The Rationed State

The Rationed State

Rationed State
Original Document “The richness of life lies in the memories we have forgotten.” -Cesare Pavese By Orange [shared_counts] In May 1942, starting with sugar- The United States Government began rationing items. Coffee was added to the list that November, followed by meats, fats, cheese, and canned milk. America was at War.  Victory Gardens were an overnight sensation, American Families plotted out ways to secure themselves thru the change that lived into 1947. Once items were placed onto the OPA list- it would cause a ripple effect- demanding a trip to the store and shortages to begin. SPAM became a popular fix as well as one of the most common meats sold and sent overseas to feed soldiers on the frontlines. Macaroni & Cheese became a household name & item in homes across…
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OZ Fest:  Elon

OZ Fest: Elon

OZ Fest Podcast
[shared_counts]In this impromptu conversation, O and Zee speculate on what Elon’s Musk’s intentions are now that he has acquired Twitter.  Examining statements from his past, as well as comparing his career to other technocrats in Big Tech, O and Zee express their skepticism that he is the savior of the Twitter social media platform.  He may be powerless to implement the changes for freedom he claims he wants, or he may indeed just be a distraction and nothing changes.
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Great Reset Wolves In Community Of Care Clothing

Great Reset Wolves In Community Of Care Clothing

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Bait and Switch By People Who Want to Depopulate The Planet Canada thought that health care experts would create a better system, but they turned to a group backed buy depopulation obsessed foundations like the Rockefeller, Ford and Bill and Melinda Gates.  Disaster was the result. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] Collective Impact works to change population. documentary Rationed State started when Orange sent me a Power Point presentation from the Canadian health care system along with the news that there was a Baby Tylenol shortage in Canada.  Since the US was still having persistent problems with baby formula production and families were in a panic with no formula on the shelves, my instincts were already on alert level.  “Community of Care” is what got Canada in trouble Zee,” my…
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Rationed Beef:  Meat Is Off The Menu

Rationed Beef: Meat Is Off The Menu

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Plato's Republic: The Elite Do Not Want You Well Fed Why are the elite so focused on our diet.  Looking to history we see they are not the first utopians to be so obsessed with what the masses ate.Part of our Rationed State documentary. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The climate change crowd will tell you that in order to save the planet from being blanketed by CO2 from cow farts, we must stop eating meat.  But you must realize that this fixation is merely a cover for another aim:  the elite want you malnourished and unable to think.  The Great Erasure crowd is not the first to be obsessed with the consumption of meat.  In a sense you could say that the first Utopian was Plato, and in his…
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OZ Fest:  Rationed State Part 3 – Behind The Curtain

OZ Fest: Rationed State Part 3 – Behind The Curtain

OZ Fest Podcast
[shared_counts]Our final part of Rationed State.  In Part 3:  Behind the Curtain, Orange and I will show you the evil behind the architects of the Great Reset and why this movement based on sustainable care and rationing is truly the Great Erasure.  Yes, they want to turn off society, erase populations.  It’s in their very own chilling words that we will show you the WEF’s true colors.  Looking For More Reading? Our Complete Recommendations …
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1-2-3-4-5-6-7, All Good Children Go To Heaven

1-2-3-4-5-6-7, All Good Children Go To Heaven

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
CDC Including mRNA in MMR Schedule Is Just The Start of Following The Science You never give my your moneyyou only give me your funny paperand in the middle of negations you break down.Lennon / McCartneyYou’ll want to listen to the song before reading.  Listen Here By The Mighty Humanzee, Research by @GrammyPam64GILL [shared_counts] I love Tucker- But this has absolutely not a damn thing to do with Medical Care.. We are entering into a Society that is bent on Science. Thank Covid✅️Thank Your Governor✅️Thank your Neighbor ✅️ An this Doctor is blinding you- The Q-Why are we Injecting the Healthy?— Orange🇺🇸 (@Orangezipple1) October 19, 2022 Rationed State has looked at food production, medicine, and propaganda and how all are used to promote a more sinister end than what…
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No Alaskan Crab For Thee, Just the CCP

No Alaskan Crab For Thee, Just the CCP

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Has China Or Climate Change Impacted Alaska's Snow Crab Population? China is the model technocracy,  you will hear the proponents of the Great Reset sing its praise.  Rarely do you hear it's impact on climate.  Part of our Rationed State Series. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] In our documentary Rationed State we focus on the vulnerabilities of our food production systems, as we believe have demonstrated that there is a concerted effort to force restrictive measures on on society in order to enact the Great Reset, or what we more appropriately call it the Great Erasure.  The pattern is to identify a weakness, hype the weakness, offer false choices or solutions, then advance an agenda with adverse effects contrary to our interests and our inherent individual rights.  We have reported…
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COVID Response and Domestic Violence Previews Technocrats Attack on Individualism

COVID Response and Domestic Violence Previews Technocrats Attack on Individualism

Articles, Michigan, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
The Experts Response To Health Crisis is a Preview Our health experts response to the COVID crisis and the outright attack on individual rights resulted in many avoidable tragedies.  Domestic violence and suicide skyrocketed as we all sacrificed for the common good.   Part of our Rationed State series. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The article The Perfect Storm: How domestic violence escalated during COVID-19 is where we learn the tragic story of Michelle Dorsey of L.A County who was murdered by he estranged husband in a domestic dispute.  A mother of three, Michelle filed for and received a restraining order against her husband.  Michelle was a victim of domestic violence which had great escalated burin during the COVID lock downs issue by California Governor Gavin Newsome.  This article is ironically titled…
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OZ Fest:  Great Lakes Part Two

OZ Fest: Great Lakes Part Two

OZ Fest, OZ Fest Podcast
[shared_counts] In Part Two of our Great Lakes focus, we are joined again by Kelly Trowhill, former Harbor Master of Port Sanilac Michigan. We continue our discussion her experiences in law enforcement and her work with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environment Equality, and dive in to the good, the bad, and the ugly related to the continued march of our state's bureaucracies' march to great regulation. What does a policy of Rewilding mean for the state, and we have greater access to our natural resources, or will we be sharply curtailed in our use? And what how these policies shift population centers in the state. A fascinating episode for Michiganders and those who care about the future of the Great Lakes State.
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The Substitute

The Substitute

Articles, By Orange, Rationed State
Who is to Blame? The W.H.O places Red Tape on some children's cough syrup over questionable ingredients but who is to blame for it? By Orange [shared_counts] The World Health Organization issued a Red Alert about a series of Childrens Cough Syrup within the First week of October. Many people more than likely overlooked this and well let's be honest- Donald Trump made it pretty exciting to a degree when he shot the WHO down and told them to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. But now We have the Biden Administration, and we are starting to see a pattern on a Global scale just exactly what the results are of halting the World as a whole during a suggestive Pandemic.  This story broke in Gambia - an only because…
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