I have not taken the “vaccine” for SARS-Cov2. I will not take the “vaccine” nor will I suggest or counsel a patient to take the “vaccine”.I followed several physicians, who have investigated harmful side effects due to taking the…
Judge Your Leaders on Their Past Actions Many ask “who do you want to pick up the phone at 3 AM in the morning during an emergency. But we can’t let that fear shape our decisions when we had a sample of crisis management during COVID. Special thanks to Orange (@orangezipple1) and Pam (@grammypam64gill) who contributed to this article. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts]https://twitter.com/minewssource/status/1588138930813079552?s=61&t=RYqJoA1Mj_mjvH6PIeFePwWith the election just days away, we have to ask ourselves if our leadership guided us or fooled us during COVID. We have a choice to remain in a sleep-like trance, ignoring the unconstitutional mandates that locked us in our homes and prevented us from travel, fishing, gardening issued by elected officials who acted like dictators. Will the same people behave differently in the next crisis, or…