
I haven’t the Luxury of Principle- I’m a Parent.

I haven’t the Luxury of Principle- I’m a Parent.

Articles, By Orange, Michigan
Unlocking Proposal 3 thru Benjamin Martin  [shared_counts] The Patriot is probably one of Many favorites to watch.. A story about a man Named Benjamin Martin who led a small Milita just prior to the American Revolution but it wasn't about his fight in battle or wars prior. Instead, the Language in this scene below is going to give you a different take on where we will go and how this contributes even more today than it did Prior to a Nation called, America.  By Orange If your principles dictate independence...then war is inevitable. Michigan's Proposal 3 in this upcoming ballot measure isn't just well disguised but is very broad and like I said prior, with purpose. Many in the State have pointed at this in Question because as you will…
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Rationed Beef:  Meat Is Off The Menu

Rationed Beef: Meat Is Off The Menu

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Plato's Republic: The Elite Do Not Want You Well Fed Why are the elite so focused on our diet.  Looking to history we see they are not the first utopians to be so obsessed with what the masses ate.Part of our Rationed State documentary. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The climate change crowd will tell you that in order to save the planet from being blanketed by CO2 from cow farts, we must stop eating meat.  But you must realize that this fixation is merely a cover for another aim:  the elite want you malnourished and unable to think.  The Great Erasure crowd is not the first to be obsessed with the consumption of meat.  In a sense you could say that the first Utopian was Plato, and in his…
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OZ Fest:  Rationed State Part 3 – Behind The Curtain

OZ Fest: Rationed State Part 3 – Behind The Curtain

OZ Fest Podcast
[shared_counts]Our final part of Rationed State.  In Part 3:  Behind the Curtain, Orange and I will show you the evil behind the architects of the Great Reset and why this movement based on sustainable care and rationing is truly the Great Erasure.  Yes, they want to turn off society, erase populations.  It’s in their very own chilling words that we will show you the WEF’s true colors.  Looking For More Reading? Our Complete Recommendations …
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BEL Loves Giorgia Meloni

BEL Loves Giorgia Meloni

Articles, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Strong Leadership Rises To The Top We’ve expressed our admiration for Italian PM Giorgio Meloni. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] Go Italy! — SeaweedTea Drinker (@BlondieAtlanta) October 22, 2022 John, Blue and I cheered when we heard that Giorgia Meloni was elected Prime Minister of Italy.  Not only does she deliver fiery speeches that have clear strong ring of clarity, she represents several chinks in the armor of the push for the Great Reset as it rushes desperately to accomplish it’s plan in the European Union.  Other states such as Hungary are not buying into the scheme of this transformation, rejecting the mass migration wave that is supported by NGO’s sympathetic to reshaping Europe. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I will admit I was struck by this thought…
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1-2-3-4-5-6-7, All Good Children Go To Heaven

1-2-3-4-5-6-7, All Good Children Go To Heaven

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
CDC Including mRNA in MMR Schedule Is Just The Start of Following The Science You never give my your moneyyou only give me your funny paperand in the middle of negations you break down.Lennon / McCartneyYou’ll want to listen to the song before reading.  Listen Here By The Mighty Humanzee, Research by @GrammyPam64GILL [shared_counts] I love Tucker- But this has absolutely not a damn thing to do with Medical Care.. We are entering into a Society that is bent on Science. Thank Covid✅️Thank Your Governor✅️Thank your Neighbor ✅️ An this Doctor is blinding you- The Q-Why are we Injecting the Healthy?— Orange🇺🇸 (@Orangezipple1) October 19, 2022 Rationed State has looked at food production, medicine, and propaganda and how all are used to promote a more sinister end than what…
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No Alaskan Crab For Thee, Just the CCP

No Alaskan Crab For Thee, Just the CCP

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Has China Or Climate Change Impacted Alaska's Snow Crab Population? China is the model technocracy,  you will hear the proponents of the Great Reset sing its praise.  Rarely do you hear it's impact on climate.  Part of our Rationed State Series. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] In our documentary Rationed State we focus on the vulnerabilities of our food production systems, as we believe have demonstrated that there is a concerted effort to force restrictive measures on on society in order to enact the Great Reset, or what we more appropriately call it the Great Erasure.  The pattern is to identify a weakness, hype the weakness, offer false choices or solutions, then advance an agenda with adverse effects contrary to our interests and our inherent individual rights.  We have reported…
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To BE or Not for Thee…

To BE or Not for Thee…

Articles, By Orange, Michigan
What is Proposal 3? How sure are we to believe that our Own Government has our best interest and the interest of the Future at Heart, when they reject a Beating one in a Living Body? By Orange [shared_counts]First and foremost, Who is leading the support on Proposal 3? You will see below, I included the Leaders as well Who is pouring dollar after dollar into this suggestive so called "Freedom". The current President himself, who claims to be a devout Self-Professed Catholic, is informing the Youth of America that Abortion is a Fundamental Right but is it really?  The Millions of University youth across America today are pumped full of this upchuck and end up being one of the largest foot soldiers to these Policy changes. Thanks to Individuals like…
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COVID Response and Domestic Violence Previews Technocrats Attack on Individualism

COVID Response and Domestic Violence Previews Technocrats Attack on Individualism

Articles, Michigan, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
The Experts Response To Health Crisis is a Preview Our health experts response to the COVID crisis and the outright attack on individual rights resulted in many avoidable tragedies.  Domestic violence and suicide skyrocketed as we all sacrificed for the common good.   Part of our Rationed State series. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The article The Perfect Storm: How domestic violence escalated during COVID-19 is where we learn the tragic story of Michelle Dorsey of L.A County who was murdered by he estranged husband in a domestic dispute.  A mother of three, Michelle filed for and received a restraining order against her husband.  Michelle was a victim of domestic violence which had great escalated burin during the COVID lock downs issue by California Governor Gavin Newsome.  This article is ironically titled…
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Show Notes:  BEL Episode #14

Show Notes: BEL Episode #14

Show Notes
By The Mighty Humanzee Link Back to Behind Enemy Lines Ep. 14 This episode had a heavy focus on the Ukrainian conflict, as actions such as Ad ending the NDAA and releasing more oil from the SRP make the situation seem dire. [shared_counts] Ukraine - One Third power stations destroyed “Ukraine's second largest city of Kharkiv, which sits near the Russian border, was also hit in a major attack on its energy infrastructure. This has threatened the power grid in a city with a pre-war population of nearly 1.5 million. Reuters has called it a "deliberate campaign to destroy electricity and water facilities before winter." Zero Hedge Article Zelensky Tweet claiming 30% power states destroyed by October 10. Another kind of Russian terrorist attacks: targeting 🇺🇦 energy & critical infrastructure.…
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Episode #14:  Those Ukraine Girls

Episode #14: Those Ukraine Girls

Behind Enemy Lines
[shared_counts]On this episode, Zee describes how he was blocked by Michigan Attorney General Dana “Darth” Nessel, and introduces the new Chief Political Correspondent for Behind Enemy Lines, Bill Clinton.  John, Blue and Zee continue their focus on the escalating situation in Ukraine, including new moves by the federal government to escalate activity in anticipation of a conflict over Taiwan. Our Show Notes are here.
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