Show Notes:  Over The River

Show Notes: Over The River

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. One town in American hugely influenced our winter holidays.  Two self educated women led the efforts to make Thanksgiving a prominent holiday.  From Medford to Bedford Falls, these are some fascinating origin stories. Over The River LyricsIn my mind Mark Twain would sound like this southern gentleman, so I created a narration of Over The River with his voice.LyricsOver the river and through the woods,To grandmother's house we go;The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh,Through (the) white and drifted snow!Over the river and through the woods,Oh, how the wind does blow!It stings the toes and bites the nose,As over the ground we go.Over the river and through the woods,To have a first-rate play;Oh, hear the bells ring, "Ting-a-ling-ling!"Hurrah for Thanksgiving…
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Show Notes:  AI Stuffing In Your Turkey

Show Notes: AI Stuffing In Your Turkey

Gun Grab, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream For a year we have warned that AI would become the new infallible source of judgement and expertise, not because it was a superior form of thinking, but because it was yet another mechanism to fool people into believing a source of authority. [shared_counts] Warned That AI Will Be Touted As The Next SaviorIn Severed Conscience, in Rationed State and many other podcasts we have described the bait and switch of AI, where AI will be offered as a superior solution based on higher accuracy yet it will be programmed to merely produce the result that is favored by those untouched by the consequence of their actions.  In  Artificially Intelligent  we wroteIn some case the A.I. application failed…
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Show Notes:  Tom Loves Becky

Show Notes: Tom Loves Becky

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. No book captures the American spirit better than The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  Mark Twain's satire depicts the strengths and weaknesses of the 1800s, something we need to learn from. Tom said to himself that it was not such a hollow world, after all. He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it -- namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer We have all, at one or another, been loved by A Tom or pursued a Becky,  Mark Twain depicts the courtship of Tom and Becky in such a way that easily conjours our…
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Show Notes:  Artificial Speech, Anticipatory Intelligence

Show Notes: Artificial Speech, Anticipatory Intelligence

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By OrangeZipple1 and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Platforms are here to devour your speech, no matter how egalitarian, libertarian the Selected Few may sound.  What is it that compels us to acknowledge the Selected Ones? [shared_counts] [shared_counts] Opening Day 1937A better more robust culture, it required more of you. Threaten Democracy By Questioning the Vote, But Also By Wanting Local Property RightsIn Michigan, law makers now say due process and the exercise of "democracy" delays the agenda.  They forget that they said democracy is what they protect when they reject people such as we who believe in Natural Law, the rule of law, and well, our state laws. was a consistent thread in the Michigan Senate Energy and Environment Committee meeting Tuesday: Democracy is too messy.…
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Show Notes:  Dear Father:  Postcards From Wright Patterson

Show Notes: Dear Father: Postcards From Wright Patterson

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. What do we pass on to our children, how do we teach them that it's the consistent, constant, quiet endurance that the true heroes, our veterans possessed that is to be honored? Armistice Day - Never AgainOriginally Armistice Day was a commemoration of the lost American military service during World War I, November 11th the day of the cease fire.  It wasn't until 1954, November 11th that it became a day to honor American Veterans of all wars.  It was to originally mark the great loss of World War I in hopes that such a conflict would never happen again. Captain Eddie RickenbackerWorld War One AceHe was originally turned down for enlistment for lack of education but was persistent, and on…
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Show Notes:  Kamala’s Blue Screen of Death and Severed Conscience

Show Notes: Kamala’s Blue Screen of Death and Severed Conscience

Darth Nessel, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream It is fitting that the week we premiere Severed Conscience - Conclusion, Kamala Harris returns from London where she talks about the threat of AI and a digital bill of rights. [shared_counts] Severed Conscience - Conclusion AvailableThe fifth and final installment of our documentary is now available.  Our work forms the foundation of master class in social media manipulation as well as ways to mitigate the adverse effects of Big Tech’s platforms on your liberty. Darth Nessel's Diversity LessonBy Michigan Law, we are required to conduct diversity lessons to ensure the equity and safety of our fellow Michiganders. Here's a great example, where Darth schools Talib.Kamala’s Speech in London, AI Must Be Made EquitableAI is the new front for stealing…
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Show Notes:  Brave New World, Butterflies and Big Mistakes

Show Notes: Brave New World, Butterflies and Big Mistakes

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The release of a new song from the Beatles using AI to enhance old material and blending it with current performances is a bitter sweet wonder.  We need to preserve the past, to protect it so we can continue to learn. Mind Altering Drug CultureThe Beatles were a product of their era, and experimented with LSD.  Many consider LSD to be an organic evolution of culture, but LSD as a mechanism of control was a subject research by the US government, The Tavistock Institute and the Frankfurt School since the 1950s.  The promise of the 1960s drug culture was build a new society by dropping out of the confines of traditional culture, expand your mind and seek new insights.  A chemically induced…
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Show Notes:  Gretch’s Population Telethon Or Michigan Ain’t So Horrific

Show Notes: Gretch’s Population Telethon Or Michigan Ain’t So Horrific

MEDC, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange And The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Buh buh buh we were told we had the best response to COVID, we had the best economy.  Why do we need a department and commission dedicated to repopulating our state, can't the MEDC do that? [shared_counts] Little Bit Of Rationed State For Your HolidaysWe projected we would hear more food production issues, wished we were wrong.  Rationed State last year got us focused on that issue.Rationed State, Rationed FormulaRationed Beef: Meat Is Off The Menu children in North Carolina were found to have high levels of lead in their blood linked to the puree products, health officials said. State health officials analysed multiple lots of the product and detected "extremely high" concentrations of lead. The FDA confirmed…
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Show Notes:  Shining Simulacrums

Show Notes: Shining Simulacrums

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. The allegories of the Shining and imagery of mirrors, the shadow world, and ghostly personas tell us more about our perceptions than about things going bump in the the night.   What does it tell us about Severed Conscience? Mirrors Are the Window Into The Soul, What Side is Looking In and What Looks Back At Us?The movie The Shining makes use of many metaphors to tell a terrifying tale, and Stanley Kubrick's eye for depicting the uncanny with jarring images has made the movie the source of much conjecture.  How is that such terror can be invoked with such mundane elements as color, patterns in carpets, the use of light?  Individually we can all cite elements that scare us, whether…
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Show Notes:  Darth Nessel And Sand Piper

Show Notes: Darth Nessel And Sand Piper

Darth Nessel, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orangezipple1 and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream We don’t want to do this, but we HAVE to talk about Michigan’s walking genital wort Darth Nessel, again.   New scandal.  Yes, new. [shared_counts] No Matter How Much The State Tries To Steal From Your Community, Your Power Is Local Too many American students are far too limited by the current education ‘system’ that assigns them to a school building based solely on where they live. That means their family income largely dictates their education options. But the freedom to choose the right education should not only be for the rich, powerful and connected. All students should have the freedom to pursue an education that develops their talents, unleashes their unique potential and prepares them for a successful…
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