Rationed Beef:  Meat Is Off The Menu

Rationed Beef: Meat Is Off The Menu

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Plato's Republic: The Elite Do Not Want You Well Fed Why are the elite so focused on our diet.  Looking to history we see they are not the first utopians to be so obsessed with what the masses ate.Part of our Rationed State documentary. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The climate change crowd will tell you that in order to save the planet from being blanketed by CO2 from cow farts, we must stop eating meat.  But you must realize that this fixation is merely a cover for another aim:  the elite want you malnourished and unable to think.  The Great Erasure crowd is not the first to be obsessed with the consumption of meat.  In a sense you could say that the first Utopian was Plato, and in his…
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BEL Loves Giorgia Meloni

BEL Loves Giorgia Meloni

Articles, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Strong Leadership Rises To The Top We’ve expressed our admiration for Italian PM Giorgio Meloni. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] Go Italy! https://t.co/dqz08EUhKD — SeaweedTea Drinker (@BlondieAtlanta) October 22, 2022 John, Blue and I cheered when we heard that Giorgia Meloni was elected Prime Minister of Italy.  Not only does she deliver fiery speeches that have clear strong ring of clarity, she represents several chinks in the armor of the push for the Great Reset as it rushes desperately to accomplish it’s plan in the European Union.  Other states such as Hungary are not buying into the scheme of this transformation, rejecting the mass migration wave that is supported by NGO’s sympathetic to reshaping Europe. At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I will admit I was struck by this thought…
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1-2-3-4-5-6-7, All Good Children Go To Heaven

1-2-3-4-5-6-7, All Good Children Go To Heaven

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
CDC Including mRNA in MMR Schedule Is Just The Start of Following The Science You never give my your moneyyou only give me your funny paperand in the middle of negations you break down.Lennon / McCartneyYou’ll want to listen to the song before reading.  Listen Here By The Mighty Humanzee, Research by @GrammyPam64GILL [shared_counts] I love Tucker- But this has absolutely not a damn thing to do with Medical Care.. We are entering into a Society that is bent on Science. Thank Covid✅️Thank Your Governor✅️Thank your Neighbor ✅️ An this Doctor is blinding you- The Q-Why are we Injecting the Healthy? https://t.co/3AcP3yLbWl— Orange🇺🇸 (@Orangezipple1) October 19, 2022 Rationed State has looked at food production, medicine, and propaganda and how all are used to promote a more sinister end than what…
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No Alaskan Crab For Thee, Just the CCP

No Alaskan Crab For Thee, Just the CCP

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Has China Or Climate Change Impacted Alaska's Snow Crab Population? China is the model technocracy,  you will hear the proponents of the Great Reset sing its praise.  Rarely do you hear it's impact on climate.  Part of our Rationed State Series. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] In our documentary Rationed State we focus on the vulnerabilities of our food production systems, as we believe have demonstrated that there is a concerted effort to force restrictive measures on on society in order to enact the Great Reset, or what we more appropriately call it the Great Erasure.  The pattern is to identify a weakness, hype the weakness, offer false choices or solutions, then advance an agenda with adverse effects contrary to our interests and our inherent individual rights.  We have reported…
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COVID Response and Domestic Violence Previews Technocrats Attack on Individualism

COVID Response and Domestic Violence Previews Technocrats Attack on Individualism

Articles, Michigan, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
The Experts Response To Health Crisis is a Preview Our health experts response to the COVID crisis and the outright attack on individual rights resulted in many avoidable tragedies.  Domestic violence and suicide skyrocketed as we all sacrificed for the common good.   Part of our Rationed State series. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] The article The Perfect Storm: How domestic violence escalated during COVID-19 is where we learn the tragic story of Michelle Dorsey of L.A County who was murdered by he estranged husband in a domestic dispute.  A mother of three, Michelle filed for and received a restraining order against her husband.  Michelle was a victim of domestic violence which had great escalated burin during the COVID lock downs issue by California Governor Gavin Newsome.  This article is ironically titled…
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Register Your Victory Garden

Register Your Victory Garden

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Turning Off Food Manufacturing Is Patriotic The federal government wants you to register your gardening activity.   This article is part of our Rationed State series, Part One and Part Two are here. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts]https://youtu.be/AeWzB6qFiiABefore you read this article, watch the video.  It sets up the rest of the theme that we’ll discuss.  I’ll wait patiently …You might be thinking “this is the modern day version of those WW2 videos that you and Orange discussed”.  And you’d be correct, similar they are. Yes, there are the modern elements here such as urban gardening, “growing communities” and diversity.  How they work in diversity I don’t know but that’s in there.  But as we have said, they are invoking patriotism to distract you, to lure you into thinking that all…
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These Aren’t the Humanoids We’re Looking For

These Aren’t the Humanoids We’re Looking For

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Meet Great Reset Architect Yuval Noah Harari History is full of maniacs who have written manifestos that in hindsight shockingly revealed the horrific intent of the author.  The Great Reset is not the exception, it’s’ the rule.This article is part of the documentary series Rationed State, Part One - Victory Gardens and Part Two - Rationing.   By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] When they turn the pages of historyWhen these days have passed long agoWill they read of us with sadnessFor the seeds that we let grow?A Farewell to Kings, Neil Peart.  In our documentary series Rationed State we reviewed the public comments made by members of the WEF who alarmingly concede that while it is imperative that we reduce our population they hope that this reduction can occur peacefully.  Many…
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The Bait and Switch of The China Miracle

The Bait and Switch of The China Miracle

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
The 21st Century Will Belong to China, Demographics is Destiny This article is part of our documentary series Rationed State.  Rationed State Part 2 - Rationing is available here.  By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts]Watch the video, it is central to this discussion. “The World IsFlat” by Tom Friedman extolled the virtues of a global economy, and it became the de facto talking points for liberal intelligentsia to declare “Demographics is destiny, China will own the 21st Century”.  This best destiny described by Tom Friedman and Paul Krugman of the New York Times has become so ingrained in our business strategies we became convinced that this prognostication was indeed an accurate forecast as we sent manufacturing off shore. https://youtu.be/XopSDJq6w8EADV China offers a well balanced look at China.  Watch this video, it…
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More Listeria Hysteria?

More Listeria Hysteria?

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Why Do We Constantly See Listeria Outbreaks? For the second week in a row we see an announcement concerning our food supply.  In Rationed State Part 2 - Rationing, we noted that Canada and the US has had issues with food supply stemming from contamination.  But shortages result none the less, and panic is becoming common.  By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] For the second time in two weeks we learn that listeria has been spotted in our food supply, this time in cheese.  As reported by the Sun the Old Europe Cheese Inc, based in Michigan, has issued a voluntary recall of 25 of its products.   Listeria is a bacterial disease that affects the elderly and those with compromised immune symptoms.  It’s important to note that healthy people are…
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Where’s The Beef, Where’s The Sustainability?

Where’s The Beef, Where’s The Sustainability?

Articles, Rationed State, The Mighty Humanzee Speaks
Those Who Tell Us We Need to Re-engineer Food Production Allow Disaster To Fester The summer of 2022 was filled with stories of fires at meat packing plants and large cattle die off.  Now we hear that there is a recall similar to the baby formula recall that plagued this spring.  Our series Rationed State looks at how the promise of “Sustainable” systems is undermined by another terrible reality. By The Mighty Humanzee [shared_counts] -Listeria monocytogenes consumption may lead to a serious infection that primarily affects the elderly, individuals with weakened immune systems, pregnant women and newborns- https://t.co/vFaDBSofJv— Orange🇺🇸 (@Orangezipple1) September 26, 2022 Today we are all specialists.  Our society, we are taught, functions because of a division of labor, and it is crucial that people choose professions, technical trades,…
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