Show Notes:  Herne

Show Notes: Herne

OZ Fest, Show Notes Second American RevolutionThe Post Office where I grew up had a very interesting, eerie, spooky mural.  I hail from Delaware County, which lies in the Catskills of upstate NY.  What see below is a mural by Mary Earley, who was commissioned by the federal government. land was rented to tenant farmers who paid their debts with crops and other capital. In this semi-feudal but legal arrangement, a few privileged families controlled more than 2 million acres of land from Albany to Delaware Counties, as well as the lives of about 300,000 people.Feudalism was declared illegal in New York State in 1782, but the practice continued. After the War for Independence, many farmers found themselves still beholden to these old aristocracies. The farmer paid all taxes, while the landowners paid…
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Show Notes:  Hero Worship

Show Notes: Hero Worship

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Controlled Environment has many who pose as heroes, but just lure you back into the prison of the mind. [shared_counts] Don't Blink.  Why?  Because Things Happen When You're Not Paying Attention Let's Make Search Safe AgainWe have seen numerous examples of how AI needs to be made safe.  Elon says we need a "TruthGPT" that will ensure all statements have a high validity factor.  The Biden administration has created a new department that will oversee the use of AI to ensure there are no racial overtones in AI research, that equity is delivered. used in hiring and credit decisions have been found to reflect and reproduce existing unwanted inequities or embed new harmful bias and discrimination. Unchecked social media…
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Show Notes:  Controlled Environment

Show Notes: Controlled Environment

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange and The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream We were lead to believe that the 15 MInute City was the prison, yet they constructed a 15 Second Prison of the Mind. [shared_counts] Severed Conscience Thus Far is "Controlled Environment"?Controlled Environment is the ultimate goal of those who wield Severed Conscience as imposed by AI and social media.  Is more than the lockdowns, it is more than the dystopic vision of the 15 Minute Cities.  It is the ability to place people in self imposed, confined of existence and breed the instinct to venture out the open gates from our being.  It's the antithesis of Natural Law.Aldus Huxley, author of the dystopian novel A Brave New World, summed up the theory succinctly.  “A really efficient totalitarian state would be…
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Show Notes:  No More Eclectic Dialectic

Show Notes: No More Eclectic Dialectic

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Reach a consensus, reach across the aisle, compromise.  Those phrases are shades of the Hegelian Dialectic, a Marxist technique that erodes adherence to our principles.This type of headline is so common today we come to expect as normal thinking.  It's not.  It's a method of control, the Hegelian Dialectic at work.We have discussed on many occasions our heritage of Natural Law, or what O describes as a bridge out of darkness to a better existence, a better fulfillment of human destiny in a grander plan.  While some say America is the culmination of Western civilization, it can be argued that much of the concept of liberty, civil law and rights is amalgamation of British society, with the influence of Iroquois Nation and…
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Show Notes:  Artificial Awareness

Show Notes: Artificial Awareness

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream The utter nonsense of sentient AI and Transhumanism cannot be understated.  But that makes it even more of a threat. [shared_counts] The Premise:  Turn Your Life Over To A More Intelligent Way Of Thinking What is behind getting us to accept technology as our master?  When we cede responsibility over to automation and become less human, or we allow our abilities as humans to be stunted.  Yet there is a huge push in our culture to accept the superiority of AI Transhumanism as our ultimate masters.  For know, articles like seek to acclimate us to robotics and Artificial Intelligence by attempting to convince us that software and machines can possess consciousness, that is can sentient and self aware.  If these machines…
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Show Notes:  Cromwell

Show Notes: Cromwell

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
You can listen to the LIVE stream here. Fall is harvest time, and thoughts of the Pilgrams and Puritans come to mind.  Wait - they weren't the same thing?The Puritans are a part of the fabric of our history.  Many equate the values of founding with the values of Puritanism.  This is incorrect, as we shall see.Cromwell And The First Republic in EnglandAmerica was not the first republic established by British leaders.  After Elizabeth the First died, the Stewarts established a foot hold on the British monarchy, unifying Scotland and England when James the 6th became king, his new title being James the 1st.  At the time strife between Catholics, Protestants, and the Anglican church were marked with torture and death, with each ruler forcing their subjects to reject the…
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Show Notes:  Natural Law, The WHO and Sleeping Bears OH MY!

Show Notes: Natural Law, The WHO and Sleeping Bears OH MY!

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By Orange And The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream We have thinly disguised globalism being ushered in with amazing degrees of corruption.  Kansas is just a speck in the rear view mirror Toto. [shared_counts] Natural Law Is A Sticking Point For Many Natural Law, the concept that the Creator has vested without qualities and rights that are irrevocable by his fellow man.  These facets, the right to speech, freedom of movement, the right to protect himself and his property are self evident, and they transcend any laws made by man.  These concept preceded the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  Those documents stated that our inalienable rights shall be protected from all forms of government.   To the left, who suffer from post modernist thinking where there are…
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Show Notes:  Summer’s Going Fast, Nights Getting Colder

Show Notes: Summer’s Going Fast, Nights Getting Colder

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes, Sunday Nights Radio
Show Notes: Summer's Going Fast, Nights Growing Colder Summer draws to a close, and we should be proud of what we harvest.A Special ThanksTonight is the last episode of Summer Nights Radio for the Summer of 2023.  Summer Nights Radio was born out of a conversation, I thought it would be just a few special episodes that would showcase Severed Conscience and then would end.  But each week seeing people return regularly for my ravings, my mental leaps with six degrees of separation, hearing how you enjoyed my adventures in upstate NY and in northern Michigan and sharing music with everyone really was special for me.  I am so grateful to you for carving time on your Sunday evenings.Sadly summer is coming to a close, and so must Summer Nights…
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Show Notes:  Controlled Environment, Gun Control and AI

Show Notes: Controlled Environment, Gun Control and AI

Architecture, Gun Grab, Michigan, OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to LIVE Stream Socialism is the genesis of Severed Conscience, it is about creating a controlled environment where you have no voice nor free will.  You can forget 2nd Amendment rights as well. [shared_counts] Ronald Reagan Warned Us That Health Care Was the Socialists Trojan Horse Reagan lays out the slow loss of freedom by centralizing authority for health care, giving power and justification for a regimenting lives while eliminating the individuals right to bodily autonomy.  While private insurance still exists in the United States, the health care and pharmaceutical industries have formed a cabal with the CDC and FDA.  COVDI demonstrated how the entire nation could be quickly subjected to the perceived authority of the CDC.  Economic lockdowns are unconstitutional, yet we allowed…
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Show Notes:  What Is My Name

Show Notes: What Is My Name

OZ Fest Podcast, Show Notes
Show Notes: Say My Name Little did Zee know that the creators of the X-Files would influence the direction and creator of Breaking Bad.  The parallels are pretty amazing. The Truth is Out ThereThe X-Files, at it's core, is about paranoia, manipulation, science used to torture and exploit humanity, and the quest of a small group to expose the truth.  Watching this series after COVID and revelations of Deep State activity against a sitting president, against private citizens, and the federal government continual cover ups leaves you wondering if there was a higher degree of truth in the fictional series.  The Truth is not only out there, it was in the series itself.  While there were very eerie and disturbing creatures on this series, the real monsters were those hidden…
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